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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Graduates of this 2 week program are eligible for an upcoming CPR, First Aid, AED class. I’m trying to see if I can do that one next to update my CPR status/expand my knowledge. I will receive a stipend next Friday and another one later for tue current course. That will help with some of my recent expenses. Being tardy, leaving early, missing assignments, being absent affect your standing in the class and the stipend amount. I want to ask about their other programs. I don’t think the website lists them all.
  2. Boots are not mandatory right now because the class only meets a few times but this goth happens to own steel toe docs 😆
  3. I put some of my normal job stuff to the side so I could focus on class. I maxed out the number of hours you can be on the OSHA coursework yesterday and got to my goal. Then today after forklift training I got two more sections done before picking up dd from school. Two sections left and then the test. I got my forklift certification today and it's valid for 3 years (certain types of forklifts). I definitely need more practice, but we all took turns operating it. Next week power tools and build project.
  4. The system had my paperwork scanned in showing my babysitting earnings but they didn’t file the schedule C. It was all messed up. Venmo and PayPal had announcements a year or so back that they would check for over $600 in accounts. PayPal owns venmo or vice versa. So I just wanted to nip it in the bud.
  5. And before anyone asks, people didn’t ever have cash for babysitting and I had a series of transactions in venmo/PayPal I didn’t want to risk being flagged for. I don’t know on venmo if they paid as friends or not (don’t know if that’s even a thing on venmo) but I made over $600 in 2022 from my services.
  6. Xh always did them with his dad using Turbo Tax. I never felt confident about doing my own taxes and paid someone. Mine were complicated because I totaled up babysitting/dog sitting and they were supposed to file a Schedule C for that but the first woman didn’t do it right. I noticed the figures looked wrong and investigated it. I’ll never bother babysitting again if I don’t file myself because they said the standard fee is $400 with self employment (even if you aren’t an LLC). I did not end up paying that as a fee and when I get it amended they will just tell me how much of my refund goes back to the IRS. Paperwork is my Achilles heel. I loathe it and second guess everything. That’s why I paid someone to deal with it but unfortunately that didn’t make things easy. I know who to go to next tax season if I move here. And I won’t bother babysitting.
  7. That’s kinda what I started doing. Less notes/less often. You can take it I think 3x? Sometimes I mute the narrator to read the content faster. There are many short videos and I tried increasing playback speed but it doesn’t save the setting from one video to the next. I have no idea why they say it’s a 10 hr course! I think we were told the fastest student they had completed it in 14?
  8. So the OSHA 10 is advertised as a 10 hr course but we’ve been told it’s realistically more like 15-20 hrs. I’ve only finished a couple sections and I feel like I’m slow. Mind you, we were told to take notes for the exam. It takes me at least an hour per section… 15 sections to be done within the next few days and I have a job and one day we’ll be in class doing other stuff. So how can I catch up? Ugh this is stressful. I’m on section 3! And I have a deadline at work this week. Tax place said different franchise. To fix it without an amendment fee I must go to original franchise. Wait til after I receive refund check. I will owe some more money to the IRS but not more service fees.
  9. Orientation was today. We didn’t use any tools yet. They sent us home with Chromebooks and a bunch of reading material on them. My taxes seemed fishy. I had someone else from the company look at them and she thought they looked wrong, too. So now I’m going to an office tomorrow for an amendment (the kiosk told me to). They will probably take more money from my refund. I’ll see if there’s any way to discount my service fee for this headache. My car is acting up but it’s a common problem and hopefully will be resolved soon. Dropped it off at the auto shop by my dad’s house. Hope it’s not too expensive. Feeling slightly discouraged. With the moving options, job options, taxes & car crap.
  10. Unless something drastic changes, we do plan to go to court. Just don’t think negotiating will get far and want him to have to prove his claims. The earliest date is July but I guess I’ll just focus on my job hunt/rental prospects in the meantime. I finally filed my taxes. I’ll get money back which I’ll use toward my security deposit. I found a place I can afford NOW but the 2 bedroom I saw advertised was preleased. I’m now on a waiting list. I got friends and family to confirm it appears to be safe/decent. A friend knows someone that lives there. I’m a bit miffed over a recent $400 mammogram fee… they insisted on 2 visits. Then said you’re ok but come back every 6 months for the next 2 years. Ummm no. I get preventative care but they’re insane. Ins won’t cover that, it’s painful, and my b00ks are pamphlets so I’ll look at them myself.
  11. His reasoning was since I currently lose 2 Thursdays (the weeks I don’t drive down) that he’ll offer me 2 Wednesdays to connect to my weekend visits — Wed-Sun would be my visits. But what childcare place is gonna reasonably charge me for 4 days a month? I couldn’t rely on my dad to watch dd every Wed & Thursday if I’m working til 5 or so. I get there’s no perfect solution. But I won’t budge this easily either. The podiatrist office said yes I can just come in to buy new ones w/o an appt. So I’ll update my insoles before my construction class.
  12. Got a response. He won’t agree to anything really. Wants to offer me more weekday time, but no extra weekends. Doesn’t want to give up any of his spring breaks. Offered me Mardi Gras. I do not want the extra weekday time as it’s not practical. I don’t even have a job secured. Won’t agree to let my friends pick up dd, only my family. He wants that I cannot visit his place of work or talk to his coworkers (a public library). good grief will we have to go to court? The new court date was pushed to July. I start the class soon. I was accepted.
  13. The construction group called me and I explained my fears and she said if there’s room in the class I can still take it - don’t worry about long-term commitment. I’m excited. I hope I can do it. I’d get a certificate. Most interested in carpentry but not 100% sure what the 2 week class covers. I think operating a forklift is one day. You take subsequent classes if you stick with it.
  14. He can’t do that but he did the closest thing which was say of ex moves 25 mi from current residence he’s responsible for transportation of kids. He also responded/counter claim to the original claim of contempt against me. It says xh is in contempt for affecting my weekday visitation.
  15. I went to see my attorney yesterday. We wrote up the modified visitation proposal and did the math to see how many days I get now vs proposal. We made it match up nearly 100%. I’ll post more details after we send it to the other party and get closure. My attorney put me at ease by explaining that no, my child support would not increase by going before a judge. The judge wouldn’t override the current cs plan. But I guess I thought that because last time we had no settlement in hand, just a possible settlement vs court. I didn’t get the job in Metairie. Only certain people were called back for round 2 interviews and they got the call last night. But I think I have a good shot at a closer job. They barely gave us any time to apply and I faxed over my completed packet yesterday. The one where I answered on my boss’ behalf and said please call her if you need to confirm info. My boss is aware. All my references I listed are aware. The job asked for my transcripts which honestly I thought they’d only ask for IF they were ready to interview. I almost got eliminated because I was in the city without my laptop and not sure I could get the transcripts to her. There was some pushback but then they agreed to let me email last night. For some reason, on an old email that contains the transcript, I was unable to open it… which is why I was uncertain I could successfully send it. I even told her that and said I might have to take a photo of the screen. She said ok. But I got the attachment off my device and it appears to open just fine. She confirmed she got everything this morning. They list a timeline saying mid April you can call to check job status and sometime after that they will schedule interviews. So I won’t know anything for a while. the construction people reached out and I need to follow up but I just don’t think I’d be able to meet the physical demands.
  16. Well my current membership covers 3 locations. Those locations are all about an he from my house. They have no restrictions on that. The one by my dad is not what I’d call a sister club. It’s linked to only one other. Neither close to my membership cities. Several hours away. The ones you went to were possibly part of a unit. I don’t know the terms they use.
  17. I researched Parent Night Out etc events looking for events with kids and discovered that while I can’t use the local YMCA PNO I can use their facilities! It’s a nationwide membership deal. I’ll go in person sometime and they have to manually sign me in. Technically you’re not supposed to use the other locations more than 50% of the time compared to your home locations. But they don’t closely monitor it. The local location has 2 pools and workout equipment so I’m sure I’ll go next visit. Dd is on my family plan (that I got through work) so I can take her swimming if it’s warm enough.
  18. She told me she’s written notes to dad before and was going to see me that day and it’d been a long time since she’s written one to me (I didn’t ask, she offered this info). I was the only parent she saw that day since I met her after school/she’d been staying with me. But regardless, no one made her say what she said. It’s still meaningful to me. I’m still trying to figure out the tornados! My landlords said they affected Rolling Fork really badly. I wasn’t familiar with that area so I googled it. It’s not that close to my house. I’m at my dad’s house right now, 4 hrs from mine. I checked in with my landlords to ask about the tornados and my cat and they didn’t say anything about our town being affected. The job request is bonkers and I’m going to blame not filling it out on my boss’ illness. I will say something like I’m qualified because ABC, feel free to confirm with my employer if you need to. She has pneumonia and I don’t want to rub it in that I’m job hunting even though she’s aware. I intend to offer to stay PT with the magazine if possible.
  19. Just found out they were assigned to write a note to someone they would see that day.. so that was me by default. But it’s still sweet. One job app is ridiculous. They want you to have a former or current employer fill out a thing about your relevant skills. I think that’s asking too much. What ever happened to simply listing references or getting that info after they are serious about a candidate?
  20. Kids are fickle lol this note I found while cleaning her backpack tonight means a lot. (“Mo” is a nickname some people call me lol) We actually knocked on her neighbor’s door this afternoon, but they weren't home. I’ll eventually get their contact info. Local friends/Facebook has been helping me find local activities. Tomorrow we can go to an evening egg hunt and outdoor movie. Just found out there’s a daytime carnival too which sounds fun. This child had never been to a Waffle House. They are all over, but not so much where we were living. So today we ate there and enjoyed that… complete with an employee with a very Southern accent and our waitress that dropped the “babydoll” etc language. Dd was surprised and I said, “oh that’s totally common” (haven’t heard in a long time, though). I am a waffle fan myself but they sell sandwiches etc. for those not familiar.
  21. I've reached out a few times in the past few days. No update on the settlement yet. The court date is March 30 so this really should be resolved before then. I followed up twice with a company that had a job posting online. They didn't get all my info either time apparently (not my fault, portal issues or something). This time they went ahead and scheduled me a zoom interview for Monday and had me email my resume. Job is in Louisiana.
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