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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I have ADHD tendencies but was “borderline” in my test results. I have to tell myself no. No, you can’t add to the list in the day of the event. No, you cannot shower 10 min before you’re supposed to be leaving the house. I don’t always listen to myself but I’m getting better lol
  2. Get team jerseys made and say duh we need more players jk congrats! (ignore me if this was just hypothetical)
  3. I don’t think any here do that. I’ve also searched this forum for input and soneone suggested an orthotist. We just have Fleet Feet. The podiatrist spoke negatively of using shoe stores for it. I don’t know how their methods vary. Maybe he was just saying they overcharge? The math doesn’t add up yet… they said they might be ~$500. If I owe 20% that would be $100… but I had to make a larger down payment so I’m hoping ins covers 80% (they said depends how it’s filed) and I’ll get some money back?? I spent $60 on my special PowerStep insoles and they no longer cut it. So $100 on custom? Seems worth it. If I go into a running store that makes them… I assume it’s all out of pocket.
  4. My running store just points to the insoles and say we would probably recommend green SuperFeet (they did a whole gait analysis for me once). I had the blue ones once and they did help a lot early on but I either needed to replace them or my issue is too severe. The last pair I bought were these special PowerSteps sold exclusively in dr offices and they offer more heel cushion but again, don’t support arch enough. I figure it can’t hurt to try orthotics. They will at least cater to my exact shape. OTC are a gamble, too.
  5. I was just abbreviating because she knew what I was referencing — plantar fasciitis. In some people the issue is more in their heel. For me personally it’s mostly arch pain. The podiatrist said my foot flattens without the right support under it and stretches the fascia. He said (without an X-ray) I surely already have micro tears in my fascia. His opinion was that the OTC ones just flatten under the weight of a person because they are not as strong as the custom ones.
  6. Don’t rush it just because you’re ready. I was not interested in getting mine. I had a ton of anxiety (for me it was intersections where some had short light changes). I waited til my senior year of high school to take Driver’s Ed. It was one semester and we barely did any actual driving. We took turns with classmates. My dad gave up trying to teach me stick shift. He’d tell me I was scraping the gears. Now I have no way to learn as no access to a stick shift vehicle. My mom was super nervous beside me in the car. Definitely see if there’s someone else that can practice with her. Maybe even postpone driving if she’s not ready. It’s like what I did with writing and ds. Every child is different.
  7. It’s not his “fault” she is acting this way. But it’s very true that they may have lost sexual intimacy/attention in the relationship and she’s seeking that elsewhere.
  8. I will eat one of those Mayo/ketchup mixes (I can’t remember the last time), but I only ask for ketchup when I order them. I’ve never tried with plain Mayo unless you count in The Netherlands bit their “Mayo” was not the same. It was good with fries.
  9. I tried to send you a DM but it wouldn’t let me. My guess is your inbox is full?
  10. Yes, it’s PF and I’ve tried OTC inserts that were rigid (SuperFeet) and the $60 set from one podiatrist’s office (special version of PowerStep) so decided to try custom ones. Sure I’ll try them if you don’t want them and find them. Thank you.
  11. I am scheduled to babysit on Father’s Day. That will help offset some of that recent auto shop bill. He saw the unit and felt like it was bait & switch. Part of the description was totally false. Old, stained carpet. No intention to paint. No move-in special. $300 pet fee, first & last month’s rent. Loose dishwasher they need to secure. Shared backyard not totally fenced in. Anyone off Street could walk behind house. Saw a couple empty beer bottles beside it. Trash goes to dumpster not a can. I just feel meh now. The one that said she was meeting him wasn’t even there — they sent another employee.
  12. Yeah. They are close enough to get to the kids but not nearly as close and not smack in the middle of things to do. Depending on how well the orthotics help, I could maybe work a PT job at one of the nearby shopping centers. I used to work at that Best Buy.
  13. Even if I need to work 2 jobs, I don’t think I’m going to find something better really. You see, the places with the wait lists aren’t better in proximity to the kids. I should know more in a couple hours.
  14. My dad is touring the unit on my behalf today. I will go ahead and get it unless there's something major wrong. I spoke to the realtor (not mine, the one over the property) and she confirmed it has central air/heat. Phew. The crime map shows it to be in a neutral area. It's FIVE MIN from my gym which is super exciting. I might be able to swing it on my current salary if I am saving enough on gas (since it's so close to grocery shopping etc). But I will have to crunch all the numbers again once I know utilities.
  15. For some reason some of the utilities might be lower than where I live now (at least in the town xh is in). But I hadn’t even fully factored that into my math 🤦🏻‍♀️ I pay a flat rate now of rent + utilities and that total is a bit under $900. If I pay $850 for rent alone I’m going up even higher than I wanted. I emailed the agent to ask if it has central air. The listing was vague. If it’s window units I’m out!! BTDT. Awful! I cannot go into perpetual debt over this move. But I must move somewhere by end of Sept when my lease ends. My landlords are eager to move their son in. I’ll have no choice. And I can’t temporarily live with my dad… it’s too complicated with the cat (he has no pet policy) all my belongings, etc. I need to sit down and figure out water/gas/sewer/trash/elec for that area.
  16. The overwhelming consensus from locals to that area is just give up on that city that’s covered in mostly high crime colors. The thing is, safe areas in that city exist… but they are likely out of my budget. I inquired about a listing on Craigslist and it appeared to be a phishing scam when they responded. Then I applied for a home in an area near where I used to live and work years ago even though it’s above my original cap. $800 was my cap. It’s $850. Located relatively close to both the kids & where most jobs are, shopping centers, restaurants, and entertainment. I don’t know if I’m being foolish. And as far as buying, the market and my lack of down payment makes that essentially impossible (USDA is zero down but I wasted a year looking for those). I’m wondering if this is the best I’ll find.
  17. I just called one of the affordable housing places to ask if anyone has given notice of moving out this month. They said not yet and as of today they were informed that the rates will be going up starting July 1. So this one I'm waiting on will cost $65 more per month than when I submitted my application. As far as buying, I'd need to find a home under 90k. Those are typically fixer uppers/less than 3 bedrooms. This is pretty bleak. As a backup plan, I did go ahead and submit the application to get into the 9-week trades course which begins in Sept. If the orthotics help enough, that could work out. They only take applications for a short time, so I went ahead and applied. I'm trying to secure some more church nursery jobs this summer.
  18. I am struggling with decisions because I don't know how to know what areas are safe or not. I literally called the local PD and they said "go to our website and click on city maps." I could not find this thing they referenced and googled crime maps. It just showed most of the city was in dark blue which was "most dangerous." Most leases are 12 months. And I go back to court in July. So there's this sinking feeling of signing a lease over the summer and then going to court and having to justify where I chose to live, knowing the kids will be spending time there. Yes, I can drive by a neighborhood but that doesn't always tell you much. And now that we've agreed to meet halfway for summer visits, I have no plans to drive to the area anytime soon. I will if I need to go to a job interview or my realtor finds something promising. But otherwise, it's a huge time/money suck. This is stressful and frustrating. Most of the jobs I've applied to will not be enough to live on. I will have to work 2 jobs. One FT and then PT for the magazine.
  19. Most people I know have said that city is pretty bad in general. So I’m very hesitant. There’s an apartment complex there in my budget I may need to drive by to see if it seems secure. I don’t know the next time I’ll be there so may ask my dad to drive by. My online application never went through they said so I’d have to start all over and it was very long.
  20. I saw the new podiatrist. We got casts made of my feet. I’ll have my custom orthotics in a few weeks. I hope they help! He said ins typically covers 1 set a year (well, a portion of one set) but the second pair is cheaper if ordered within 2 years of the cast since they just reuse the same mold. If I want a second set specifically for dress shoes, they can make those (they are thinner & he showed me some samples). I was so excited to learn I might be able to wear dress shoes again without agony. Picked up kids last night at halfway point. I never thought I’d see the day they came back to this house. It’s nice. Xh had no idea (seriously?) I couldn’t afford to move on my current salary and thought my boss just wouldn’t let me. He had access to all my finances in court at one point so figured he knew. Anyway, he said that the one city I was avoiding due to this paper mill odor no longer has that odor (he works in that city). He said he’d let me know if he saw something in my desired price range. I told him where I move will largely depend on where I secure a job because I don’t want to commute (gas $ and time). I’m working with a real estate agent, but most things in my budget are in high crime areas. I will keep applying to jobs.
  21. The transmission place said no need to change the fluid. 👏 I’ll plan to meet kids halfway tomorrow. And I can finally use my restaurant gift card with them this summer (only works at one location). And I can use my movie passes with them (only work at theaters by me).
  22. At the transmission place now to see if they will change the trans fluid or not (one of my error messages). Sometimes it’s worse to change it with a high mileage vehicle apparently. It’s got 215,000 miles.
  23. Very limited unless I'm running errands and walking inside stores or to/from the car. I do try to do purposeful walking (exercise inside the home or around the neighborhood) and a new pedometer is on the way (I keep getting crappy ones). On a day I don't leave the house my daily pedometer readings in the past haven't been great. At the house some of my walking is in/out of the house to the carport to do laundry so this could be several trips depending on how many loads there are. So if I don't go anywhere, but do a lot of things around the house (in/out of the kitchen, collecting trash, changing sheets, going to the carport) I can get OK steps but still would not be very good.
  24. I was afraid of this. All this wear & tear on the car is taking a toll. My car was in the auto shop in May (my dad dropped me off and let me borrow his car) for one issue (which may or may not be related to the traveling. Car didn't want to start after putting gas in. It would take a couple attempts and I was scared I was gonna get stranded). Now it's in the shop by my house (and I'm in the lobby with my laptop waiting on it). They are replacing a wheel bearing then doing an oil change and tire rotation. He commented that it has a lot of miles on it and asked if I drive it a lot. I said yes, often 4 hours one way. I was supposed to get the kids this morning (at the halfway point) but had to delay it. I might be able to do the pick up tomorrow at the half way point after my podiatrist appt if my car is ready. I proposed to xh to do a 2 week on/2 week off visitation over summer to save us from meeting up every single weekend at the halfway point. No dice. Claims he wants to stick as close to the decree as possible (says the guy that royally screwed up the visitation). I've applied to more jobs including one where you sew covers for boat seats. I just need something.
  25. I went ahead and applied to one school job and one casino job. The casino job didn’t specify hours so there’s a chance we can negotiate that (mostly I avoid casino jobs as they often require nights/weekends/holidays). It sounds like it’s at least a partially seated role though I’d need to find out how much time in my feet. The school job hourly rate is OK but yearly salary is low as it’s not including summers but the intention there would be to keep the magazine role part time and still be free to spend school holidays & summers not totally pinned down. I have an appt with a new podiatrist next week to consider custom made orthotics. Ins says if they bill it as “other services” they should cover 80%. I’m sick of my feet affecting my mobility. I have a realtor now but neither of us can find anything in my budget that fits my needs. I don’t think I’m asking too much to be in a safe area (crime map showed very dangerous for some) and have appliances (one didn’t come with a fridge). I also want a washer/dryer hookup since I own a W/D and don’t want to lug my clothes outside the unit. I don’t think those things are that unreasonable but obviously others may disagree. People I know keep sending me links to things that are $200+ more than what I pay now. I told them paying $150 more is pretty much my cap. They’re acting like I just need to budget. Ummm aside from the couple concerts this year, I really don’t splurge much. I don’t even have Netflix lol my gym membership is my big splurge ($10/month) and that’s for my mental & physical health. Early June I might get a call for an opening in the affordable housing complex but no telling. Their 2 bedroom would only be $50 more a month than what I pay now for my 3BD. If I got a significantly higher paying job then I could entertain some other housing options but so far no. I don’t want to live beyond my means. I’ll stay here all summer if I have to as I wait.
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