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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I did consider grabbing the mask and taking her to school when I left his home but I knew she was miserable and wasn’t sure what to do. My sister and BIL and aunt are all staying there and I sent dd’s lunch over. There’s not much babysitting she requires. My sis and her husband were out sight seeing and dd can stay in the room we stay in sometimes. It has her calico critters and a bed. My dad didn’t really need to do much at all. I’m leaving the interview and will need to decide what to do next. I also don’t want to get my landlords sick. I don’t feel like I have “my” space anywhere! The interview went ok. They said it’s a slow process and don’t be surprised if you don’t hear back for a couple weeks. They are hiring for different branches so cannot tell me where I’d work. I did let them know I’m aware of need to move to the parish and I’m not tied in a long lease- I rent month-to-month. They appreciated that info.
  2. Dd has been sick lately. She was coughing in her sleep and this morning so I ended up deciding not to send her to school. The only child mask I had was at my dad’s. My dad informed me upon arrival that dd would not be allowed to use the internet. I said I wish he would have informed me prior. That’s never been a rule. He said it was his house. Duh. Then he tries to do into a speech about what he’s going to do to heal dd. I said look, I have to drive to my interview. You two work that out. But get her consent. Do not try to force her to wear that wrist think or take something she doesn’t want. He said, fine she knows better than me (obviously sarcasm). Apparently one time he made her wear this wrist thing that has healing properties — don’t ask I don’t know all the details but I think you program it based on the voice technology stuff he owns sending good frequencies. I was appalled I had no idea and she said it hurt and didn’t like it and they tried it on 2 parts of her body. He asked if she had a book and I said probably at her dad’s… if you want to arrange to pick it up. Someone is home, I know ds is sick. She decided she’d work on her story writing. When she arrived she wasn’t coughing but the cough medicine might have kicked in. The school nurse will not administer it so it would wear off and she’d probably be back to coughing in class. He said she’s not even coughing, she should be at school. I said sorry she doesnt cough on demand. All this to say thanks for the added stress, Dad. I got an email from no reply signed Human Resources with the college job title in the body copy saying we received feedback from one of your references. what?! What is the meaning of this? I’m guessing an overlap. They already hired someone. I left a voicemail with HR asking about the email and forwarded it to the woman I had been communicating to verify if the position had reopened. I’m not holding my breath to get a response. I'm at the library parking lot and will interview soon.
  3. Yep. And not only that, but I cannot fathom asking a divorced non Catholic to go through his own annulment for my sake. I haven’t dated any Catholics lol
  4. My paperwork was done awhile back. Not really therapeutic for me. I talked my broken relationship to death in my mind, with therapists, and friends. No idea if all my witnesses turned in their questions. the thing that turns me off is annulments are simply to deal with a marriage that was missing elements. It does not address abuse etc that takes place during a marriage. So if you are legitimately abused but your marriage was considered valid, you can’t divorce and remarry? You’re just seen as an adulterer in the Church’s eyes? I’m over it. I’ve been dating off/on and my ex is remarried.
  5. I wasn’t meaning to argue the normalcy of the process being slow 🙂 just venting that it is slow lol
  6. The annulment process began around June 2022 lol I told them in the beginning I didn’t want to involve xh. It’s not a requirement but maybe they will try to reach out to him, anyway. I’m just bitching this is ridiculously slow.
  7. Class was better today. For the fitness portion we had to do a few things like see how much weight we could lift above our head (crate with dumbbells). I did 25 lbs and that started to hurt my back. Yeah, I'm not gonna try to get to 50. But I can try to slowly increase it. I moved my exercise bike and Roku TV into my room this week, but my old Roku remote only does one thing (can scroll up). I cannot access the menu to update the wifi network. So, I can't even use a Roku app on my cell to select a show. I'll just have to order a new Roku remote I guess. Which leads me to the other thing I need to do -- settle on a mailing address. I think I'm just gonna suck it up and get a PO box in town. I'm sick of sending all my mail to my dad's. Today I got a letter from the Tribunal about my annulment. It essentially says we're going to reach out to your xh (I don't think I gave them his info??) and you both have 21 more days to submit any more info you want to this case. Then we will make a decision. I'm like YOU HAVEN'T MADE A DECISION YET? Stop wasting my time lol. I'm so over it, I don't care if I get the annulment or not. I don't plan to remarry in the Church. The annulment would be meaningful to my dad, but not much else. Casino website still says the same status. I have class homework to do and I still need to do the driving class thing. My DL will need to be updated soon so that's annoying with the mailing address thing, too.
  8. Yes, exactly. It’s a tight rope. I’m sure different headhunters give different advice, too. I composed an email to the college with scheduled send tomorrow morning. I also composed an email to the supportive services person at my construction class to put out feelers if she has any resources to refer me to for affordable housing etc. I did find an email from the casino person but hesitate to email. The website still says “considering” by my name. I’d have to stand roughly 25% of the time and wear dressy shoes (business casual) so I guess that’s why I’m not overly excited about that option.
  9. I have just had different experiences. I kept following up with my graphic design job and they seemed irritated. Like we need time and will contact you when we’re ready vibe. They hired me but teased me about it. It was in the early 2000s.
  10. I could do the thank you email and I may but really I think it’s obvious I was highly interested. I said so in a snail mail letter once, exchanged texts promptly when the woman would text me, etc. a part of me feels kind of like this is “he’s just not that into you” the job version.
  11. Sadly nowadays I think it’s sometimes frowned upon to follow up much. They say check the website. I have been shoo’d away in person and on phones. I often do not have a direct contact email. The casino woman was texting me from her cell phone and didn’t respond to my last text. I can’t find an employee directory and all I see on google is her LinkedIn.
  12. I meant an email asking what I could have done differently to be considered. I wasn’t sure if I ask that and repeat a thank you (I thanked them for the update after they rejected me).
  13. The casino job pays $15/hr. I would commute ~30 min from my room rental to get there. The only way I could move near the casino is if I got the low-income housing that is $700/mo. and 12 min from the casino. They should have made a decision 2 weeks ago. I just figure the casino job isn’t meant to be. I did touch base with the lady that interviews me last week but she didn’t acknowledge me. The library job wouldn’t be great either. I’m sure I’d work nights and weekends and barely scrape by on the 36k salary. I’m just not sure any of these jobs will pan out.
  14. The door was closed on the college job. Now it feels weird to send a thank you. I sent a thank you after the first interview with them and talked myself out of it the second interview. I’m not sure how to ask for feedback and say I’m still interested if the position reopens. Send an email?
  15. It is pretty rigid with school zones so I don’t think it would have helped. I already paid it. Amd like I said upthread, doing a class here doesn’t even help the fee. It only helps with auto ins.
  16. Yeah. Now I’m kinda uninterested in looking at their job postings. Interviewed with them twice
  17. Construction class orientation was today. A 30 min workout is going to be part of the class most days. Apparently this is to mirror some of the industry requirements— go up a ladder carrying a heavy backpack etc. I drove to my gym after class today to do cardio & weights but soon hope to move my stationary bike to my rental so I have no excuses to exercise lol Maybe the fitness requirements will encourage me to use my kettlebells. The stipend is a good amount. Will help offset the speeding ticket and other expenses. We will be issued our class chromebooks tomorrow and have a different Osha-10 to complete among other things. Library interview is Friday. Maybe for once I won’t pay for parking (it’s at the library).
  18. I forgot you can check status online. I went to casino job application status. It says "considering" next to that position in my account.
  19. Monday. I don’t know what the stipend is… it’s meant for gas. Estimating $50/week based on old figures but it varies based on grants.
  20. Got rejection from college. Reached out to casino and am waiting.
  21. Yes, please. I thought I’d have a job offer by now.
  22. No word from college or casino yet rejected by MiaPlaza
  23. He’s looked at my car and my dad’s before. He said he wants repeat business lol. I love my old mechanic but I can’t go there anymore.
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