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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. This is probably a dumb question, but, have you already tried all the different kinds of teethers? Hard, soft, cool wash cloth, etc? Amber teething necklace? Mam makes a couple of teethers, one has these little bristles like a toothbrush almost. I wonder if that would satisfy the biting??
  2. The birthday day/time is strange to me, but eh, to each their own. We can go to church on Saturday evening or Sunday evening, depending on which parish we attend. The one I'm registered at only has early Sunday am service which is a killer to make so we seldom go there. I actually went tonight because I knew we'd be rushed this morning to get to the other ones. So, if ds had been invited to a Sunday morning party we would have just gone to another service. But being somewhere at 10:30am on the weekend? Not really my cup of tea. My question is, how as the attendance? Did a lot of people miss because of church you think? Also strange to me about the alcohol since some counties refuse to sell it on Sunday I would think some people refuse to consume it on Sunday.
  3. Current friends that you actually see face to face? No. I have a friend that I stay in touch with via facebook and we were close in college, but it's been some time where we actually hung out like that. We don't even live in the same state any more. One of my sisters might be the closest I have to that type of friendship. I don't think it's impossible to make that kind of friend later in life. I just don't see it on the horizon for me anytime soon. I like to think it's possible.... I used to watch Cougar Town and I loved how the neighbors became close as adults.
  4. Currently on the air I enjoy Brooklyn 99 and a couple others. Fresh Off the Boat, The Middle...
  5. I voted Beth, but also thought "Elizabeth" if Elizabeth Grace is all the first name. I know a girl that went by Beth (short for Elizabeth). I never would think to call her Lizzie or Liz. Looking through the replies I think second up for me would be Ella. I've never heard of Elspeth and thought it was made up :o
  6. We own AAS level 1 Teacher Manual only, but we also have tiles because I made some. We actually barely looked at the book until recently (grade 2). I've taught my ds some spelling rules recently and even though I tried to teach a couple in the past, I think now is when they are going to stick more. When to use "k" vs "ck" at the end of the word, etc. Some rules I have printed from the internet. I intend to try to work my way through those. I don't remember where I got my original list, but I know Logic of English has a list online. This mainly came to my attention because some kids at a private school are learning about when to use "ch" vs "tch." I saw that rule explained on AAS as a free sample for level 4. But I'm not sure what's taught in each level! The index doesn't really spell that out for me. So you may or may not need to buy AAS manuals to get the rules, but it may be useful. Especially if there are examples. We also own Spelling Plus. I am not using it as it is intended, really. We are picking out words to discuss, but the grade level lists don't reflect where we are. But there are lots of words in the book so I figure I can use it kind of as a check off list. We focused on the homophones this week like "let's" vs "lets" "who's" vs "whose" etc.
  7. What I meant was a person inserting themselves into the oblivious person's life more and more or becoming too friendly or whatever. ex. coworker that starts joining the person for lunch more and more often. Or a situation where they are meant to spend time together (ex. let's say two adult chaperons that end up sitting together on field trips all the time) but their time is seen as platonic by one and not the other maybe? It's hard to put into words. Sorry, I was not talking about the one-two times a year flirter anymore. I was responding specifically to being oblivious as the answer to being pursued. I was lumping "ignore/oblivious/non respondent" into one answer. Maybe that was unfair. Yes, I was thinking more along the problems created between the couple, specifically the significant other that was noticing the behavior, than the oblivious person and/or the one doing the pursuing. I wish people (in general not necessarily you two) wouldn't be so dismissive of other people's perspectives just because they cannot relate. You don't have to lack self-esteem or confidence to have a situation rub you the wrong way. You can even be with a trustworthy person and have an outsider shake things up. If anyone is still confused or curious they can PM me. I'm way off topic as some of these replies are not relevant to the original scenario.
  8. I have a different perspective based on observations IRL but that's because the guys didn't realize they were indirectly allowing it to become an issue. This is assuming flirter person is already an acquaintance or such and tries to spend more and more time with the oblivious. Oblivious guy is just trying to be nice.
  9. haha!! Well I guess I meant nipping it in the bud somewhere before physical contact occurs but well before a bed is involved. I wonder if we will ever know what was said.
  10. I believe I used anki on the desktop once and got confused about sorting/organizing/labeling them. I made a set and then once I did that something else became foggy to me. I don't recall what. I made some cards on the kindle fire before for Spanish and I felt like it was a tedious chore (different app I think. Anki app was not working at the time). But maybe that's because I don't like touch screen devices for things of this nature. I happily made a recipe box full of 3x5 index cards for school and found the whole thing more enjoyable. I could just be weird :) It was also a fun excuse to use my new markers that were intended for scrapbooking (the archival quality ones).
  11. Are you calling me crazy? I just meant that things that the average person would consider taboo as far as "make a spouse uncomfortable." Maybe there's no consensus on what that would be, though. I'm certainly not going to go out of my way to say to a married man that he has the most beautiful eyes. I don't care if eyes are a common thing to comment on. I just wouldn't do that. But as mentioned before, we really have no idea what she said. Yeah, the legs would be weird lol. I think people responding are forgetting that the receptionist didn't just flirt with the husband. She also was noticeably different toward the OP. If someone has the tendency to compliment anyone and everyone I'm going to view them differently than a woman that only responds that way toward the opposite sex.
  12. Well, some people in this thread flat out said their spouse wouldn't even notice if someone was hitting on them. There's no way to enforce boundaries if you're oblivious. I dated a guy that kept getting calls from one or two female friends. I told him I didn't think they knew he had a girlfriend and he should tell them. His response? "It never came up." My response? "Make it come up." When they called and I was in the car with him they must have asked what he was doing and he said, "nothing." I said that's when he could have said he was spending time with his girlfriend. I don't think he really meant any harm but stuff like this happens and I can see how men might not enforce boundaries early on. I have had to spell things out to dh before because we just don't see things the same way. But I was happy when he told me that he got hit on at a conference and told them gently that he was married.
  13. I would not feel as comfortable complimenting a feature on a person's body as their attire, at least if it could be perceived as hitting on them. You can definitely be friendly without complimenting a person's body parts or making their spouse feel awkward. I think it really should fall on the receptionist's shoulders to remain professional and not say anything that she wouldn't say in front of the dentist. It sounds like the way she was acting might not be behavior she'd showcase in front of her boss?? But I don't know. Could be that it is so natural to her she would talk like that in front of anyone.
  14. I don't know, either. Sometimes it takes forever just to get mine to the table with the book open. Does it help if you let him choose what subject to do when? Or bargaining? lol. I'm not above that. "When you finish X, you can do Y." X gets done amazingly fast sometimes.
  15. I think I'd want to move along, too, even though I trust that dh wouldn't give me anything to worry about. I actually had quite a problem with a female coworker of his before and I laughed when I read LucyStoner's post because I was glad to see her move as well. It's just a matter of respect/comfort/principle to me. And in this case, it sounds like the OP's service wasn't great from Ms. Flirty ("she was being so rude to me"). I've had less than great attitude from a front desk person at a dr's office before and I can see overlooking it, but in this case I can easily see not overlooking it.
  16. You guys make me sound like a conspiracy theorist or something... "oh it's just a sobriety check. It's just a license check." I'm over here like, "oh great, who got away and what did they do?" LOL I also think of the other reasons.
  17. I have been through a bunch. One time twice in one week in the same place near my home. But I do live near a college campus so maybe that's why.
  18. Wow, that's crazy. I have not always wanted to share why I left an office. This last time I blamed it on location, though really, it's no one's business and I doubt they will ask. I actually left because my dentist dropped my mouth guard and as far as I could tell did not sanitize it any way before directing me to open my mouth back up to fit it in again. I was so grossed out. I think a vague answer like suggested above is fine. I hope this new office works out for you :)
  19. There isn't a convenient place to hang towels in our bathroom near the shower so I'm finding that I still usually have to help ds if for no other reason than to hang a towel up for him over the shower bar or adjust the temp for him. He is not good at throwing the towel up there himself and the temp is sorta a pain to get right. At least he is pretty compliant about showering.
  20. Could you get her a pen pal? I know a pen pal wouldn't mean leaving the house necessarily, but it may give her a friend to open up to and something to look forward to. I really enjoyed exchanging letters with my pen pal. We were paired together in elementary school and exchanged letters for years. We met in person as teens. Nowadays they could easily text or skype. I don't know if you've ever considered hosting a foreigner (teen) but there might even be a way to do that without requiring her to also go somewhere. My family hosted a couple of French girls when I was younger, but in at least one case my sister went to France to stay with their family for a couple weeks after the girl had stayed with us a couple of weeks.
  21. I have more than one kind of OCD and the hand washing til your hands crack and bleed (mainly due to winter but btdt) isn't really much better than than the thoughts because they can often be disturbing thoughts. When you cannot kick a thought out it's really a form of torture. I used to have spiritual OCD and when you go to church at least once a week it's a lot of anxiety in the church. So no, outwardly my life didn't come to halt, but it was quite disruptive internally. Especially when you're confused about how often you need to confess your thoughts. I am quite indecisive so I could easily go back and forth on what I constitute severe lol.
  22. Lol in that case (no offense) I think he should have a chat with his hypothetical family before putting anything in stone. You'll have to forgive me, I just saw a TV show about a family member moving in (but it was temporary between jobs) and it didn't go over well with one of the spouses that owned the home. I have no idea what kind of promises dh would make to his parents before/after getting married, but I can tell you if my MIL moved in I'd probably need to move out regardless of her level of needs. I think it's very sweet that he said that! I just think as far as the original topic is concerned, promises really can't/shouldn't be made.
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