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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. #2 - comments on overbite I think are generally things you'd hear at the orthodontist. I have an overbite (or overjet?), despite lots of orthodontic care. I don't think this is something dentists have really commented on? #3 - did they already do it? Yes, move on. No bedside manner with this dentist.
  2. I just want to repeat that the OP scheduled it in April and like her, I would never know that March Madness spilled over into April.
  3. While this is probably true, it also screams to me, "not a detail-oriented person" lol. Next, she could say her team isn't even playing that day. And that would have been really obnoxious if the OP had moved the party.
  4. lol I didn't even get that far with her username. I just glanced at it and thought, "what?". When I saw the image I didn't think anything til I kept reading and knew it was a mascot.
  5. Edited: Oops I misread the grade, but there are some textbooks that can be purchased without the digital content for Science Fusion. I had mixed feelings on the digital content and the pricing. You can browse the table of contents on the Reading Rainbow site and order the text alone elsewhere.
  6. No advice, but when I briefly worked in a daycare I had to assist at least one child (I think he was 3?). It didn't occur to me at first but they have short arms and it's physically very difficult for some of them to reach. So keep that in mind :) I'm in the midst of potty training my 15 month old. We didn't start this early with ds, but she keeps removing her diaper! Ds still has trouble with clothing and he's 7! Tonight I pointed out to him that his shirt was on inside out. I have no advice LOL
  7. I don't have DVR anymore, but at the time it was the only way to catch some of the Olympic events. They are on at all hours*. There are times when ideal is not possible. Ideally I'd like to see every major super hero movie in the theater with ds and dh, but instead I watch the digital downloads (ha, most I still haven't gotten around to watching) because I'm not going to hire a sitter for dd every time I want to go to the movies with the boys. We're talking about recording a sports event that can be watched a few hours later. Not a movie that you have to wait months to see. How hard is it to avoid sports spoilers for a few hours? The people at the party are unlikely to say anything because they aren't watching it. Keep the radio off and stay away from certain websites for a few hours?? The Walking Dead is the closest to my March Madness and I know my comparison was dismissed but on dh's side of the family TWD is a big deal lol. Almost all of us got Walking Dead gifts at Christmas (I received a Daryl throw lol) . When we went to visit family recently we all sat down to watch together (MIL, FIL, dh, me, SIL, BIL and even a couple of the kids stayed). But I wouldn't miss a party over it. ETA: maybe some people see missing a live event akin to watching the ball drop in Times Square the day after New Year's lol. Not like it airs in real time for me, anyway. *I cannot remember what was going on with me. I typed I was pregnant but looked up the date and don't think that was the case haha. But maybe they just aired too late at night for me?
  8. It would never occur to me to pack medicine. But I can see why you'd want to. I'd probably tell my kid they could skimp on outerwear but pack plenty of socks and underwear. I'd make sure to keep one outfit in the carry on in case there is any issue with luggage/delays due to weather. Good advice in the thread. Hope he has fun!
  9. I understand all that, but I'm saying the way I read it was "I don't like to buy from somewhere other than Target in advance" rather than simply, "I don't like to buy from somewhere other than the registry in advance." Lol I am a little slow today. My brain was saying, "why not just say 'I don't like to buy in advance'" but now I understand how it was intended.
  10. It was the "from somewhere else" in the sentence that confused me. Maybe I just read into it.
  11. Well I think a lot of the Olympics is aired live and guess what, I DVR it. I'm just a weirdo. I will never understand why people say "we" about a team they are not on. I used to play basketball, too.
  12. You snipped my post and I think I'm being misunderstood. This is what I said: "And while a child might love it because their family goes there or they have a favorite menu item, my initial reaction (maybe wrong) was that a child will be sitting at a table with adults that are fixated on the screens. Not my idea of a fun party" I hope people are reading my quote in context. I already said that if the child asked for such a party, that's one thing. But if they are just being forced to have their party at this location because that's where Mom and Dad can watch their game I find it kind of disappointing. As an adult I don't want to compete for attention nor as a child. That's what is likely to happen at a sports bar. The child is competing for attention from the game as these are not casual viewers it sounds like.
  13. Exactly. So that's why they have the option to stay home and watch their game. The problem isn't having a passion (though I will never understand it, to each their own).
  14. That's the place I was talking about in one of my other posts where I said the one I went to was not smoke-free yet. And while a child might love it because their family goes there or they have a favorite menu item, my initial reaction (maybe wrong) was that a child will be sitting at a table with adults that are fixated on the screens. Not my idea of a fun party. This. At least, this more a reflection of my personal experience. My main association with sports bars is going there in college because other friends wanted to go. I don't remember seeing families there.
  15. I think it's safe to say that most four year olds (okay, fine, I'll say many because I don't know if most is reaching) are not familiar with sports bars. That venue sure sounds like an adult's idea to me. Unless, like, they have awesome ice-cream or something lol.
  16. I realize this and I deal with a similar thing most Sunday nights when I can't watch The Walking Dead because I wait to buy it on Amazon. There are spoilers on facebook I have to avoid. I guess part of it would depend on the guests' behavior. If they can't come to the table to cut the cake because the game went into overtime, I'd really be irked. But that's just me. I'd rather them stay home if the game is a higher priority. And I realize a lot of my feelings on this stems from the fact that I have to compete with TVs for attention from family members on a regular basis.
  17. Well, there are some things that just come out pretty rude if you ask a host/hostess to alter for you or complain about it. I still remember we were pretty peeved when dh's uncle didn't want to come to my baby's baptism because of the food we planned to serve. He actually used a negative term to describe the food which was extra offensive since I'm from that ethnic group. In the end he didn't come and we didn't bother to tell him that for unrelated reasons we had to swap the menu. I guess since DVRs are so prominent these days, it seems like something that could easily be remedied that way or maybe by moving the party time slot on the same day rather than dealing with the TV on in the background or moving the party to a whole new day. I would be highly irked if I had to keep the TV on during the whole party. Could you imagine? Singing "Happy Birthday" and someone screams, "touchdown!! WHOO!!" lol
  18. I think she's hinting that many girls would be less interested in this than boys. And I'm saying this as a parent who is currently planning a Monster High themed party for a BOY lol. So I know, kids don't always show interest in what society would expect.
  19. Oh no, how awful. The last sports bar I went to was not smoke-free so we asked to sit furthest away from the smoking area. I hope it's not like that there. If the child likes the idea of the sports bar, that's one thing. But I'm just getting this vibe from the thread that she didn't request that and it was pushed on her which is making me say how awful. Also, depending on the crowd there, maybe not the most child-friendly conversations/language overheard lol. I hope they don't try to show up at your baby's first birthday with a tablet asking for your wifi password to watch their game!
  20. I grew up in Southern CA. I don't think my family could afford the house we lived in now because of the housing rates these days. And it wasn't even a big house. For years I'd go back to visit family every couple of years and the area was less and less recognizable. They are always building new things. Changing roads. It's just different. I do not feel connected, really. I was only eleven when I moved away, though. I moved away in 1994. For the most part I was not exposed to poverty until I was older. I spent a good bit of my childhood in Mississippi (where I am now, but not the same part of the state). I go visit that area sometimes and it's actually quite sad because when I was living there it seemed like there was nothing really there and now there's not even a mall! There are a couple of things that weren't there before, like another fast food place and a drug store. There's actually a Wal-Mart that is closer now, too. The skating rink was the big hang out for us in junior high and that hasn't been open for years. Since I used to spend my time at the skating rink and the mall I have to wonder what the kids do there these days. I'm not even talking about things affected by Hurricane Katrina, either. My old house was completely redone by someone else and I think some of the homes in the neighborhood were never rebuilt after the destruction, but many damaged homes were fixed up. I haven't even read the other thread so I should probably do that lol. As for clothing shopping, I just remember my mom would buy us a few things throughout the school year rather than one big haul at the beginning of the year.
  21. I'm not sure if I understand the logic? Do you mean you look at an updated Babies R Us list and know what was/was not purchased yet? How is shopping at Target in particular avoiding a repeat gift? We live 45 min. from the nearest Target and such. She lives close to those places, but we do not and the shower was near us. The registry showed if the items had been bought or not. If others shopped on Amazon like me, it might not show, but I took a gamble and purchased based on the list. I shopped via Prime a few days before the actual event if I recall correctly. I also threw in a not from the list item. If I had shopped at the actual store I would have requested a gift receipt and enclosed it, but I don't know if others did that.
  22. As long as they can use one of those brands (like their baby isn't sensitive to the brands and it fits the baby properly) then it sounds like a very clever and thoughtful gift. Also, if they can remember to keep up with the website to schedule deliveries. If it's something they will forget about or find a hassle then I don't know. But you probably already considered that. I think if someone's list is too expensive you can sometimes find the equivalent item on another site or another brand. Someone that works with dh had a baby shower where everything was from Babies R Us. I found the same items on Amazon and ordered them there.
  23. I'd think of it like an addiction. I'd compare it to being on a diet and giving into temptation because you have access to food X under your roof. When I was a teen I'd turn on the noisy modem (tried to muffle the dial up tone with my hand) to get online after my parents were asleep. Maybe he has a friend he chats with online? What is the punishment for breaking the rule? Can some of the items be taken away for several days at a time and placed at a relative's home or somewhere completely out of reach?
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