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Everything posted by Timberly

  1. https://www.lynda.com. It is offered for free through my city library membership. My girlfriend used it to teach herself Word and Excel and then started a business teaching Word to small businesses. I haven't used Lynda.com but it's on my To Do List ETA: after I posted that we hadn't tried Lynda.com, I asked DS13 to try it for a few minutes. He liked it so much he stayed on there for 2 hours. What a nice surprise.
  2. My dyslexic is using MUS Fractions, MUS Decimals, Khan, Dr Loyd's Fraction Overlays, and a private tutor. After checking out Good Eats DVDs from the library over and over I bought him all of the Amazon streaming Good Eats seasons and the three Good Eats cookbooks that include recipes for all of the seasons - expensive but he loves it.
  3. I hope this link works. I filtered the Red Cross classes to include only online options. http://www.redcross.org/courses/index.jsp
  4. I am hoping to have kids watch Red Cross self paced video courses this summer. Red Cross offers lots of of different online classes but I don't know which grade levels they are appropriate for http://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/course-dowbt000000000010278
  5. I love the recipes at Everyday Dutch Oven http://www.everydaydutchoven.com/search/label/Stew?m=1
  6. I have an autoimmune condition that causes gum inflammation. I have many deep pockets that read 4s and two pockets that measure a 5 and that is despite my using a sonic care toothbrush for 45 minutes daily (while picking up the house and watching homeschool DVDs), swishing with mouthwash during two daily showers, using Biotene products for a 24/7 dry mouth, flossing daily, and getting my teeth cleaned bi-annually. Dentist says my gums and hygiene look great and hasn't yet recommended a deep cleaning for me. My hubby uses the sonic care for one cycle once or twice daily, rarely flosses, and gets a cleaning maybe once every five years yet last week his pockets measured a two. Wow. This is the first dentist I've liked. My family has been seeing him for thirteen years. This year both he and my son's new orthodontist recommended a shower water pick for my son. I was surprised to recently hear the dentist and orthodontist say they have both quit flossing and instead use ShowerBreeze Waterjet, mouthwash, and SonicCare toothbrush. They said it takes them thirty seconds to use the shower water pick. I just bought the same ShowerBreeze Waterjet that my dentist and orthodontist families use. It comes with heads for two people so I got two extra heads for the kids. It was $45 including shipping. It took only a minute to install. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003ES2HNI/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1 The staff at my large church use groupon deals for their families' dental cleanings and then stick to one dentist for all other dental needs. They don't like the hassle of it but it's all they can afford to do. I live in a small town and we occasionally have dental cleaning groupon deals. Maybe call a dentist that your friends or family have been using long term to see if they will give you a cheap opinion on the need for a deep cleaning?
  7. Thanks, I'm check to see if it plays nicely with my iPad
  8. I chose Out Of Milk app because it works on laptop, my iPhone and hubbys Samsung Galaxay phone. I spent an entire day using laptop and my iPhone to import my huge excell master grocery list and two weeks of recipes. I then assigned categories to each item on list. Hubby and I were thrilled with what seemed a fabulous app. Then I app closes itself each time I try to open shopping list using my iPhone, website won't delete items from shopping list, and recipe list doesn't work with iPhone. Google searches show lots of similar complaints since recent update. Grrr
  9. Out Of Milk let me large import excel master grocery list, minus categories and aisle numbers, into what they call a "pantry list". I'm not sure I'm sure how it's going to work out but at least I've found something to try.
  10. Just found Out Of Milk app. It works on iPhone and Android. It has some sort of pantry list that somehow works with shopping list.
  11. For years hubby has done all of of our family's shopping He just got his first smart phone and wants to use a shopping app instead of the excell list I email him. I love my excell list because it has columns for aisle #, priority (1 means buy today, 2 means buy next time you're shopping, 3 means whenever), and store (Costco, Grocery Store, Walmart, AutoMart, Lowes, and OfficeMart). I use FIND and SORT to manage 200 row list. Anyone found an app that would let me copy paste from excell? He didn't like OneNote.
  12. The neuro-psych new patient forms included questions about family history of learning challenges so I called my family members. We haven't lived near each other in 35 years. They all said no to knowing anything about anyone having learning challenges. Several of them blamed my son's reading problems on him being homeschooled. Months later, when I called them to tell them DS's tests report showed a gifted IQ and profound dyslexia they volunteered that on my side of the family, grandpa, grandma, uncle, mother and 3 of my siblings can't read. Many didn't graduate from high school, others did but can't fill out a doctor's new patient form or send a single sentence text. They've since become close to my DS10, cheering him on, telling him to keep working hard. They buy him little gifts when he finishes a new level of Barton. DS is convinced that being Dyslexic much better than being non-dyslexic. I'm not sure how he came to this conclusion but he firmly believes it. My husband and I put off testing for a year because we didn't want to put a label on DS10. We've since come to appreciate that having labels has brought comfort and help for our son. It's been hard to accept the daily struggles he faces, but at least now we understand what's going on.
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