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Everything posted by Kerileanne99

  1. Very good point. He had all 4 top teeth come in at the same time, starting at 5 months! A couple of my siblings were born without enamel so making an appointment is a good idea anyway.
  2. Oh, that is a good thing to try! This child wants my constant attention,and craves near constant stimulation and input. Oh! I totally don't feel badly for not doing anything crazy like torturing my baby! When I said sorry, I meant it sarcastically😄
  3. 1) go to Walmart- so many, many reasons! 2) clean a dirty microwave- despite the many disgusting things I cleaned in the Army, a dirty microwave makes me wretch every time! 3) listen to any music at all repetitive- hubby's electonica? No way in hell. Dd's song she learned 6 words of? Our 'karaoke room' ie the walk in closet, is the only place it is allowed:)
  4. So apparently in naming our 10 mo old Max, he absolutely is. He is somehow in the 97th percentile for height and weight (take that, mom, who insisted vegetarians couldn't breastfeed or would have failure to thrive babies:) despite some dairy issues and and an umbilical hernia, this kid is the happiest and healthiest I could have wished for:) But this kid is so big and strong that I am struggling. I am in a wheelchair, and have serious difficulty in carrying him. He is a prime candidate for attachment parenting-he wants yo's be held constantly, just to see the world around him....but I can no longer physically wear him as he is 27 pounds! He is chubby, but solid and on the go ALL.THE.TIME. As in does not stop, already walking, and into everything. The biggest problem I am having at the moment besides keeping up is biting! We aren't talking little nips, but large enough to draw large bruises and blood. So far it is just me as his sister has sensory issues and squirms away if he gets too close. But I have found myself flinching every time he gets near me! Poor kid, he obviously needs something...but has already given me split lips, a black eye and countless bites:( needless to say, I had to stop BFing... I have tried lots of gentle correction. Everything I can find is for toddler/preschooler biters. Sorry, I won't put jalapeño oil in my babies mouth, or hit his mouth/spank when he does it. Are there other solutions? Or do I just have to keep reiterating 'no biting' when he does it? He thinks it's a game I think now? Right now I am resorting to multiple layers of clothing, but we do live in Texas so that won't work for long!
  5. I have a dd6 who loves to memorize speeches, or parts of speeches. She first started when she was four and saw Barack OBama deliver Lincoln's Gettysburg Address as part of the Ken Burns documentary. One of the most fun things for her to do has been t watch lots of others, many of them Celebrities, deliver the speech and then pick apart what was effective/less effective, style. Etc. It has taught her so much about the art of delivering a speech and public speaking in general. would it be possible to pick only a small number of speeches and do this on a larger scope?
  6. A difficult situation:( If she been caught by the police and ticketed, a judge might have (at a minimum) assigned a driving course, fines, or community sevice. Is there a way for you to arrange community service in such a way as to see what the consequences of her actions could be?
  7. I am glad for this! Yet, the very fact that it is a consideration is a problem:) I hope the day will come when you don't have to choose between waiting for access to a family room and risking anything at all.
  8. So, maybe I am a bit cynical...but check the budget situation in your city. Sobriety checkpoints can generate more than a bit of cash by targeting both illegal and intoxicated drivers. Impounded cars, fines, etc., can all generate money...and seemingly boost the 'safety' numbers. Not to mention add extra manpower hours for police and support personel!
  9. Ravin- A bit off topic, but I love reading your posts. Your courage and personality always shine, with thoughtful posts that being out the humanity and humility with regard to your personal experiences. I just have to say that the thought of you rushing through those personal care tasks with the hope that no one notice/harass you actually brings tears to my eyes. No one deserves this, for any reason...
  10. Give it a month. Valentine's day just passed! Poor kids are inundated with it:) At coop we just spent about 3 weeks with kids age 4-11 having various boyfriends, girlfriends, etc., until we just told them we weren't having it at coop:) My dd6 came home from the party and old me she had a crush on a girl:) Okaaay...I wasn't ready for that, but said okay, who is it and what do you like about them? Turns out the older kids had told her a crush was when you really liked someone and wanted to have dates (which she took as play dates!) with... 😄
  11. No joke! Seriously. My SIX year old heard her daddy and I talking about this this morning, and exclaimed "but mom! They can't do that! It is just like discrimination and segregation and Martin Luther King Jr.!" With a huge look of disgust. How can anyone think that is okay, or even legal?
  12. It turns out this question is once again in the news: SD just passed a bill to ban students from using bathrooms that ' don't agree with their chromosomes and birth gender.' Note the word and. Really people. The article uses the hypothetical example of 'do you really want 13 year old boys to see you 13 yo girl's anatomy?' Because I am sure there will be a long line of 13 yo boys so desperate to see the inside of a girl's bathroom that they will put themselves through the emotional, psychological, social, and physical torture that Transgendered individuals must endure... http://time.com/4226737/south-dakota-senate-transgender-bathroom-bill/
  13. When Alex was really young I got larger graph paper ( 1 in) and let her use number stamps:)
  14. I vote have them contribute a modest rent/living expenses, below fair market value. And another thing- it sounds harsh, especially if the elder in question is a parent, but I would have them sign a lease to that effect showing the monthly amount in question. Whether or not you actually keep to it is not the issue, and you could alter it if situations changed...but I have seen two friends get into difficult situations from this very thing. One friend cared for their grandmother, who contributed sporadically but at their own discretion when a need arose. When that elder became more infirm and the savings was diminishing, will beneficiaries actually reported my friend to adult protective services. They were eventually totally cleared but it took YEARS of paperwork and horror:( The case worker told my friend that they advise that legal protection to everyone, signed at the beginning before anyone can claim there is coercion. It is for everyone's protection, I can see that, but it does seem harsh!
  15. KungFu Panda- My kiddo always remembers the little things too:) She won't stop talking about the fact that the Jefferson Memorial will give $2 bills as change in the giftshop:) The toilet paper dispenser in McDonalds that was locked up with a double set of chains and a padlock as big as my hand:) And the picnic we had at the Mall...
  16. For Alex, I let her actually take it in the water and cuddle on the side of the pool. I only filled them half full of water and then blew air into them to inflate a bit. They don't last an incredible amount of time, but even as they cool they 'feel' warm compared to the kiddo. Plus, she would tread water (when the instructor let the kids hang out waiting in the water instead of the side) holding it, which was a bit of work...which would warm her up a bit:) Also, I take a thermos of hottish water to her to sip instead of her normal water bottle...although a couple of other moms tried this and discovered their kiddos should not have water at all whilst swimming, lol. We did try a swim cap but Alex has sensory issues and just couldn't handle it. Of course, she has longer hair so it had to be tucked up underneath:( It was also a bit difficult to find a wetsuit she could tolerate...
  17. Oh! And this winter I actually took along two hot water bottles, from the drugstore. I filled them at home and by swim time they were the right temperature for cuddling. They also work really well for the kids to dive and retrieve:) Ultimately, the cold and the waiting were why we changed to private lessons:(
  18. For my dd6 I just bought a woman's full-size robe and cut the sleeves down, and shortened it just a bit. It wraps around twice, but that is a benefit!
  19. Listening in. Dd6 has the same problem. We finally got her a light-weight long sleeve neoprene and cloth wet suit. It helps. We also take a thick, absorbent bathrobe to wrap her in as soon as she gets out. Much more effective than towels:)
  20. If she is artistic, might she enjoy cooking? There may not be a culinary school near you😄, but that is something readily accessible via the Internet. For example, I went through a 'garnish' phase where I practiced making flowers and the like out of any manner of foods, lol. You could start her with the goal of planning and cooking dinner one night per week: shopping list, grocery shopping, cooking, and encourage the artistry side. If she is interested in travel and adventure, maybe she would enjoy learning to cook foods from the places she would like to go to at some point. Maybe cake decorating would be appealing as well, either via a class at a place like Michael's or Joanne's, or on the Internet. There are local kids here who have started a small business baking bread and cakes, and selling them to family and friends. Maybe earning money that could be used for one of the adventure trips would be a start...
  21. Yep, I paid for the downloaded study guide. You buy them in units. The basic guide, the 'theme' units, etc... They are quite extensive, with things like word searches and activities to go with the reading:)
  22. MercyA-Glad you have A Hot Date Tonight:) I have absolutely agreed with opinions and ideas you have had in other topics, and have zero reason to doubt your intellect. I just, after multiple experiences and personal friendships, along with my own extensive reading and research, can't agree that biology is a choice. You are basically saying that whilst you understand that biology (gender/sex) may not be a choice, the person is 'choosing' to pursue something they should not. For whatever reason. I cannot agree with this. Have you read any of the studies/stories about those 'ambiguous' cases where doctors have arbitrarily decided (or asked the parents to decide which sex they wanted?!)? And those are just the 'visible' cases...
  23. For starters, anyone who simplifies biology into 'a choice.' Black or white. Really. It isn't that simple.
  24. Yeah. I just have to add that I truly hope some seriously consider outsourcing biology. They are bathrooms. Used for relieving oneself. I would love to see unisex bathrooms with stalls, and believe that is the only way forward. In the future it will (hopefully) be recognized that sex and gender are a continuum....
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