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Everything posted by Kerileanne99

  1. We are staying local for spring break this year because Alex wants to go to the Rattlesnake festival:)
  2. We are headed out to buy duckweed to work on our pond for Leap Day this afternoon:)
  3. I just pulled out the old plastic number line (1-20) and am going to give Alex a string of mental math problems (125 + 175 divided by 10 -27) and let her 'hop' to the answer. She is going to love it:)
  4. I need some fun math activities for our annual Pi day party...and some for Alex because we make a week of math activities out of it:) Anybody have any ideas that are fun and fairly quick? And some that are longer and problem solving in nature?
  5. And if you have Brain Pop there is a pretty good video today:)
  6. I just taught Alex how to identify a leap year with divisibility rules:) I am sure he will remember because of his bday, lol, but if the year is divisible by 4, it is a leap year. So by divisibility rules, if the last 2 digits are divisible by 4, it is a leap year: 2012, 2016, 2020, etc...
  7. This is an older article but really cool...the writing prompt has them suggest their own solution to 'correcting' the calendar as well as the history of why we have a leap year:) http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/learning/2012/02/27/10-activities-for-learning-about-leap-year-and-other-calendar-oddities/?referer=
  8. We are doing school on the trampoline, a special math challenge I found, a planet game/review, and then heading out to a trampoline place. Anybody doing anything fun or silly?
  9. I really hope they can help tomorrow! Hopefully you will get some relief. If not: From someone who has had multiple bone reconstructions in my hips including breaking of pelvis, removal of trochanter ball to shave it down and reposition with pins, and much more I have to make a recommendation. The only way I kept pain in check was to alternate pain mess with 'Army candy', which is a full 800 mg of Motrin.they can prescribe this, which is better than trying to take 800 mg of OTC. Then make sure you eat! And do not miss a doseas once you get behind in managing the pain it is infinitely more difficult to keep up. The combination of alternating the meds was really effective. Obviously not something you want to do forever, but to get through that deep bone pain, it is something I swear by now.
  10. Okay...I am FROM Idaho and now live in central Texas. If you are driving there are a million things better to see along the way. Unless you are specifically looking for something in Texas, I have to ask why?! There are specific things we love and would recommend, but they are all in opposite directions. When you hit Texas it is like 10 hours of slow boring driving with no real bathroom, food, or gas stops. Seriously. We are always planning on vacations and rarely go without flying just because it takes so.stinking.long to get out of Texas!
  11. Alex is in! Daddy dragged out last years wading pool and filled it with water this morning. It is in an area underneath a huge tree overgrown with ivy and vegetation, Alex's 'secret garden' area. I ordered mosquito dunks and bits as that is our biggest concern being in Texas with the Zika virus. We will pick up some duckweed and the like tomorrow. Alex wants lily pads. We shall see:)
  12. OMG!!!! I went looking for this crockpot/microwave video and came across these Rainbow Bear gems: All I can say is wow. What the... Among other gems, apparently boys and girls have different needs. Girls need love and affection, and financial support. Boys need a pretty girl, and someone to do the cooking and cleaning...among other things. They are a series called Abstinence Only:
  13. During our wedding ceremony we did a ceremonial version of hand fasting with a ribbon before our ring exchange as a nod to hubby's heritage...the minister could not figure out the ribbon/knot and very loudly announced that ' usually the ropes and bondage were reserved for the bedroom after the ceremony!!!' I thought my elderly family members were going to have meltdowns:)
  14. Personal parlay Private powwow Table tete-de-tete (how DO you get symbols on an iphone?!) Dynamic duologue
  15. Can I just say that whilst it would be cost prohibitive to box up the college level science textbooks we own to send to Book Samaritan, hubby gets constant new copies from publishers hoping to persuade the dept to adopt them, and it would be unethical to sell them)... If you are really in need of a book (these will be primarily college level secular textbooks!) please send me a pm!
  16. Yesterday I got every single one of those emoji's in a single 20 minute period. We were working on area of an ellipse. Oh, the drama. I showed her several times, we measured the radius of my giant yoga ball and then I sat on ball and we remeasured. I sang her an old preschool song : 'wobbly wobbly wircle--an elephant sat on my circle! 'She finally refused to try... Daddy came home and she literally dragged him to the dry erase board to show him what 'she had figured out how to do!' She proceeded to calculate the area flawlessly and even used proper terminology such as semi-major and semi-minor axes. Okaaaay. My name is chopped liver:)
  17. And as an extension for Sum Swamp we switched out for higher value dice and when the sum was greater than 10, simply dropped the tens and moved the number of ones:) We also like Zeus on the Loose. Dd made her own version to practice subtraction by starting at 100 (Mount Olympus) and subtraction get back to zero (Hades). She called it 'going to Hades'😳
  18. Wow, I am in the exact same boat. We have tried everything. Mine is 10 months old and a category 3 destructive hurricane. He is on the move constantly, already walking...and is 27 pounds! (97th percentile for height and weight). He has already figured out he is faster than my wheelchair and that he can scoot into places I can't get to😳 He does take a 30 min nap in the morning and afternoon, but it takes him 30 minutes of fighting it to get there. It shouldn't be such a big deal as my oldest is Kindy, but she is working at an extremely accelerated level and, although mostly works from a work plan list independently, still needs me! If he is put behind a baby gate or octagon he literally screams bloody murder the whole time. If out, he wants sisters constant attention and pulls at her. She has severe ADHD so that is a huge problem! Yesterday SHE came up with a solution. I came in from the bathroom and she had all her school materials spread out inside the octagon, had brought a portable desk and snack! If she couldn't keep the baby in, she sure could keep him out, lol. Genius. And baby happily demolished the living room whilst I helped her:)
  19. Where are you? Send me a pm, I am in Texas and have one sitting here:) And btw-Amazon Prime had mine to me in two days, then I dealt with the insurance later:)
  20. It is a fairly recent thing, but he hasn't been ill. I actually wonder if it wasn't my reaction that started it! He as nursing, late at night and suddenlt chomped. I was have asleep, and screamed and yanked away:( In my defense, he drew blood all around the nipple and left a bruise that radiated all around it. I tried nursing for a few days after that, but I swear he thought it was a game. He would nurse for a minute or two, then you could feel the little imp go still and quiet before a huge bite. And then he GIGGLED😳 So yeah. That combined with my flinching (not to mention that I have been delaying taking much- needed medication for months so that I could nurse!) effectively ended my nursing career.
  21. Very good point. He had all 4 top teeth come in at the same time, starting at 5 months! A couple of my siblings were born without enamel so making an appointment is a good idea anyway.
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