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Everything posted by speedmom4

  1. I am completely confused by this statement. Which Catholic social justice programs are liberal? Feeding the poor, dignity of workers, pro-life (conception to natural death), etc? I consider myself an orthodox Roman Catholic and don't see anything that I would call liberal. Are you Catholic or just repeating what you've heard? I'm absolutely not trying to be snarky. I'm just trying to understand what you mean. :001_smile: Elise in NC
  2. YES! Love it! I am also very conflicted about who really is guilty. Elise in NC
  3. Congrats!!!!! My son's gymnastics season starts Saturday. He is a level 8. It is so exciting seeing all the hard work pay off! Elise in NC
  4. You had the right attitude for that type of "adventure"! Glad it all worked out! Elise in NC
  5. Yes, very offensive. I have a special needs child and the words "short bus", "retard", etc. are always offensive. I also don't like it when people jokingly say someone has "brain damage". My son has brain damage and it's not a joke. Elise in NC
  6. Pope Francis is wonderful! I love what he is doing for the world. Elise in NC
  7. I love this. Prayers and (((hugs))) for you all. Elise in NC
  8. I always thaw chicken on the counter. I cook it well and have never had any issues. Elise in NC
  9. The summers are hot and humid. You probably won't find an area in the southeast that isn't. But it's a great place to live otherwise! Good luck! Elise in NC
  10. I also knew a woman with the most beautiful silver hair! It was down almost to her waist and she kept it braided. It was gorgeous. No matter how untreated my hair was never that thick and beautiful. I have been highlighting my hair for almost twenty years. I started going grey in my mid twenties but I have naturally dirty blond hair. I now have a lot of grey/silver (almost platinum) but I'm too afraid to make that plunge. My biggest deterrent is that my husband looks super young and I would DIE if someone thought I was older than him even though he's older than me by two and half years. But I admire women who have the courage to be natural. Elise in NC
  11. My older ds needed Miralax from the time he was a toddler. It helped him so much. We were doing weekly enemas but Miralax relieved his constipation. Our pediatrician recommended it. Ds has cerebral palsy and he wasn't able to eat enough fruits and vegetables to regulate his bowel movements. Now ds has no problems and we haven't had to use Miralax in a very long time! Elise in NC
  12. When my children were 9, 7, 5, and 3 my marriage was a mess. I seriously considered divorce. We were both so unhappy. I'm so glad we were both just too tired to do anything drastic or permanent. Now that we have one in college and the youngest is 12 life is so very different. We have time to spend together. We enjoy each other's company again. My mom gave me great advice when I got married. She said, "You will fall in and out of love with your spouse throughout your marriage." I think that's fantastic advice. Just because things are bad now doesn't necessarily mean it always will be. Invest in your marriage and go to counseling! Prayers and (((hugs))) Elise in NC
  13. My 12 year old son is only around 4' 8". He is often mistaken for a much younger boy. I'm not too concerned. My dh is only around 5' 8" and was a very late bloomer. Heck, he didn't even have to shave every day when we were first married! Elise in NC
  14. This is such good advice. Talk to your children about the mistakes you've made in order to help them make good financial decisions in the future. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach them about financial responsiblity. Also listen to the Dave Ramsey show as often as possible for support or even attend Finacial Peace University if you haven't done so already.
  15. Pay down your debt. It is so important for you to take care of your financial future. It's sort of like putting on the oxygen mask first and then putting it on your children's face next. Unfortunately it doesn't sound like you're in a position to financially help your children in college. You can support them by helping them select affordable college options. Also during their high school years work on SAT/ACT prep, leadership opportunities, volunteering, etc. That will help your children earn scholarships. Good luck! Elise in NC
  16. I would be making a call to the pediatrician to see if they want to see your ds again. If he spikes a fever over 101 then I would definitely bring him in. Elise in NC
  17. Well no wonder you're sick with worry! You have every right to be. There is nothing more awful than waiting to hear if something is wrong with your precious baby. At six months old we knew something wasn't right with our son. He had an MRI of his brain. The result would either be a brain tumor or that he had had a stroke. I have never prayed so hard that he had ONLY had a stroke. Thankfully that's what it turned out to be. It's such a weird position to be in. You and your little one will be in my prayers. Please update us when you can. Elise in NC
  18. I relate to so much of this. My boys are driving my crazy! Things I normally find cute are just plain annoying. Hormones do suck! I just hope I'm not crabby for the next 8-10 years! Elise in NC
  19. Oh crap. I forgot to add that I'm having occasional fitful nights of tossing and turning. Insomnia is a symptom?? Elise in NC
  20. I have a Benjamin James. He looked a lot like the pic you posted as well. As a baby he was blond, chubby, and smiley. I like the way Benjamin and James sound together. Elise in NC
  21. Lol! If I got pregnant now I would have a twenty year old and a newborn next year! Elise in NC
  22. I like the ominous voice! Maybe my family will let me go away for the next few years and I'll come home when it's all over. Thanks!
  23. Well, I guess that's better than some alternatives. I was hoping I was too young to be dealing with it. Thanks, Elise in NC
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