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Everything posted by Mom27kidz

  1. I'd agree with Kiara (first post). Stop all writing for the first half of the year. Confidence is everything. Focus on just enjoying school for a little bit. Let him become proud of his penmanship first, then maybe a couple sentences of "what's your favourite part of that story" or just writing a sentence each of "beginning, middle, end". Literally only 3 sentences.... just until he begins to relax and enjoy learning again. There's lots of time to plug him into a curriculum later on if you need to. :)
  2. Wow! At 12 my kids were simply reading their Bibles and doing evening Devotions. Possibly some catechism. Lots of prayer. :)
  3. So is it safe to say that if you did do LC 1 & 2 You could skip Forms 1-3 ?? Especially as an adult doing it? (I have always wanted to learn it and was actually considering purchasing a Latin course next year).
  4. This is what I was told: They used to do Latina Christiana1 & 2 and go right into Henle Latin But then they stopped #2 and replaced it with First,Second,Third Form Latin. Then go into Henle.
  5. ABbeka grade one expects sentences and eventually a paragraph
  6. LOL!! MATH😂 My subconscious mind of hating to teach math must have kicked in. Haha Saxon...same as last year.
  7. We use Classically Cursive. We use book 2. And that's it. One book, one year.
  8. So what does certification get you exactly?? I mean if you can already teach it ( if you've used it for a few years on your own kids or at s co op). Will places pay you then to teach it???
  9. Memoriapress.com has a "picture books" read aloud package for grades K-4. You could check out what they have and just order the individual books you want.
  10. Let's see.... WRITING: Mom teaches each genre - one per month and runs off of our history readings. GRAMMAR: Easy Grammar & Dictations HISTORY: Canada 🇨🇦 GEOGRAPHY: Labelling & Drawing Canada SCIENCE: BJU ... but only Reading and answering the questions in the textbook. FRENCH: DuoLingo TECHNOLOGY: Would take me a day to list everything... he's a "techy". :) BIBLE: As a family....read, discussion, memory verses, etc. MUSIC: Guitar ART STUDY, HYMN STUDY, DRAWING: As family I'm sure I'm missing something.... oh well. There you have it :)
  11. We've done a similar thing.... though not during summer or I'd have mutiny. Lol. We would do only LA. No math or other subjects. Just hard core writing techniques, vocabulary (Latin/Greek) As well as a dedicated 1 hour for unabridged reading with reading responses required.
  12. Someone mentioned this on the SCM forum:) http://juliehross.com/agentlefeastmain/
  13. We do 30 min of silent Reading regardless each day. But they only need to "respond" to three books per year.... write a paragraph(s) telling what the book was about or if they liked it and why.
  14. I just wanted to encourage you that you're doing an awesome job. :). My own boys also had the Reading down pat but writing and spelling was really bad... all of them really did grow into great writers. And I used different writing for each of them! (I'm a curriculum hound) Anyway, slow and steady really does win the race. :)
  15. #1....but ditch the spelling and alternate copywork-dictation. We love Easy Grammar :) PS: we have CLE LA and the "all in one" just didn't turn out for us... we ended up having to add to it.
  16. We do ABeka Handbook for reading too. Quick response: sometimes we use "sight words" In other words you don't HAVE TO know the reason .... just memorize it. ABeka is very good at teaching phonics and you can absolutely trust the process of step by step instruction. 😊
  17. Wow I just checked out The Latin Road...I had never heard of it. It looks great! My only bump in the road would be that is says on the website you should spend an hour every day. That's more than I typically spend.... I have a "half hour rule" for every subject til grade 9. Can you tell me how much time you guys spent on it each day??
  18. 2 Questions: What's after Latina Christiana II? what do I do next? Henle? First Form Latin? Visual Latin 2?? I'm hearing different things from different websites. What's after "Latin's Not So Tough" ?? How far does that take you?
  19. Easy Grammar?? Fix It Grammar?? Grammar Flashcards??
  20. This may seem dumb but does she use a calculator? My son had HUGE math anxiety until I decided to just give him a calculator and teach him the "short cuts". Now he actually likes math. We use Saxon and after explaining the lesson to him I only assign a few questions and to a maximum of 30 min. That means no matter what after 30 min.he is done. I also decided we're not tied to "finishing " the book. Its okay to be a few lessons behind. His anxiety has all but disappeared.
  21. Has anyone used these two LA books from Hillside Education?? I would love to try them since they seem "all in one" LA. But can't find any reviews on them.
  22. So do you go straight into Henle after GSWL??
  23. Thank you! Seems like GSWL is fairly quick.... like 1 semester? What does a person do after (besides the online Linney's) ?? I'd rather stick with a book ... online doesn't really suit me.
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