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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. You can make it a year's worth or you can accelerate it. It overlaps with Latina Christiana so much that you can quit early and move on if it suits you. I couldn't imagine going through all of PL in only two months, that is a LOT of vocabulary to cover.
  2. So you were able to move towards Minimus from Latina Christiana? I've been looking through Minimus and I love the stories and things, but I wasn't sure we could transition to that from LC.
  3. We made it through 'The Magician's Nephew' and TLWW and my youngest, while not totally into it, managed to pick up quite a bit. I hadn't thought he was really listening at all until I caught him playing with his lego men and calling them Polly and Digory :p I just read through one Holmes book. I'd never read them before and wanted to check it out for ds... uh... then Mom ran off with the book and kept it till it was due :lol: I'm going to check it out again in January, I was really surprised by how compelling the stories were.
  4. Comparing and Contrasting two pieces from the reading list. That's what my English Prof would always do :p
  5. I knew she was being funny, but I was worried I came off condescending (not my intention). I was just trying to be nice and I love weddings, especially ones with really joyful parents. Those sorts of things give me the warm fuzzies even if they are done a little... out of the normal run of things. The books are a bit..... extravagant.... but it looks like most of what they do is over the top (badumpbump).
  6. I love Dickens too :p We're going to start his Christmas stories the last week in November. For right now we've been reading various books on Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims. We're also reading the Hunting of the Snark. Our last trip to the library, ds and I both needed to pick out biographies (I'm trying to follow TWTM library list for all of us). I picked John Quincy Adams and ds chose Abigail Adams... So, I'm reading about the oldest son and he's reading about the mother :lol:
  7. We did stop Prima Latina early (it was monotonous) and moved on to Latina Christiana. Both of us enjoy LC much more than PL.
  8. I certainly wish them the best. It's sweet that her parents are so proud, not everyone, especially a young teenage couple, get to boast that. Taking into account what she wants to be when she grows up (badumpbump), the dress makes some sense. After all, some of the things the stars and fashion models wear make that dress look pretty prudish.
  9. My sister's doc said it took 6 days before the kids would definitely not be transmitting it. When her middle son, 6, got the mist he didn't sniff enough, or else he blew out. Some came dribbling out of his nose and my sister was frantically trying to wipe it into his nose again. The doc watched the whole thing, then explained that she had the virus all over her hands and she needed to wash and be very careful about not doing that again.
  10. We used Prima Latina last year, but I'm not sure it was a definite 3rd grade class. I would say, go ahead and try it. If it's frustrating, try slowing the pace. If it's still out of reach, then put it aside and try again later :)
  11. No camera tricks, but they are ACTING. It is not realistic. Fantasizing can be enjoyable and alright, it can also be unhealthy. Too much fantasy leads to unrealistic expectations, too much fantasy leads to too little interest in the real world. Natural does not mean healthy. Normal does not necessarily mean healthy. The liberal mentality that, because they are curious it is alright to explore can lead to abuse. Why? Because they are not READY to explore. Just FYI, I do not mean punishing them for touching themselves, but I do mean that buying them things to 'help' them or encouraging them to go outside themselves for pleasure is beyond what they are ready for at that age. Just because you have feelings does not mean you should follow them and, imo/e, at the age of 13 you are extremely vulnerable to the mentality that, if it feels good it must be good. Therefore, to be good I should endulge in this good feeling. Thus anyone that gives me that good feeling must also be good and I would be wrong or bad to deny it. Plenty of younger teens end up promiscuous because of that line of thought, they also end up mothers and diseased. Not because Mom hid the truth, but because Mom said, 'go ahead honey! Enjoy! Don't forget your rubbers in the rain ;)' Thing is, those don't feel good, so they must be bad. I simply, completely disagree with the last bolded statement. 13 is too young and impressionable for that sort of free reign. Do you have children? I thought you sounded way more rational than I would've :p
  12. Lol, our last fridge froze our milk, but melted our icecream :p

  13. :lol::lol: I trip over my tongue regularly. Tara, I would just keep my mouth shut, if it was me, unless she asked a specific question and then only answer as it pertains to myself. IOW, do you think we can handle this? Well, it sure was hard for us (use examples)... do you think you could handle that? And then let her answer. Mine field is the best analogy I can think of for this type of conversation.
  14. Nothing like cold food :)

  15. Yes, but if you are raising your child to be a member of society, then they need to know how society is going to expect them to behave. Rather than bending around them (let's all install better locks so the poor criminal doesn't break the law again) they'll get punished for having broken the law. In this case, dd breached privacy, she went through her mother's things, and so she loses her own privacy. If you have to dig through someone's things to find something and you're being sneaky about it, it should be obvious it's off limits. Where she gets her info from is up to her mother. Q does not sound like she's holding her dd down. She's done some sex ed, she explained what's going on and imo, she's handled this extremely well. Porn and erotica are not real examples of sex/sexuality, they're bizarre distorted views of them. I would have never considered the internet a viable solution to sex ed, nor would I chuck a few eroticas to my kids. There's way better, and more realistic, resources than either of those have to offer. ETA: Having read your post (missed it the first time) I see we completely disagree about this and I don't think that will change. So... I'll leave my response, but I don't think we'll get to understanding each other at all.
  16. I started to sell just enough of older dcs stuff to be able to buy one or two new things for younger ds, to take the burn off hand-me-downs. Just an idea. :grouphug: My mom used to send my big sister's close off to a friend and that friend would send me her daughter's hand-me-downs (meaning I ironically ended up with a lot of big sis's clothes, but also things that really were new to me ;) ). :grouphug: Hth.
  17. I'm trying out 'Managers of their Home' and 'Managers of their Chores.' Lol, I never have time for anything anymore.

  18. They don't normally do it and there are lots of soldiers connected with our church (either being family to members or members themselves), so I understood it to be a special thing for Veterans' Day. They did follow with the Christian Pledge. I never even knew there was such a thing :blush:
  19. This is one of those super sensitive issues where something that seems like a perfectly fine comment can end up deeply hurting the other person.
  20. Society is not going to bend around someone that breaks rules. We do not tell people, well if someone broke into your house then you need to get better locks, it's your own fault. Making the mother alter HER behavior, because her DAUGHTER has an issue with respect does not make any sense. While I would not remove a door, I can see where the OP is coming from. Her daughter violated the privacy of others, so she loses her own privacy. It makes sense. As for deviant material... Adults, over 18 are legally able to buy pornagraphy. An adult is legally able to have that in their posession. A 13 yo is not. Same way I can keep beer in my fridge, because I am an adult, and still expect the dcs to keep out, because they are not adults. There is a difference. Also, Q did not seem angry that her daughter was reading it so much as upset at her daughter violating her privacy, going through her things, to get at it. If the morals were the issue, then I'd agree about the book. If I was anti-alcohol having beer would be hypocritical of me, but Q did not express concern about the book itself so much as the violation of privacy.
  21. I would leave the evaluating to whatever agency she's trying to adopt through (imo). It just seems like one of those topics that could cause a pretty big rift.
  22. It's strange that I never really noticed a difference until this thread was posted... You'd think it would've been obvious. Down here they really do say it at the beginning of every town meeting, county board meeting, school board meeting, baseball game... Like I posted earlier, if there's a flag, we say the pledge.
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