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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. Crimson Wife,


    I just want to thank you for your information and link! It was just what I needed to push me to act! I've been wanting to do the dietary changes for awhile now. DS10 is more willing to try as well. I started the fish oil and D3 a week ago, and diet changes today with DS10. He liked the gluten free and dairy free waffles! I will update in about 3 weeks as to what changes we find. Already, after a week of D3 drops and liquid fish oil I think there is a slight positive change in behavior!!!

  2. ds10 - American Kempo karate, recreational gymnastics, and piano

    ds8 - same karate, piano, recreational gymnastics, and piano - baseball

    dd6 - same karate, gymnastics, piano - plus, ballet and skating


    We just stopped swim lessons for the school year and will resume them in the summer

  3. We have been using grid paper. We started it a few months ago. He still gets lost keeping track of carrying. His writing is sloppy and he confuses his own numbers. I did find a great paper on the web that talks about organization issues with math. Hopefully we can have him read it also so he can see we are not trying to make life hard for him, but trying to help him get organized.


    Thank you for you responses!

  4. My ds 10 is struggling to stay neat and keep track of 3 number multiplication. We have stopped moving forward in math till he can show 100%. He fights everything! He struggles with organizing all kinds of problems and tends to not complete a problem with more than one step!


    Any advice on how to help him or are we expecting too much? Is he capable of doing it? All we can come up with is lots of repetition and work. How do we help him organize himself. He just can't seem to remember how!

  5. I was going to let it go, but ds 10 is going to a therapist with us for anxiety issues and he talked about his cousin in therapy. Therapist, "How was your vacation?" Ds, "My cousin..." The therapist felt ds needed more resolution and recommended I contact my brother about it. I did it for ds and the therapist.


    I think it was best left alone.

  6. I learned that my brother and I parent differently over the holidays. We haven't seen each other in a few years. We are not close.


    Without knowing he was planning to visit my mom, we had planned to drop the kids off at my mom's house for two nights after Christmas. I thought this would be great to have my kids get to know their cousins. Well, the girls (5 yrs old and 6 yrs. old) got along great! But, my two boys and his one boy did not! My ds10 was beside himself when we came back. Their boy cousin, 7, kicked, lied, bossed them around and did not play fairly repeatedly. At first, I played it down because I thought my ds 10 was over-reacting, but shortly afterwards my ds 8 told me he also could not stand their cousin. Ds10 can be a bit hyper-focused on things, but ds8 is as even as it comes.


    To be fair, my boys say they did do some retaliation toward their cousin that made him cry. My boys are not angels.


    My mom and brother (if either were actually there or paying any attention at all) just shrugged it off or blamed my boys, because the cousin lied to save himself and my boys are older.


    My kids make mistakes all the time and I tell them. They have consequences for bad behavior and I believe in conflict resolution for kids with an adult. I believe that each child needs to be responsible for their own actions. My mother and brother do not.


    My boys never want to see their cousin again.


    I wrote to my brother letting him know how disappointed I was with the boys not getting along and asked if we could all sit down and talk about ways to get along better before they see each other again. We were actually thinking of going to visit them, since they moved a bit closer.


    He let me know that since my kids were older (8 and 10) than his son (7), they should be more responsible and kids should work conflict out on their own.


    I feel like I am in a warped dimension. How do I respond to him? I don't even think I can get resolution with my brother, let alone the kids! And, maybe it just doesn't matter since we hardly ever see each other.

  7. I have always made a point to make sure we see the in-laws sometime after Christmas day. This has worked fine. The reason being that they way over do it with gifts. I want my kids Christmas to be special at home and the first time they get "Christmas".


    They are asking us to come this year the Sunday before Christmas. Am I wrong to say no? I can't help feeling badly about it for some reason.

  8. I never joined the WTM running group, but I do run. It's been quite some time since I ran a half or full marathon. No plans for that. I have a pretty good route I run now that is about 5 miles. I was out at about 5:30 this morning. Yes, it is still dark, but the only time I can get it in! I put on my mesh reflector and go.


    I have been wimping out on strength training lately. My one hang up is doing legs and then having my legs not be as strong for my runs! I just can't make it work. I really need to do strengthening on the same days I run, then have a complete rest/recovery day. But, I don't have the time for that.


    I did manage to do the 30 minute shred video yesterday. At least it is a quick workout.


    Injury free at the moment!

  9. My oldest has been doing karate for close to five years now. It has been a long road. He has many different issues, ranging from characteristics of ADHD, coordination disorder, Asperger's and sensory processing. I would say that karate and piano have given him the most confidence.


    It has taken him a long time to become good at it. There were times I wanted to have him stop because it was frustrating for him and he was one of the worst kids with focus issues. But, I am very glad we stuck with it and he is about a year away from his junior black belt. It has been worth every penny for the skill and confidence he has gained.

  10. The therapist just introduced this phrase to us. My ds 10 is deep into this thinking and it makes it very hard to get him through his work. The therapist said it's good to remind him of his thinking pattern and try to re-direct it. I think it is going to be a long, hard process.


    He was tested. No LD's. ADHD with Asperger tendencies and some sensory processing issues. Oh, and co-ordination disorder. He has a hard time fighting towards anything! He prefers to do his own thing. Does not like to be told to do anything. It is very, very, very difficult to get him through his work.


    Any experience would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  11. I look forward to not having my Odyssey in about 6 or 7 years (if it lasts). The steering wheel has always vibrated on the highway. The tires wear out quickly. It can't handle as much weight as we would like it to for camping. I am totally paranoid that the transmission is going to fail from what I've read about it. They didn't change the defective transmission until 2007, we bought in 2006.


    We had one of the sliding doors repaired 2x in 5 years.


    The car has been making noises on initial acceleration for awhile. We took it in to Honda twice and they clamped the heat shield 2x, which made no difference. I think they know it's the transmission and want to avoid the problem. We need to bring it in a 3x.


    I would not recommend the Odyssey to anyone.

  12. I have struggled a bit with WWE. My ds 10 is on to level 4 and is progressing better than I thought was possible.


    Your child does not need to have the sentence word for word. It should be close to the original sentence, but more important is just holding a complete thought (sentence) in their heads - with the same general information or idea.


    Try not to get stuck on the exact wording.


    I went to a talk by SWB and she explained this. It helped me to relax about it.


    I think dictation is a crucial component to writing. It allows a child to know what it is like to have a complete thought in their head and then write it down. Those steps are very important in the writing process.


    Dictation is gradually teaching your child to write a paragraph. It is building confidence in writing a complete thoughts repeatedly, broken into multiple sentences.


    I am certain it will help them be better writers in the long run.

  13. I changed running shoes, after wearing Saucony for quite some time. Never had a problem with them. I went to the type of running store that watches you walk and suggests shoes for "your foot". Well, I went with one of their suggestions. Big mistake! These shoes have been awful! Mazuno wave! I have heel bursitis in both feet! I didn't know a shoe could do that!


    I went out last night and got a pair of Saucony. My run was much better this morning!

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