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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. My ds is 13 today! Power went off while cake in the oven!!! The road is blocked off down the street, so something going on. It's been about a half hour now. We had doubled the recipe- 6 eggs, 3 cups sugar... I think it will be dumped and we need to start over, if we get electricity back!!!

  2. It really depends what town you will live in. Some towns want nothing, whereas others you need to choose between yearly school meetings with portfolios or year end testing. We choose year end testing with a homeschool group. In my town, we have to fill out an intent form every summer that lists curriculum we plan to use for each subject.

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  3. My dh and I are in our late 40's and considering adding on and renovating. We've been in discussions about it for years. I'm not getting anywhere. His income has steadily gone up over the years and we could definitely get a mortgage, but my dh doesn't want a 30 year mortgage at this point in his life. To one extent I get it, but we live in a high cost of living and the house will hold its value. In the meantime, our 1200 sq ft house is deteriorating since we can't come to any decision, so we do nothing. Just frustrating.

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  4. I hope the dad gets more professional recognition after this. He deserves it! A great embarrassing moment for the whole world to see! Definitely one of the funniest things I've seen. I hope the parents are able to get to a fun place with it. It may takes years for that feeling to come. I would be mortified forever.

  5. I think Warren Beatty could have saved it, but was quite the dunce for handing the envelope to Faye Dunaway. I realize it wasn't his fault, but he saw there was a mistake and said nothing. It made him appear quite feeble.

    • Like 7
  6. We went and stayed there a few years ago. We were able to get points from an acquaintance at a really good price for a one bedroom villa savannah view. My kids were 12, 10 and 8. We loved it! We wanted to go back, but lost our acquaintance. We rented a car and had no problem getting places. The kids loved the animals and the pool. It was our third visit. We also stayed at the Polynesian and Saratoga Springs. My kids want Animal Kingdom again.

  7. Better if the job is outside the city. My husband has been commuting into Boston for 2 years and it takes him just under an hour with public transportation. There really isn't a great system in Boston. Traffic can be awful depending on what direction your commute is. We have thought about moving further out for a bigger house but his commute time would add another 1/2 or more. He really doesn't want more than an hour. Any towns with commuter train is much more expensive.

  8. I understand your hurt. Do you think your mother prefers boys to girls. That is what I get from what you said. Did she have a good relationship with her own mother? I would guess not. It sounds like you were her competition in some way.


    In my family, my brothers could do no wrong. My mother had much higher expectations for her daughters. She over supported the boys in the family and still does. It drives me crazy, but I can't fix crazy.


    I don't think it's worth saying anything. Does she want it back? If not, I would hold a ceremony and burn her chapters and release your feeling about it. Let it die. If she asks you, I would say how nice that she is writing her memoirs. That's it.

    • Like 4
  9. We have been using Dixon Ticonderoga pencils for years. Typically, we think they are great, but the last couple of batches of HB 2 soft have been terrible! They are brittle and break easily! My son said if he looks at it before sharpening, he can tell if it will break or not. As though, how they put it together is off all the sudden and causing them to break. Anyone else experiencing this as well, or have a great alternative pencil to look for?

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