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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. Not close to my 4 siblings.  We are all within 6 years of each other.  I see them from time to time.  They are not so bad one on one, but boy when they are all together it is just awful.  I've decided no more family gatherings from here on out, if I can prevent it!  One brother is a recluse, and no one has seen him in a couple of years.

  2. Very mixed at my house.  My son, 13, is a difficult kid!  He is best left alone!  He focuses better when alone anyway and no access to internet devices!  Maybe started it when he was 12 for no more than 2 hours and me not being far away.  My next oldest is super responsible and was able to stay home when he was 10.  My youngest does not like to stay home without me, but from time to time with number 2 for a short time.  We have gone out a few times at night and left a movie going, so they are focused away from each other and we are back before it ends.    

  3. My daughters school is a lot of money for ballet only. We are near a major city. She is 9 and goes 4 1/2 hours a week. It is professional driven. The reason we are there is because my daughter thrives in a school that is more challenging. She was really bored at the recreational places, and they were not working on flexibility much. Her goals, at this time, are to get to pointe and see from there. She is also a figure skater and that has also driven our decision.

  4. I think I would bring your kids to check a class out and see what they think before signing them up. Usually, places allow kids to try classes at the beginning of the academic year. As my kids get older, I like to present opportunities, but allow them to make the choice.

  5. Math - Saxon algebra 1/2, CWP, MOCP

    Grammar - R&S 7

    Writing + Lit. - Blackbird and Co.

    Poetry memorizing - Andrew Pudewa

    Spelling - Vocabu-lit

    History - Oxford Press continue medieval & modern

    Science - Holt Science Technology

    Geography - Holt World for middle school

    Latin - Second Form


    Most just continuing... Seems like too much, but never enough!

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  6. My ds13 had a really great school year. He was able to focus his best ever. Then, around March time it began to slip away. He is obsessed about getting a "better" gaming system, "better" nerf guns, and his own paintball gun. School work has suffered greatly. We have no plans for him to get any of this. He obsesses about every angle of it. He obsessed about why we won't let him get this stuff. I'm not sure what to do with him except take him to therapy. So frustrated!

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  7. One thing I am always amazed at that all 3 kids like to work at is poetry memorization. They each get better at it each year and have said it is the thing they like the most. I told my oldest one day that he could stop doing it, and he didn't want to. Who knew? One good common thing they all like. That is what your post reminded me of.

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  8. It is terrible! My brother was in court in early September for custody stuff and it has not been decided on yet! There really should be limits of how long a judge can have to make a decision. Six months! In the mean time the mom moved her, which isn't suppose to be legal. She started at a new high school, had a blow out with her mother and is back with her father where she wanted to be. There has to be a better way to make sure kids are safe in the eyes of the court.

  9. I hope it all works out for your mil.  Just 3 weeks ago my fil checked himself out of rehab after about 18 hours of being there, against doctors orders, because it wasn't comfortable enough for him.  It didn't help that mil refused to go to rehab several years back when she had her knees redone, because she feared she would never get out of it and die there.  It caused a lot of trouble with my husband and his sister.  My sil was willing to drop everything to help take care of them, but my husband was not.  Thankfully, fil seems to have recovered well, but mil is falling apart again.  She is probably having issues due to helping her husband recover from his new hip surgery.  They are both slowly falling apart physically.  It is sad to watch. 

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