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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. Just getting this out has made me consider the obvious!  Video tape the kids doing their latest techniques at the end of the 3 month cycle, when the techniques are fresh in their heads.  Now I'm a bit behind on it, but better late than never.  But, I still wish the school did internal review.    

  2. Both of my boys do karate.  One has major executive function issues, the other does not.  I know the one with issues would have to have some private lessons to review techniques.  My other son wants to practice, but with all the compound techniques, he just forgets the older ones.  I think it's hard for any type to keep up review on their own.  

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  3. My kids have their junior black belt and are working toward an adult black belt.  Every 3 month cycle the kids learn 5 new techniques, until they have over 100.  The expectation of the school is that kids practice the previous techniques and keep them fresh on their own.  At about mid point, they are tested to know about 60 of them.  


    A few of the mom's and I were hoping to higher one of the instructors once a month for a private lesson, through out this year, to review previous techniques.  But, one mom talked to the head instructor and he didn't think it was necessary.  I think he believes that if the kids aren't motivated enough to review on their own, then they don't deserve to pass on.  


    To a certain extent I get it.  But, if my kid likes karate but lacks the motivation to practice then the kid should just quit now!  


    I really think there should be internal review at the school in place.


    What do you think or how does your school handle it? 

  4. I think I just wanted to know what others thought about this type of job.  It has been a bitter pill to swallow to have a dear friend say this to our face.  She's always been brutally honest, so I really just need to cope.  I think we just need to not take it personal - I guess.  She told my dh that her ivy league alma mater lost many great graduates to finance.  Dh is a particle field theorist in physics.



  5. I listened to the attorney general speak on tv. He said Wilson was on alert for two suspects that stole items from a store, wearing specific clothing. Brown was wearing similar clothing. It was not a random stop about crossing the street. He also stated that Brown was not shot from behind. Why is this still being said as the exact opposite?

  6. My ds, now 12, was this and still can be.  Last year we went to a very good family therapist that taught us to deal with him better.  It was worth every second.  Have the child go chill out for 15 minutes in their room, change your expectations of them, understand it is hard for them to change.  Allow yourself to have out of the box thinking for this kid.  My ds was struggling to finish his school work because he was so frustrated that he had to finish it all to have any screen time.  It really didn't make sense to me.  The therapist said why don't you give him his screen time in the middle of the day in between his work.  I was like, really?  But, really that WAS okay.  And, it worked!  Try to do your best to love this kid!  Find the good in them and spend time with them when they are not frustrated or acting out.  A third party to help you could also be a huge help.  I told my ds he was going to be a better adult some day, he just wasn't meant to be a good kid.  I have him reading 7 habits of highly effective teens for his reading time and he says it is helpful.  He just doesn't know how to do things right.  

  7. The house is about 1300 sq. ft. with one very small bathroom.  We have 3 dc, 3 bedrooms.  Currently, all 3 kids are in the largest bedroom, because dd has never liked to sleep alone and her tiny bedroom has turned into a much needed toy room.  We could definitely get rid of some stuff.  Dh does not like to get rid of things, but I could also push harder.  He is very involved in homeschooling and that is why there is no time for house projects.  But, he just lost his many years of  weekly 10 hours of overtime this week.  So, things will change.  He will be around more.  But, that also means less money.    



  8. We are just getting into mid-forties.  We do live in a high traffic area, which is why we live where we do in the first place.  It has gotten harder as the kids get older and more aware to have a house with the shingles peeling and falling off.  And, me being embarrassed when the kids friends come over.  I also wish we had a house that was a go to house for friends and family, it just isn't big enough.  I realize I can't have it all, I guess I just wish it didn't have to be like this forever.    

  9. Possibly an hour each way?  We have lived 8 minutes from his work for 10 years.  He's done quite a bit of work on our tiny house over the years, but it needs so much more and there just isn't any more time or money to do it.  And, I just feel like this house either needs to get bigger or we need to move.  He has actually agreed to adding on, but I'm not really sure that he will actually follow through with it.  But, he is totally angry with me that I could possibly suggest that we move out an hour or less and force him to commute.  He thinks I am devaluing him and that I should appreciate what we have and just lower my expectations.  So then,  I feel devalued by him.  It is just this constant merry go round, which is really unpleasant.  Don't the majority of men commute a half hour or more to have a better home for their family?  

  10. My husband is angry that I take care of the dog.  I feel like I simply feed the dog, take the dog out for a walk in the morning and then in the evening to make sure he is well exercised and tired during our homeschool day.  I walk him most mornings for about 45 minutes at the most and a bit less most nights.  Some mornings and nights I just don't have it in me and am just tired.  At first, we were going to share walking him, but my husband can't seem to get up to walk him on time - that is when he is whining to us from the kitchen, where he is gated in.  Plus, he says he just needs to get into work and does not have the time.  My husband will walk him from time to time, but he has told me it is a dog, just let him out the back yard and that is enough.  He doesn't think I should get up to take the dog out if he is whining.  I shouldn't be catering to him.  


    So, since he is really not interested I've decided to make my walks with him my regular exercise and jog along with the dog.  It's actually been great for me and I'm exercising more than I was.  I also decided to just quit the gym and my husband was fine with that.  It is money that can go toward feeding the dog.


    My dh has been angry when I get up to take the dog out in the morning.  One morning he actually held me down in bed and refused to let me get up!  I was quite upset.


    Dh just seems extremely jealous of the dog.  The dog has really not interrupted any of our time together.  Normally, I would get up early to go to the gym 2-3x a week and the other mornings I would usually sleep in.  We might have had breakfast together maybe once a week.  And, in the evening he is doing math with the kids when I head out to walk the dog.  I am back for form the walk in time for us to talk and have breakfast a couple of time a week.  


    My husband has some ocd and some asperger issues.  I think he just prefers me to be around.  He doesn't like my attention away from him.  


    One other thing is that he is hyper paranoid that I'm becoming my mother.  My mother has 3 dogs that are her life.  She revolves around them.  I really feel that I am far from that.


    My 3 kids love the dog.  Really adore him.  Our homeschooling days have really been much more positive with our dog.  It's a joy to come home after activities and the kids are outside playing with the dog a ton.


    Dh just keeps getting more angry and mean toward me in general.  We talk about it and get nowhere.  Somehow he would be happy if I just ignored the dog.  I just don't get what I can do here.  I did make a counseling appointment in 2 weeks, but I've decided I don't want to talk to my husband because he is being so difficult and mean. 

  11. I just saw the movie and I thought is was cute.  I didn't feel there was much entertainment value for adults.  I thought the parents were terrible to hide the kids from each other.  Why didn't they get more help for her?  If magic could bring one sister back to life, then you would think there was some sort of magic to help the other sisters power or help the parents understand what to do better.  


    My dd7 loved it.  She keeps watching.  I'm glad she relates to it and maybe it's more for that purpose.  I wanted to know why the sister had this power in the first place and why did Olaf got created and the sister didn't realize it?  It just seemed to be missing stuff.  I guess I'm just used to having it all spelled out.  Maybe I'm just too simple minded.

  12. I just finished the 1000 calorie burn fitness blender workout!  It was good.  The only thing that was hard for me was in the ab part - scissor kicks.  I just can't do those.  I will definitely do it again.  


    My right hip has been sore from doing the yoga for runners video.  Not happy about that.  The intermediate is pretty intense and there are a lot of hip lunges, too much for my right hip.  Not sure what I will do about that.  I was really enjoying the yoga.  I think I need to go back to the beginner video for awhile. 

  13. Getting more and more inspired to do some home exercising!  This thread is also helping to keep me motivated!  Thanks!  


    I got my dh to do basic yoga for runners with me on Saturday.  We met at the gym, so it's fun for us to actually be working out together.  Several more years till we get to go to the gym together again.  I ordered him a yoga mat and a new one for myself.  I also ordered some new hand weights, since my old ones were borrowed and never returned and others missing.  Now that the kids are old enough to do their own thing and not crawl over me or bother me constantly.


    I did fitness blender sweat fest again on Sunday and a 20 minutes abs as well.  Today, I took the dog for an hour walk, with some jogging. 

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