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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. Thanks Lecka, that is super helpful and I totally get what you are saying.  He's on an IEP and he does have regular special studies, but I feel it is not enough.  I tried to get them to have his art credits taken over the summer, he will need 8 to graduate, but the school refuses at this point.  I managed to add one more special study and I'm hoping that his schedule in the fall will be too full for him to fit the art in.  He does need as many studies as he can get.

    I've also thought many times of bringing him to see a specialist for co-morbid issues.  Bi-polar may fit him.  I will get working on an appointment for that this week.  Our insurance stinks around here, so our options are slim.



  2. My ds15 is new to high school this year.  He has Aspergers.  He was getting too difficult and resistant at home, so I decided we needed help.  DS seems to manage to morph negativity where ever he is.  He is an extreme half glass empty guy.  He is smart, but has limited capacity for what he can handle.  Home school was sucking the life out of him in one direction, and now public school is sucking it out of him in another.  He feels like he has nothing left after keeping up with school.  He is socially, academically, and physically exhausted.  He can't enjoy much at home.  He can't enjoy a movie that he normally would have loved and never would have stopped talking about it.  Now, he just says he's not sure if he liked a particular movie because he just doesn't feel anything.  When he was homeschooling, I would say it was the opposite problem - his highs were getting in the way of accomplishing work (he has always hated to be told what to do and how to do it).  Now his lows are preventing him from enjoying his highs.  It's really painful for him and for us to watch.  He is actually more motivated to accomplish work at school, and that has been really good.  He sees a therapist every other week and she is helpful a bit.  She is a social worker and doesn't think medication is the way to go.  I'm not so sure.  My sister is a social worker therapist and she said she used to be the same way until she has seen some medications be truly helpful.  Or, do I just hope he matures a bit and learns to hopefully cope better - his moods seem to change on a dime.

    Just wondering if anyone has a child that has experienced some of this and whether anything has helped.  Thank you.       

  3. As for specific tests - you request in writing to the school that you want her tested for school services due to her diagnosis.  By law, the school has to respond to you and have a date suggested for testing.  They may ask what tests you want.  You say the full battery.  You need the village to come support you - that would include the school.  The tests should include: speech, PT, OT, social issues, intelligence, and maybe more.  

  4. I totally relate to you, OP!  My DS is very similar.  I finally don't feel so crazy also!  My DS just began public school this year, as a freshman in high school.  I'm not sure it's better.  Nothing ever "fits" him.  My DS is the glass is half empty kind of kid.  If he is asked to do anything that he has to "work" at, he hates it.  My Dh and I preferred to homeschool him all the way through.  He did better with online classes from home.  He learned better when he could go back to a class lecture and hear it again.  Public school is overwhelming, fast paced, and frustrating.  But, it is great to have him out of the house!  My other 2 kids are so much more relaxed.  Now they just have to wait till he comes home for the fireworks to start!  I text him throughout the day to make sure he is organized.  I pack his backpack in the morning, make sure he is working during studies, and have homework listed in the afternoon.  It is still constant. There is no magic bullet!  


    I had him evaluated mid-year the previous year.  The school had him do speech and a social group the last 8 weeks of 8th grade.  It was actually helpful.  His speech improved and he new at least a handful of kids.


    The high school provided less services.  My son was a ball of stress and has been so difficult at home.  I asked for more support at school.  He got a little.  We live in a town with a high school known for intense academics.


    There are pro's and con's to everything.  Nothing is ideal.  I can only hope that he will grow a lot through his high school years and be able to manage college.


    And, I can only hope that I can survive it all without a nervous breakdown :crying:  


    Good luck on your journey with your daughter.

  5. Thank you for sharing. You are a great mom! Hold on to the positive, beautiful memories of your lovely daughter. The pain will never subside. Do not blame yourself. If you don’t already, get out in nature and exercise. Use your energy for positive, uplifting things. Go to a support group. Very sorry for your loss.

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  6. My oldest ds just started public high school. It's been about 2 weeks and he's had 3 teachers not be there. They have a designated proctor in a large 2 story science hall where they send the classes to do something. Today they showed a documentary on bottled water. I think the district is just trying to save money. Does your district still have subs in high school?

  7. My oldest ds just started freshman year at local high school. Overall, it's going pretty well. But, ds has moderate Aspergers and he's freaked out a few times at home! It's been a bit stressful. Taking every day as it comes. I'm trying to manage my expectations here and communicate with teachers. I need him there. He's too difficult at home. Glad things are going well!!!

    • Like 1
  8. Haven't read all responses. I had the onset of it not too long ago. I started stretching my calves for 30 seconds a couple times a day. One stretch with a straight leg behind and bent knee forward and leaning my whole body forward against a wall or counter to a comfortable stretch. Then, placing my heel to hang over a step. Also, I rolled my foot on a hand weight on the floor. As much pressure as I could handle. You can also ice them for 15 minutes a couple times a day or even heat. Good luck!

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  9. I hope you are continuing to seek good council for you. You will walk past the family illnesses and back to the heart of the problem. Everyone sick is draining, especially when there wasn't much to drain left. If you don't already, get out into nature. Go for walks, swimming, bike rides if possible. Keep your mind and body moving through this difficult time. Getting out in Nature and exercise has a healing property. Focus on you and the kids. Really sorry for what you are going through. Thanks for the update. I've been keeping up with your posts since they started. Just keep swimming!

  10. We have affluent schools where we live, top 5 in the state. It's a large high school and very well known for its intensely driven students. Many kids go to private schools for smaller classroom and a less intense environment. We are not affluent for the town, but are comfortable. My son has ASD. We've homeschooled him from the beginning and he is going to the high school in the fall. I'm not too excited about it, but he's getting more impossible at home and we need help.

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