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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. I have only seen the one with Gwyneth Paltrow, which did nothing for me.  I’ve seen all the Pride and Prejudice - my favorite of those is the oldest BBC version - which I think is most true to the book.

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  2. My daughters school just started live zoom classes on Monday.  One to two classes per day.  She really needed it, because her self motivation was floundering last week.  She has a small bedroom and moves her desk into the hallway for class.  Her school has mentioned extending the year if it opens back up.  

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  3. Right, no dorms, but I really think they don’t want people traveling from out of state to it.  My daughter was planning on staying with my husband at a work apartment, but the email stated they would be continuing the curriculum for the current students.  No longer even a partial summer program.

  4. I had two confirmation calls for the orthodontist (one a real person and two days later a recorded confirmation the morning of.  That was almost 2 weeks ago and I went.  It was closed.  I had one yesterday from the eye doctor and called right after to make sure it was also closed.  I’m confused that a person can not go into the office to stop the calls or create a new one that says they are closed till further notice.  As long as they are not seeing patients, it seems perfectly reasonable to stop the calls.

  5. Very little meat, no butters, sugar, flour, toilet paper, paper towels, and snacks were very low.  I think the weekends have a huge surge of shoppers.  I had a false sense of toilet paper calm last week - seeing as stop and shop had plenty of their own brand.  Now I’m starting to panic again.  I plan to go out tonight and see what there is.

  6. My brother owned a restaurant and he had to fire employees for being fraudulent on people’s credit card with the tip.  It can be a sneaky thing to get away with, since most people don’t check it.  In this ‘climate’ I would think it’s easier for them to get away with it.  Another thing that happened at his restaurant is that waitresses would cancel meals on the register and pocket the cash people left.  You can’t win either way, many people will steal for more money.  

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  7. Today we got a last minute reminder of travel insurance sign up.  We are not getting it.  It states that if the school cancels you get the money back.  If you cancel you do not.  I plan to pay until they tell us it isn’t going to happen.  

  8. My daughter did the ballet duo class today and enjoyed it.  We have no space for her to do off the bar stuff, unfortunately.  We are really worried the summer intensives will be cancelled!  She found a Sprinkles Cupcake in Houston to visit if it happens.

  9. I just watched it.  I did not like it.  I've seen the Wynona Ryder one and the latest BBC version and liked them both.  This new one missed some very important things and I really did not like Amy's portrayal at all.  She appears to be 20 years old through the whole movie.  The new movie made it look like Beth was the youngest - feeding her doll at the table.  Also, the older movie versions made it clear that Jo refuses Laurie because of Beth's declaration that she loves Laurie.  Not in the new movie at all.  Beth was painfully shy in the other versions and not at all in the new one.  I don't understand why the movie got such stellar reviews.  

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  10. My dd13 got into Houston, which we are thinking she will go.  CHQ was last Sunday.  They say 2-3 weeks till you find out, which is really too long.  Houston needs an answer before that.  Today, she is doing Boston.  

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  11. My dd just had Houston audition Friday.  Last year she was wait listed and she’s hoping to get in.  Also CHQ this weekend and Boston the following.  She hasn’t gone away for SI before, just local stuff so she really is hoping for it.  Good luck to everyone.

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  12. Thanks for the replies.  Really helpful to think this through.  I was also thinking of the potential to take an extra year to graduate.  I'll try to get some good questions ready for our Wednesday visit.  A 3 day visit sounds like a really good idea.  I wish my boys were motivated to work hard at home and continue homeschooling, but that just didn't work out.  There have been some positives to the public school, but overall I think a smaller school will fit him better.  I would have thought my ds would not have a clue to everything that is going on socially, but it's really the opposite.  He notices everything.  It's as though he absorbs it.  It may be the case at any school, but at a smaller school there will be fewer people to absorb from.  His first year, he made one friend that he has kept in touch with, but he left for a private school.  This year, he's gone to the movies with one kid and has some acquaintances in classes.  The public school has about 2400 kids.  His brother is leaving homeschool for next year, so at the private school they will have a better chance seeing each other throughout the day.  They really get along well these days, which is not something I would have said a few years ago.     

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  13. Hi, my ds16 has been in public school for 2 years.  He is just finishing up his sophomore year.  He has an iep for high functioning autism.  Currently, the iep has him in 2 social groups throughout the school week and several special studies where he can ask for help if he needs it.  He can also get extra time on tests, which he uses about 10% of the time.  His grades have been all A's and B's.  He hates the school.  I think it is just too large and overwhelming to him.  He takes a lot of naps after school to manage.  So, we are considering sending him to a small private school.  My question is can I just simply walk away from an already signed iep?  Does the town "own" him in any way?  Thanks!    

  14. My dd 12 tried out for Houston Ballet because she wants a change of scenery from her home studio - Boston Ballet in Newton.  Boston has 2 tracks: Newton is for general kids and Boston site is for pre-pro track.  I could write a book from our experience with ballet already.  We have not found a perfect place and her teachers now are drones.  She’s on the Houston waitlist. If she doesn’t get off we will do the Newton summer dance program again.  I won’t try others till she is older.  My dh can stay with her and work at his company headquarters in Houston.  

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