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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. Having more "trouble" with him during my pms was definitely the case. But, it seems lately, the trouble with him is all the time. He refers to it as blowing a gasket. He seems to have a certain level of anxiety about school work that ebbs and flows. He can feel incredible pressure to finish and when something doesn't go smoothly and easily it can either take him FOREVER to complete or he throws a fit. If he didn't have to actually work at anything he would do much better.


    I have also found over the years, with this kid, that consequences make everything worse! It adds more anxiety and more anger. Though, stairs or jumping jacks have worked pretty well.


    I've read many, many, many books about behavior issues. We even tried to do Marcia Garcia's Super Flex curriculum to get him to be more flexible and it only showed how inflexible he is and how unwilling he is to change!


    I've tried the Explosive Child and even went to an all day seminar and implemented their approach, but he is just too darn inflexible.


    In some ways he has improved over the years. Maybe that is just from getting older. It seems to be one step forward and two steps back!


    His ability to be so inflexible and annoying makes me explode! It's as though we have created this bottle neck environment for him at home that just cycles.


    He also seems to feed off of all of us for attention and he wants it all. All the attention, whether good or bad. I have always felt he needed to be an only child because he is incapable of sharing anything!


    I have been trying to ignore his annoying behaviors unless he is hurting or bothering someone, and trying not to explode back at his explosions. Also, trying to help his younger brother ignore his frustrating behavior towards him.


    It is just all so exhausting! Constantly exhausting to deal with. I just always wonder if medication would take the edge off of him. The neuropsych said that if he was in school he would probably push it to give him an ADHD label. I think he was being too conservative because we homeschool.


    He also said that if we felt we wanted to try medication that we could go that route. If med's could curb his constant annoying behavior and help with his inflexibility than that is what I want.


    But, my husband is scared that if he starts he may always have to take drugs.


    We have tried the gum thing and I have noticed no difference, except it is another annoying thing he is distracted by!


    Sorry so long! Thank you for taking the time!

  2. Thank you so much for your input. Just recently, I cut out some of his writing, because it was just to much and too frustrating for him. He is a child who loves to be inside his box! He does not want to be stretched in any way. He does not like to be told what to do. I keep saying to my husband, but why, oh why, didn't the neuropsych give him a diagnosis of ADHD or Asperger's. He has many of the signs of both, just not enough. He said he was quirky and bright, but not enough. The only thing outstanding was his higher i.q. and his average processing speed.


    He was evaluated by an OT and found to have a coordination disorder. He did OT for a short time, but insurance did not pay and we have him doing some other great physical activities, such as, karate, swimming, gymnastics, and an adventure class.


    But, he has been difficult since he was 2! If it isn't math today, it's something totally unrelated and uncontrollable tomorrow.


    It certainly doesn't help that his Dad is the same way! And, he did math with him today! They are like fire and gasoline at times and neither will give in. But, as my husband can stay calm, my son begins to rage!


    One reason it takes my ds all day is because I realize he needs breaks. And, that is sort of okay. But, the anger and verbal abuse has got to go.


    Thanks again for suggestions, they are very helpful and insightful!

  3. My ds 9 can get so frustrated with some basic concepts that he freaks out. He yells, swears, pleads, and cries. He is starting to threaten lately. Just words. No physical abuse. If it is not his usual way of doing things or it is too challenging for him, yet age appropriate. Do we just stop it altogether?


    It really sucks. It usually happens maybe once a day or at least a few times a week. I've been thinking of medication. Nothing seems to help. He is below the line Adhd and below the line Asperger's. He was tested. If it is not his outbursts, then it is constant annoying behavior, such as, bothering his siblings, spacing out, not listening, easy distracted, and he normally takes all day to complete a reasonable day of school work.


    I don't want to live with him emotionally controlling our whole family any longer! I have recently considered school outside the home as well.


    Thanks for any advice or shared experience!

  4. Saxon/ SM Challenging Word Problems


    Spelling Workout/AAS

    Latina Christiana


    Building Critical Thinking Skills/Editor and Chief/Math Analogies

    Math and Reading Detective

    Silent reading

    U.S. Geography/Daily Geography practice

    Zaner-bloser handwriting

    WTM science - if we get around to it


  5. Please send out prayers and positive thoughts for my brother Mike. He is currently waiting to get sober at a hospital and waiting to be evaluated by a doctor and psychologist. We are hoping they will assign him to an extended program for help.


    He is desperate and depressed. He is incapable of taking care of himself. He has walked away from help so many times. Pray this will be the time he sticks with it and crawls his way out of his dark despair.


    He is almost 50, no kids, no job, no will.


    My sister brought him there and is making sure something happens.

  6. First and second grade went very well for older ds. This year for third did not go as well. His math dipped way down along with reading comprehension. Not too happy about it. We are scrambling to see what we need to do differently. We are making sure he self corrects math and stops his tendency for silly lazy mistakes. Plus, having him read aloud to me and work on more comprehension.


    He is a smart, but flakey kid. He needs more attention than I can possibly give him. He has no drive or motivation. I have to drag him through everything.

  7. I also just assume it is a woman. I've just been told by other mothers about an 80 year old teacher.


    There is no way I could imagine my 67 year old mother or my 73 year old mother-in-law teaching.


    I'm starting to understand there are some out there that can just do it, but I am just surprised.

  8. That's great if the books helped you in your youth, but for me I do not recall feeling that way. I think I found them exciting and controversial and that intrigued me. I do remember a girl in grade school reading Island of the Blue Dolphin's, while I was reading Judy Blume. I was just not on her kind of 'level'. I think of Judy Blume as being more pop culture. I was very pop culture. And, now, as a mother, when I see the vast amount of books that are out there for my kids to read I know there is better literature out there.

  9. My husband and I are going! I signed up and we just need to get a hotel. We are super excited to hear SWB. Sounds like it will be our first and last opportunity! We even payed the extra $10 for the comedian.


    We have never been to one. We can't wait.


    I have kept up with all the stuff going on as well, but I would like to go at least once. Plus, it is a weekend away for us!

  10. Have those with these types of kids noticed varied test outcomes, (we have been doing the SAT10)? My oldest had done well the last 2 years on testing, but this year was much lower in some of the categories.


    His Lexile reading score was cut in half! He is an avid and good reader. His math was much lower and the proctor told me he was having trouble staying focused that day and looking out the window a great deal! My husband is beside himself!


    My son had mostly above average scores, but more in the standard category this year. He does well in math at home (some days he can have many silly mistakes and others he has none) and he can do reading comprehension well too.


    Some days it can take him 6 hours to get through his work and others 3!


    He was at a homeschool coop, he is not used to, so we are considering testing him by himself next year.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    In the meantime, I just bought a few reading comprehension workbooks to plug through. And, we plan to spend more time on test prep, but I'm not sure that will help in. Thanks.

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