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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. I'm sure you know what you are doing, but why are you going through with it when it takes so much time, energy (emotional and physical) and struggle is more the answer you are seeking!


    Because you love your kids! You want the best for them! And, they won't be with you forever!!!


    It is always hard to see the end when the beginning and middle are so difficult and it makes you want to quit.


    I feel it a lot if that helps you!

  2. I am not a writer, but my mom is! Has anyone been to the "writingsite" (.com)? She runs that. She holds a short story contest every year. She gets many submissions to the contest from all over.


    A good friend introduced me to her fiance a few years back and he is an aspiring writer and we get into this conversation about writing and I tell him about my mom's site and he was amazed. I didn't realize it was a popular site for aspiring writers.

  3. We just had ds do lesson 32 today!


    1.) my dh set up the notebooks with one for 3 - hole punched copies of sheet B, C and D. Most of B, less C and even less D. Not sure if that makes sense or helps.


    2.) mental math is only for showing the answer - no work involved (all in the head).


    3.) Yes, make dc show all work beyond mental math section. Get them into the habit now!


    4.) We did facts practice cards in Saxon 3. We only do the sheets. Though, I have been giving him some extra multiplication sheets from a website so he doesn't forget them!

  4. Wow, lots of options! We are using http://www.eduplace.com regional mapping. They have blank maps to fill in! Plus, we are using The Young Peoples Atlas of the United States - we read about each state depending on which region we are working with. I am planning to do the States first and then go back and add the capitals! I've also had my son trace the states with tracing paper to get a true feel for the shape of each state.

  5. What I would consider rigorous is when on a school day I can't seem to get in any fun reading to my kids!!! Because, we have spent most of the day getting them through there daily "work". This would also include eating, bathroom breaks, some play time and some extra curricular activity we have gone to. I can not fit in as much as I would like! There just isn't enough time in the day!

  6. It isn't too late for you. Maybe it won't be your parents, but you can self educate yourself at this point. My husband had a similar experience, but in high school, where he went had no calculus, a teacher had the sense to hand him a book and he worked through the whole thing and ended up with a high pass on the AP exam. There is much you can do for yourself. Your junior year will say it all for you, if you desire to go to college. My husband regrets he did not read enough great literature when he was young. Read, write, and seek success for yourself. Also, try to get an internship somewhere that will help you with your interests. Good luck.

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