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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. We just had my ds 8 evaluated by a neuropsych. I felt at my wits end with this kid. The thing with ADHD is that it is totally subjective. And, it really relies on the parents assessment and not anyone else, unless you are in a school and have a teacher assessment as well. If you do not want to medicate anyway, I don't think it is worth it. The neuropsych guy we went to was very conservative and did not want to make a clinical diagnosis. Seeing as we homeschool we are doing the most important thing for him - smaller classroom and more one on one attention. He said to focus on Executive Skills. I just started reading Smart, but Scattered. I'm hoping it will help me organize us better to suit ds. The neuro guy also suggested Taking Charge of ADHD by Barkley and Executive Function in Education by Meltzer. I've come to the conclusion that my ds will just always need more time, energy and patience on my part and I have to be willing to give it no matter what the behavior. Good luck to you.

  2. the best thing I bake for the holiday is "Christmas Bread". My mother got the idea from some magazine when I was little and we all loved it! My children love it! It is regular home made bread rolled out and twisted, with butter and colored sugar in the middle. It is suppose to be made into a wreath or Christmas tree shape on the cookie sheet, but I've started to just make them all separate because I am awful at the design. Then, it is topped off with regular white frosting! Ultimate dessert bread!

  3. I'm going to be checking out the Mirro. I love Spritz and the Christmas tree shape cookie cutter. I hate the press! It hurts my hand since I have to push the press down so hard! And, I seem to get either a too small cookie or a too large of a cookie! So frustrating!

  4. She sounds like a dreamer! My ds8 is the same. Focus is definitely an issue. He is distracted soooo easily by his siblings. Do you have any incentives in place? Any reward system? My son can be pretty focused when he wants to play Wii. But, it is a very difficult thing to deal with constantly. Good luck.

  5. I think your daughter needs to do what she needs to do for the other girl and her family. If you didn't want to involve the whole family then she should of went straight to her friend to deal with it after she spoke to you. It seems a bit too late to take the families out of it. At least she will know what to expect and maybe feel more comfortable with the other girls family afterwards as well. It doesn't seem so bad to me.

  6. Hi,


    I just had a very long conversation last night with our babysitter, who is a junior in ps. She is so confused and full of emotion! She has a great mom that hs her through elementary and is really trying to be there for her. Her dad is there, but emotionally distant. She goes to a good church and is part of the youth group and has gone on a couple of missions trips.


    She really dislikes school, doesn't know what she wants to be and wishes she had a boyfriend. I tried to tell her to find the joy in everything she does, but really, whatever I say, I might as well be talking to the wind.


    Are there some book(s) I can give her or ways to encourage her? She just seems so hopeless about everything! Is there a Meyers-Brigg type of test she can take to narrow down a path for her to consider?



    High schoolers are a whole new ball game for me. Thank you!

  7. I know I read in some parenting book that you should never have a consequence that hurts family time together (this should not include t.v. and game time). It seems to me the consequences should be related to his personal time - t.v., game time, and also time with their friends. And, one week of consequence is not enough. Their Dad should be able to take them to the grandparents for a short time.


    Maybe even losing all t.v., game time and time with friends till the next marking period shows some improvements. You just need to show them consistency, which will be the hardest part.

  8. My 4 dd is singing to me while playing on her guitar. Very cute. And, my 2 boys are out raking the back yard, because dh said he would give them both $25 if they would rake and bag all the leaves! Money speaks!


    My dh is cutting a wall open between our kitchen and our half finished dining room so he can rebuild a new wall that will accommodate a new a/c duct!!! We have had no dining room since the beginning of July!

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