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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. My son is also 8 and is on book 5. We do all the 1/2 books. I want to make sure he has lots of repetition. I have him do 2 pages a day and do not review before hand. I am hoping it gets him to slow down a bit. His spelling is slowly getting better. I also have him doing Plaid Phonics and Spelling Workout. I figure between all these workbooks, reading, and listening to reading he will eventually become a good speller. I will give him this next year through before I seriously consider a specific spelling curriculum. Phonics Pathways, which we used for learning to read, is looking good for a spelling program I may use.

  2. What has worked mostly for us is my oldest will do his 1 hour of reading first thing (1/2 fiction/other half history) and some independent worksheets from Critical Thinking Co. During this, I work with my #2 and get through most of his work. Then, I go back to ds the older and work one on one with him to finish his stuff up. My littlest has one more year in prek before I officially start her. That will be a whole new ball game!

  3. So many think doing temperature everyday is silly, but Saxon begins to use it as data collection to chart graphs in Saxon 2. And, with learning time, Saxon works in minutes and asks about what time it would be 3 hours from now or an hour ago etc. There is definitely a method to it. There is no meeting book past level 3.


    I realize some kids pick things up quickly, but I don't think it is the majority of children. My kids need actual lessons taught to them that clearly takes more than 20 minutes a day.

  4. So far for us with Saxon, the full lessons are longer from mid-Saxon 2 through the end of Saxon 3. It was a rough year and a half (more for me), but it is my sons favorite subject! Then, things really seem to lighten up as our son has just begun 5/4.


    Really, his spirit was not crushed and my eyes are still in my head :)

  5. I push some days, drag others, and am pleasantly surprised once in awhile. I think it is the Tiger mom thing. Keep them at it... and eventually they will assimilate! Of course, that is within some flexibility and knowing your child and what they are capable of. Help them find success and they will slowly begin to become more responsible. I see it with my oldest in all his subjects and piano and karate. I gave him the option to drop out of the last session of skating this year and he shocked me when he said he wanted to keep doing it. It may take an incredible amount of work on our part but I am starting to see the fruit of our labor - as small as it may seem. Any bit of progress in seeing my son become more/any bit motivated and responsible keeps me going! Chisel away without cracking and I hope to end up with a great work of art!

  6. We made it a family day as well. My husband and I do not exchange gifts on mother/father day, V-day, birthdays or Christmas. It just didn't seem to make sense for us. Our need for gifts (via the 5 Love Languages) is low. We basically get some of the things we need/want throughout the year. It can really be stressful to go and find a gift and have it end up being something the other person does not like. My husband can be very picky. Although, I did get a great anniversary gift 2 years ago. I hinted around for it for several years! I've just planted the seed for something else I would like and maybe I'll get that in a few years.

  7. We just finished Saxon 3 about a month ago!!! I was so relieved. But, I think it is so solid and worth all the work! It took 11 months and 1 week to get through it! It is a lot! We did not do math on Fridays. Good luck with what you decide to do.

  8. We have been doing Evan-Moor mapping/geography workbooks for a few years now and I think we went a bit too fast! It starts to assume the student knows the states in the workbook for grade 4. So, this year for 3rd grade, I am having my ds work on the U.S. Then, we will return to the workbooks.

  9. I just got my ds8 a book of Calvin and Hobbes for Easter. I think he's read the whole thing. And, he keeps wanting me to read the one's that he thinks are the funniest! "Mom, you got to read these three pages right here!" We also have been into Asterix and Tin Tin, but the one he is totally obsessed with is Uncle Scrooge McDuck!!! He gets them at the library and he has read just about all of them. We've invested in quite a bit of graphic history books. He just can't get enough of graphics.

  10. I am working with 2 and have a 4 year old. It is tough. My oldest is the same, needing constant supervision. My 4 year old does get bored, but she does love to do crafts and play with her brothers. I know that my second ds is going to ramp up with school work in the fall so I am also planning to send my 4 year old to preschool. We are going to see the preschool today! I am expecting that the following fall my second ds will be proficient in reading and I can work with my dd while he and his brother do their free reading time. Good luck with your decisions.

  11. My son just completed 2nd grade. He is horrible with directions most of the time! He almost always misses a two-part question. He really needs me there to go over the questions, but I cannot always be there. There are just many days that it will take longer for him because he missed it and has to go back. From what I have heard, it is pretty common. It may be a maturity thing or a personality issue. The former would be much better! The latter is going to kill me!

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