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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. We are 3/4 way through and I am feeling like the exercises are getting way ahead of him and he can't keep up. He is not grasping the more detailed questions and struggles with the dictation. Any suggestions? Thanks!


    He did well with WWE 1 and 2 and does well with FLL's.


    Should I consider a remedial writing program? I don't want him to be frustrated with writing every time.


    Thanks again!

  2. I've decided to put some rocks in my kids stocking this year! I was looking at all the Klutz craft books and I found one for painted rocks. It only comes with one rock. I figure I will look outside or buy some cool rocks and give each a set of acrylic paints and they can go to it.


    Also, I like the idea of intro. sewing stuff and searched around for craft ideas. I found a cute First Sewing book on Amazon and it got great reviews. So, I requested it from the library and plan to use the ideas to set up some stocking stuffer crafts. I'll be making a trip to the craft store!


    Trying to think cheap and fun, oh and simple.

  3. My ds9 loves history. He loves cartoons. He loves graphic books. He has liked The Complete Idiot's Guide to U.S. History - Graphic Illustrated.


    Question: Anyone have first hand knowledge with Larry Gonick books? He's written many graphic books about many topics. Wondering about his Modern World book. It says 9th grade and up. Anyone know if it is inappropriate for a younger age? Thanks.

  4. It wouldn't surprise me if my sons reacted the same way. I think some boys have less control than others and my older ds is just starting to show some control (very little). We work on it a great deal. I'm curious how 10 different boys would react to the same circumstances at that age.


    We live in a very liberal (taking the boy out of boy) town and part of me says the school is expecting too much from a 3rd grade boy. I can't really see how kicking him out for the day is going to help him. If anything, it will make him dislike school more. A parent/teacher conference is very appropriate, but kicking him out for the day in 3rd grade.

  5. to control his behavior when provoked?


    My son's friend was made to leave school for the day due to his physical reaction to a couple of situations. First incident, a girl in his grade blocked him from getting on a jungle gym at recess and he pushed her aside. Second incident, the boy tripped and fell and a fellow male student laughed at him and the boy got up and pushed the fellow student against the wall. Not sure how hard or exactly how he did it, but the teacher called it off before anything more happened. I'm pretty certain no one was hurt.


    Does this boy have a behavior problem or is it a typical boy reacting to the situation? Should he be expected to deal with it more rationally at his age? Should the parents seek help for this kid?

  6. Thanks, I am actually looking at Jasmine. We went to WDW last month and my dd got a very fancy and expensive Cinderella dress. She also wants Jasmine. The style of the dresses at WDW are completely different than the ones in the Disney store online. I'm hoping she will be happy with whatever, but she is very picky. I'm just surprised they seem to have a special line of clothes for the parks alone.

  7. My ds has really enjoyed the Oz books. There are only a few left for him. He seems to like quirky stories that are funny and unusual. He's read one Harry Potter and is done. He's read Ember and didn't like the next. He seems not to like anything dark. He is not interested in the Hardy Boys. I was hoping for another great series for him to try out. I've read or we have listened to many of the usual books.


    Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  8. My ds9 does an hour of reading per the WTM. Half good fiction and the other half of the time history based reading. He started after he was able to read a Boxcar Children to me - at around 7 1/2 or 8. The same is going on with my ds7. He is able to read Nate the Great and Magic Tree House at this point. I'm hoping in the next few months he will be ready for a Boxcar Children and he will be expected to do about 15-20 min. on his own and work up. Their reading is part of the school work day.

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