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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. SWB says in her talks that you just can't compare her method to a typical school. She even says don't worry that in 3rd grade the brick and mortar schools will be churning out 3 page papers and by high school they will be writing 18 page papers. Her method is very counter cultural. But, she does have a method. I'm not sure the main stream schools do.

  2. We did an army themed birthday cake and brought it to Laser Craze. The cake came out amazing. If I had any clue, I would post a picture, but I don't.


    I made a large rectangular sheet cake. My husband and son designed the top, with 3 colors of frosting (brown, blue, and green). They frosted a blue river down the middle, brown along the edges, and green for fields on both sides. Plus, we crushed oreos and spread it along the grassy areas for a mud affect.


    And, we got some candy that looks like rocks, real rocks, of assorted sizes and colors and placed them along the river.


    I bought one package of cheap army guys at the pharmacy and my son planned the attack scene.


    It was awesome and we all worked on it together and it did not take long.

  3. Back to the incident. This is my town. I am on a local email list of town parents and some of the parent committees are very disturbed, which they should be, by the article and want to know what happened and what has been done since.


    It will be interesting to see how the school reacts. I find it shocking! The town next to us tried to ban parents from spanking their children.


    What ever happen to sending kids to the principal's office for difficult behavior? And, talking with the parents. This town is known for working very well with special needs children. People move here for it.

  4. My just turned 10 year old needs me to teach all his lessons for each subject.


    He has to do his independent reading.


    He also has ETC workbook and some independent worksheets a couple times a week. But, I had to scale back on his independent work because he has a hard time focusing as it is.


    So, I am doing more work with him, which he needs. We are doing more oral and dry erase board stuff and less workbook stuff. He needed less multiple steps that a workbook requires.


    He also craves interaction.

  5. I frequently think that if someone came to my house they would think that I never get around to homeschooling much less cleaning my house!


    I can clean my house and within 3 or 4 days it is right back to where we started. It is defeating. And, I am lazy about it.


    I am a stacker and I place things anywhere for immediate relief.


    For me, between getting school work done and after school activities there is just so little time to get my kids to help clean up.


    I do dream of a clean house and I would like one, but it is not my season.


    And, on most days I have a hard time fitting in a read aloud, which I much prefer to cleaning.

  6. My 10 year old is not ready for WWE 4. I like everything about it, but it is just too much for him. He is not good at remembering detail from a passage. He is awful at remembering long passages for dictation. It is just too stressful! We took an extra several months to plod through WWE3. Summarizing plus dictation was too much in one day for him.


    Please give me an all-in-one similar to it. Closer to WWE 2 and WWE 3. I want him to be ready for WWE 4 next year.


    I've actually considered remedial stuff like Visualizing and Verbalizing.


    Thanks for any suggestions.

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