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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. I understand. I am just a bit shocked. This is the youngest grade being tested and from my perspective it looks like the child either has difficulty with listening skills or has never been taught math.

  2. We are Saxon users. First ds has used it K through 5/4 so far. It has worked very well. My husband loves it and wouldn't let me switch a few years ago. He has kept me grounded. My ds has scored in the 99% for math scores when we had him tested by an ed psych and through SAT10. The psych was surprised how well he knew his math facts. Dh and I still laugh about that one. We owe it all to Saxon. We were having him tested for possible ADHD.


    We have and plan for Saxon the next two years, but we are eyeing AOPS after that!

  3. Your "friend" just ripped you apart. That is just awful. And, she did it over money. I would wash my hands of her and just let her drop off your radar. Let her find someone else to get pictures for her.


    And, if others talk about it - just say we had some differences and that is it. Best to let it end completely. Talk to God about it or journal.


    Hugs to you!

  4. My ds9 was diagnosed with Coordination disorder a couple of years ago by OT. Our insurance is not so great, so he only had 2x a week of OT during a 60 days period. I thought it was really great for him. He did some great large muscle movements with his body that were challenging and fun.


    Afterwards, I signed him up for gymnastics. He already does swimming, skating, and karate. It has all been very challenging for him and none of it comes easy. He's had swim lessons for years and just can't get a good hold of the strokes. But, he did just manage to get his junior brown belt in karate and it has been a huge milestone and just great for his self-esteem. I also was able to sign him up for an adventure class at our town rec center (zip line, climbing high ropes, etc.). It's been great for him. And, all cheaper than paying for OT out of pocket once a week.


    I'm not sure if his stomach muscles will ever get strong. I did have him evaluated for his eyes by a developmental optometrists and there were not problems there. But, worth having it done.


    He does well with high repetition with most things. My latest worry for him is his difficulty summarizing a passage from WWE. I just need to help him along with questions that are more specific for him to answer.


    Good luck on your journey with your son!

  5. My ds9 also struggles with this. I was just about to ask for him, when I saw you beat me to it!


    My ds was psych evaluated and the Dr. recommended Kidspiration software for writing. We have not used it, because he just isn't there yet. Verticy seems to have a good program that includes the software.


    My son seems to be more dysghraphic and has a hard time sequencing events and remembering detail. He is struggling with WWE 3. I think I just need to slow down.


    I am interested in what others recommend.


    Good luck.

  6. A couple of dance classes ago, I picked her up and she was standing next to the teacher looking very sad, while all the other girls were dancing and having fun. I knew right then that it had to do with the new girl. The teacher said she had just burst out into tears during class.


    We talked about the girl that night and when I said something she said she didn't want to talk about it. But, we did. I thought it was a great talk. But, it did nothing. The following week, I picked her up from preschool and said we were heading to dance. She refused to buckle her seat until I said she did not have to go to dance. I made her buckle and said she was going. She cried in the car for 10 minutes and it just didn't seem right to force her to go.


    We just happen to be listening to the Great Brain in the car this week and I thought that would be helpful as well. But, she is still saying she doesn't want to go back.


    Today, we showed her the preview to Soul Surfer to show her another girl with a missing arm. She was fearful just looking at the girl and turning her head. She seemed exhausted afterward.


    I know she can be accepting. I just don't think it is going to be now.


    I sent a message to her teacher to let her know what is going on with her and the teacher was very helpful and even offered for her to move to a different class.


    The next class is tomorrow. I will do my best to get her there, but I don't think I will force it on her.

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