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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. From what I have learned, women are naturally driven to control and men are naturally driven to hide. It's the garden of eden thing. Therefore, women are to try to be less controlling, more vulnerable, and men are to be more involved in relationship.


    Control is okay as long as it doesn't smother another person.


    I'm somewhere in the middle. I am a major back seat driver, my house is a mess, and I try to be more flexible about school work. I have high expectations for my kids and am driven to help them to succeed, but make sure there is lots of down time and fun activities.

  2. The first year we did chapters, questions, read alouds, coloring and mapping, with no activities. Year two, done with coloring pages! We do mapping a bit, but also do geography separately. Just on to year 3, added a little bit of coloring back. And, also trying to focus on narration. It will take us about a month to get through our current read aloud - The Silver Skates. I just love the read alouds! I also plan to do the activities the second go around when my kids can actually do most of the work.

  3. My dh and I are UConn alumni - it's where we met! We watched the game! Very rare for us to sit and watch t.v. together.


    But, boy I even felt bad for Butler! And, the half time commentators were disgusted at how awful the game was going. They said it was the lowest half time scores since 1940!


    Just glad UConn was able to put something together to win!


    Surprised the girls lost to Notre Dame!

  4. 3rd grade:


    math: Saxon 5/4

    history: SOTW 3

    language: WWE 3, FFL3, Phonics Plaid C, ETC 6, Spelling Workout D, Zaner-bloser, starting Latin (Prima Latina), independent readings

    geography: learning/memorizing our states

    science: WTM way, year 3

    critical thinking skills: variety

  5. I started using them as part of our daily school work. We (will) have our kids tested. My oldest had his first SAT 10 test last year for first grade. We use the Building Skills, Math, Language, Mind Benders, and a few others. I want my kids to build up their logic skills gradually. I think it also reinforces things they are learning with their other work. It also allows them to see things in different ways than their usual work. My oldest has a hard time with directions and he is learning better and better to follow written direction. The long term goal is to be prepared for the SAT in the high school years. Instead of taking the crash course right before, Critical Thinking books help to start it very early.

  6. Sorry, I didn't describe it well. It is not as though my younger ds becomes ADHD. I think younger ds likes it when his older brother is "trying" to behave better, because it gives him an opportunity to be the "bad one". It just seems that without fail, when ds1 is trying his hardest to focus and be good to people, ds2 creeps in to fill it back in. Ds2 really plays off of Ds1. I was thinking it was typical of siblings? Especially 2 boys close in age.


    Or maybe, when ds1 is able to "control" himself better, I just happen to notice ds2's bad behavior!

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