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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. I never read it as a kid. Saw the movie, but forgot most of it. We are listening to it in the car and I am way into it.


    I am totally upset that Jo and Lory do not end up together. It just doesn't make sense to me. All that time they spent together and Jo just sees him like a brother! No way. I just don't buy it! Six years of hanging out and being the best of friends and she doesn't want to marry him! Wrong, wrong, and wrong. It just doesn't fit their characters. Jo should have gone to Europe with him. I feel a bit ripped off!

  2. It is more important to do the Meeting Book portion of each lesson than it is to actually have the meeting book itself.


    You could print out your own months. And, you could write down counting lists elsewhere. There is also just a page that has a picture of knuckles on hands to show the how many days in a month, along with the rhyme. That's about it. The Meeting book portion of each lesson is extremely important to teaching Saxon! It is a lot of work, but worth all the effort. We are less than 40 lessons to the end of Saxon 3!

  3. I'm interested to hear how this goes. I have an 8 year old that I nag all day to get through his work. And, I would say it is the same thing. I know he likes it. He is very bright and very spacey. I think he could handle your approach! I think he needs it. He hates being told what to do and wants his own control. I would be a little worried about the weekend thing though. I think I would use the Wii as a reward of accomplishment each day. Keep us posted for the next couple of weeks.

  4. Every kid, no matter what, is growing up inside their own bubble made by their parents. All the idiosyncrasies and philosophies of the house hold are transplanted into the kids whether we like it or not.


    My mother is a staunch democrat. Me and my brothers and sister all grew up believing what she believed. She also was and is against religion. So were all of us kids. We were public schooled!


    The apple doesn't fall far from the tree no matter who you are and how you choose to school.


    Really it's a silly thing to say to someone just because they homeschool. It is a discussion that everyone should be thinking about their own actions.

  5. In our rec center, 6 years and older must be in their designated locker rooms. But, at certain times, maybe 3 - 6 pm, there is a high school student that is payed to sit and keep an eye on things. It is uncomfortable to think of your child in there by herself. But, if your husband stands right outside the door in case of any problems, that would be okay.

  6. That sounds rough! Those injuries do not sound good! You can hope to finish, but maybe not plan on it. I don't mean to sound down about it, but there will always be another marathon and that's great that your other family members did the 1/2 already! I hope your injuries stay at bay and you are able to finish, but I'm sure you've done so much training to get to this point - you've accomplished so much already!

  7. I'd like to hear from the children. They are probably afraid to speak the truth about what they feel for fear of disappointing their parents!


    I do see and hear this a lot in the town we live in. There is a large Asain population and from what I've heard they drive the stress level at the high school. Many take summer classes at local private schools to be prepared for the next year of school. I also heard of a math teacher having to change the entire years curriculum because all but one kid had already take the class over the summer and he needed to challenge them somehow. The one kid was my dh's friends kid and he just had to keep up.


    We all want our kids to be successful, but it doesn't sound like from that article we all want our kids to be happy. Balance.


    I came across a girl working at a kids museum who was from an Asian country. She had been sent to the U.S. for high school. She lived with a host family. I told her we homeschooled and she seemed amazed by it. She said her parents didn't even know her. They just wanted her to get good grades and go to the best college. They argued over the phone alot. They were disappointed that her brother did not get into a better college. I felt so sad for this girl.

  8. I know what you mean. My oldest could most likely go all the way through high school at home. My second, is very social and likable and we can see him doing well socially at school. But, he also struggles right now with writing, reading and several articulation issues that he sees a speech therapist for. He would be considered behind here. So, I'm glad he is home for now as he catches up. Later on, we may consider school for him because he seems like a team sport kind of kid. Though, traveling teams may work. My littlest one is very social and would most likely love ps, but she is being assimilated at home for now.

  9. yllek, thanks for your experience. We have been working on wheel barrel and getting better there. He struggles with the crab walk though. I had him do some chair arm dips yesterday thinking his shoulders seem so stiff and this might loosen them up. But, I'm not really sure how to break down the crab walk. It may just be his weak abs. I like he ball idea for ab work and will use that! I gave my kids scooter boards for Christmas, thinking it would help my oldest with upper body strength. Then, I happen upon a site for special needs kids that has a deck of cards specifically for scooter board exercises! I haven't ordered yet, but I will soon. The same site has cards for yoga, stability ball, upper body and core strength and many other great looking stuff. I need some inspiration. If you want to check it out - http://www.superduperinc.com

  10. Thanks for all the responses. One 1 Michele, I will check out that book. My son was given a Developmental Coordination Disorder label by the OT. That made me start doing research on Dyspraxia! The title of that book really makes sense to me! I'm also interested in the carnitine - I will look into that. Thank you!

  11. Food could have something to do with it. He is a very picky eater - yet another issue. His limbs are very strong. Everything with this kid is difficult. I'm surprised I haven't gone grey early with him! It seems like a lot of activity, but one 30 min. swim class, one or two 45 min. fun swim, one 30 min. skate class, one or two 30 min. fun skate and three 45 min. karate classes a week. He is not on a team or competitive. He needs as much activity as he can get! Even with 3 karate classes a week he has trouble picking up the routines they learn. He really needs it every day.

  12. My ds 8, has very weak core strength. He slouches like crazy, can never keep his head up at the table without his hand, and can't do a sit up to save his life! He does swimming, karate, and skating (2 -3x a week each and for the last 2-3 years!) None of these seem to help him. I have just started to do some basic strengthening for him at home. It seems it will take a long time just to gain some bare minimum strength. It just seems so weird. He will be starting some OT in a few weeks and maybe they will be able to explain it. He seems to be on the low Aspergers/ADHD spectrum, but is not clinically diagnosed, though we did have him tested. Just wondering if a weak core is a symptom of Aspergers. And, if anyone has dealt with this or was able to help it. He is also very uncoordinated.

  13. My oldest ds is like this. I watch him in swim class and I just don't get what he is doing. He never pays attention to the teacher and is constantly pretending he is in some kind of under water battle. It has been this way for 3 years! I let him take about 6 months off of swim class to give us all a break and it was a big mistake. He forgot everything he had managed to learn! While most kids at the rec center are 2 or 3 levels ahead of him at his age - it will just take ds much longer! I've started to put extra time into teaching him the strokes at home and that helps, but it's more time. He just needs more time with everything! With school work and any extra curricular activity. I was convinced he was ADHD or Asperger's and recently had him tested. He is boarder line, but nothing too outright. He is very bright and his processing speed is average - this apparently slows him down.


    It is very important to my dh to make sure ds has a physical outlet. Dh was the same kid and had nothing and no one to push him. So, we decided about 3 years ago that karate would be a good sport for him. Dh just started to put lots of extra time into reviewing all his karate several days a week. It has made a huge difference in his ability to learn the new routines every few months. Ds is not so easy to actually do the extra time, but Dh is loving and inviting and manages to get him involved. Karate has been great. He has to go at least 3x a week to really start to get some of the moves though. He needs high repetition to learn. It is just who he is. We feel that we understand him and try to be behind him 100%. Not sure how that we unfold down the road, but eventually we will try to plan to transition him to be more independent - if it is possible. There are definitely some sports that he just may not be able to do.

  14. My oldest will be 3rd grade this spring time! It's sounds so much more serious than 2nd!


    Saxon 5/4

    WWE/FLL 3

    ETC/SWO/MCP Plaid


    SOTW 3

    Science 3rd year WTM

    Beginning Latin (Prima Latina)

    Lots of Critical Thinking stuff

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