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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. While I personally would probably go for house #2, I think James Bond has a point. If you're moving back to the States, will your family come for visits? Even if you have the best family ever, you will appreciate the extra space after about 2 days of an extended visit;). How long will you be stationed in that area? If you'll be there for a while, the larger house may be a better investment, especially if the floor plan suits your lifestyle.


    Enjoy your house hunting journey!

  2. Both dh and I are Navy veterans. My dad is a Navy vet (Vietnam) and his brother is an Army vet. My grandpa served in Normandy. My cousin on that side was in the National Guard. My mom's brother is a former Marine (there's no such thing as an ex-Marine:lol:). My mom's bio-dad was a Navy vet who supposedly worked on the Philadelphia Experiment. Supposedly. My uncle served in Vietnam and never fully left:grouphug:.


    Vets rocks!

  3. Eleanor Jane.


    I like to be a bit non-conformist. I love Charlotte, but it really is going the way of Emma, Sophia, and Olivia (all great names, btw). My BFF from middle school is seriously considering Harper. I love it, but I think her middle name would just have to be Lee. Maybe Harper Jean? You don't happen to be Southern, do you? Harper Jean would totally fit in the South.


    Also, Wendi is a fabulous name. Just saying;).

  4. Honestly? I don't even kinda care what the Common Core Standards recommend. I am raising 3 individuals, not 3 robots. I have to live with these little adults until I die. I plan on having real conversations with these people on my death bed. I am charged by God with teaching my little people how to think and learn. The government has no business in my teaching. And this is coming from a Christian, card-carrying Democrat;).

  5. :smilielol5:




    This is my monologue with roaches. Now... none of them around here FLY. You should have heard me cooing at a baby roach I found "Aw, hi you cute creature of the apocalypse... " my DH thought I was going nuts he was like "Why aren't you screaming?"


    But a Flying Cockroach? I would seriously lose it. I would be arms failing into walls falling over and death.




    Thankfully I am already afraid to go to toilet in the dark (thanks, Roaches) but now I will be on the look out for rats, flying squirrels, and other assorted critters. :lol:


    Snakes creep me out. Roaches make me completely apoplectic. They do not exist in my universe. I love me some God, but ROACHES?!?! Seriously God?! What were you thinking?!?!?! Ain't nobody got time for that.

  6. To get you started :D




    If you are going to dream, dream in detail. :p

    You can come wwoof at our place on your way from Melbourne to the Outback.





    :lol: If you're going to dream, you may as well dream big. Right?:tongue_smilie:


    Rosie, you and I together would likely be cause for some sort of reality show.

  7. I live way, way out in the boonies. One time I opened my front-loading washer, only to have a SNAKE fall out. I totally fed that thing to my cats. I love animals, but there is just a line you do not cross, and that line is my threshold. If you, as an animal, cross my threshold, you run the danger of being fed to either the cats or chickens.


    I would have moved if I found a squirrel in my toilet.

  8. Oh yes, my mother was FURIOUS when I told her Emma's and Cora's names. Apparently her old neighbor growing up was named "Emma", and she was a witchy woman who hated all children. :tongue_smilie: And "Cora" was the name of a school bully when my mom was in junior high. :tongue_smilie: My mom has a history of ridiculous behavior, fwiw.


    I ignored her and named my children what I darned well pleased.


    What in the world is wrong with the name Cora? My oldest is named Cora. Cora is a beautiful name. That is my completely unbiased opinion;).


    I love the name, tell her to get over it.



    If my mom had told me to get rid of my children, call one "that one" & then react like this about the name - she'd seriously not be in my life anymore...or at the very least contact would be severely limited.


    Again, :iagree:. My mom was so ticked when we told her about #1. Of course, we weren't married yet (we got married the very next day), but still. She was ambivalent about #2. The third pregnancy sent her into a psychotic episode:confused:. My mom is certifiable. She has issues. Her issues are not my issues. Name your kid whatever you want (as long as it isn't Adolf or Stalin) and let your mom have her little episode.

  9. Summers in upper peninsula Michigan.


    Winters . . . not sure.


    Really, though, it's more like I would want to travel EVERYWHERE. I would want to try a new spot every couple years and see the whole world.


    If money were no object, I would not live in any one place. I would travel and live in a variety of places - including a houseboat. I simply could not choose a single place to stay forever :) It's my hope that each of my boys moves to a part of the world that I will want to visit. Then I'll sell everything and just travel between their places :D


    :iagree: I am an nomad at heart. I would constantly be on the move. I would love to spend at least a year hitting all the historical sites in Europe. London, Scottish Highlands, Ireland, Paris, the Loire valley, Swiss Alps, Vienna, berlin, Munich, Prague, all of Italy, all of Greece, Poland, St. Petersburg, Moscow. The whole nine yards. Then, I would ride the entire Trans-Siberian railway, taking my time to visit all the stops and soak up as much culture as possible. I'd love to spend time in a yurt in Mongolia. I want to walk on the Great Wall of China. I want to visit Beijing and Hong Kong. I want to sit in Tibet and just be. India!!! Can I just eat my way through India? I'd hit the snot out of Australia. Every major city and the Outback. Maybe we'd spend time on some remote Outback station. Then we would take our yacht to Africa. Oh, the things I would do in Africa! Serengeti, Kilimanjaro, the Congo river, Victoria Falls, South Africa, Namibia-all of it. We would work our way from west to east across North Africa, ending up in Egypt, where we would spend months. Then I would take my private jet to South America and wander around for a while with no purpose whatsoever. Eventually we would cross the Panama Canal, work our way through Central America, and end up, 10 years later, in the US or Canada. Probably both. I'd have a house in Flagstaff, Az., PEI, and maybe a winter house somewhere in the Turks and Caicos.


    I have huge dreams;):lol:. In reality, we may go to Disney World next year:tongue_smilie:.

  10. The moderators know me too well;). I was about to post something borderline controversial on the VoterID thread when they locked it. Just now, I was in the process of multi-quoting people and responding in a somewhat controversial way when they deleted the thread. Thank you moderators for saving me from myself!:lol:

  11. :grouphug: I get it. Four and a half years ago we moved to our small town in the middle of nowhere. I had such high hopes. I envisioned Mayberry, where everyone knows everybody and helps their neighbor. Instead, I got the Twilight Zone, where one verbal slip-up will be spread to everyone and be used against you forever. I imagined my kids going to their small school and making friends with everyone. Instead, they were labeled "non-natives" and ostracized. When I pulled my kids out of that school for academic reasons, I was labeled an elitist snob. I have actually had Queen Bee wannabes "huff" at me in public, complete with the hair flip. Yes, that really did happen and no, the woman was not 12 (more like 40). I've had people come up to me in public and tell me things (not bad) my husband did at work before he came home for the day. I have been shunned by a whole group of "Christian" women because someone in the clique got offended by something I posted on FB.


    All of that I could tolerate with an eye roll and a "bless your heart", but my kids have suffered as well. Since they suffered the misfortune of not being born here, they have been purposefully discriminated against on every sport team they've ever played on here, despite their skill level. They've been told if they just went to school, people would like them. The friends they used to have no longer acknowledge their presence in public.


    We have never experienced anything like this in the larger places we have lived. Never! I have never had trouble finding at least acquaintances. I've always talked to everyone I meet. Apparently I didn't get the memo that if I spoke to certain people I would be blacklisted forever.


    We will probably stay here in the Twilight Zone. Dh has an excellent job with growth potential. We have never been in a better financial place. Thankfully, I have found 2 other "non-natives" to hang out with. There are a few gems in this town, but the hostile natives ruin it. I won't give those people the satisfaction of running me out of town.


    I didn't mean for this to get so long. I just wanted to let you know that I completely understand.

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