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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. Meggie, labor is not clinically painful. "Pain" indicates something is wrong. Labor is incredibly intense. It is real and in your face. There is usually nothing wrong with a laboring woman. Usually. I think a good childbirth instructor teaches a woman the difference between "pain" and "intense". Finally, after 2 natural births, I had a midwife who recognized the difference. She was amazing. I want to give her a trophy for talking me through the birth of dd5. That birth was my most empowering. I just wish more obstetricians would empower women. Yes, I am absolutely a complete believer in interventions if necessary, but I just wish medical professionals would not discount the power of a woman's body.

  2. I am a natural childbirth momma that never followed any particular method. I just thought of all those thousands of generations of women who popped out their kids without the benefit of expensive classes. While I appreciate modern obstetric practices (as it applies to saving women's lives), I just reject the majority of interventions science says women need in order to give birth. If you want to be a childbirth instructor, I'd say to channel the survival of the human race without modern obstetrics. Yes, I thank God for modern obstetrics and the many lives they save each year. I just don't think any births are exactly alike. IMO, a good childbirth instructor will focus on empowering women, not selling a particular brand of birthing. Just my humble opinion,

  3. This really is a hard one. My in-laws have each been married 3 times. Mil is done with marriage and just has a boyfriend. We love him, but he is not officially living with mil (they're not Facebook official). We usually buy a couple gift for fil and wife #3 (because we love her). Mil? Since nothing is official, we just buy a gift for her and hang out with the boyfriend, showing him lots of love and acceptance. I'm not sure there is a Miss Manners rule on these types of situations.

  4. Yay! I am so glad so many of you are pushing hard to improve your education. Right now I am reading "Outliers". Economics is a weak subject for me. I have a few Great Courses coming in the mail (Luther, History of the Supreme Court, Joy of Math). I am been drooling over Coursera for a while now. I just need to pick something. I love hearing about what everyone is studying. Maybe something you guys are reading will inspire me.

  5. Does relearning math by doing AOPS with DS count? We sit down every morning at 7:30am together to do the lessons and problems together...as in both of us working the problems on paper and discussing them and helping each other (or consulting the solutions manual) as needed. I'm hoping to go through all of the AOPS books and be a math whiz some day.


    Joann, any sort of learning counts. This is a thread for moms who just want to educate themselves in order to provide a better education for their children.

  6. This board includes self-ed, right? So where are the moms who want to improve themselves in order to provide a richer learning environment for their children? Can we truly discuss self-ed topics here? I know, though I was always in the "gifted" program K-12, I have some incredible gaps in my education. While I love the high school home-ed threads, I want to see some threads about moms trying to fill in the gaps of their own education. So can the self-ed moms get a little support here?

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