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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. Where does one start with C.S. Lewis? I've read all the Narnia books. I absolutely loved Till We Have Faces. I would like to jump into the Lewis theology pool. Where should I start? I own The Problem of Pain, Mere Christianity, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, Miracles, A Grief Observed, Perelandra, and That Hidden Strength. No comments on owning books one has never read :p. You know how homeschoolers are with books.


    Help a girl out here!

  2. We watched whatever it was they were playing during the money-raising event. Let's see if I can recall everything: Lady Mary turned down cousin Matthew's proposal (even though she said she loved him) because her mum was pregnant with a change-of-life baby, and it might have been a boy and heir, leaving cousin Matthew poor; however, the heir (the baby WAS a boy!)was killed by the actions of mum's maid, who erroneously thinking that her ladyship was hiring a new lady's maid to replace her (she was really helping someone else find a new maid), positioned a bar of soap on the bathroom floor so that her ladyship slipped on it, fell, and lost the baby. Ugh. Meanwhile, Mary had found out her sister had told some ambassador something or other, so when sister was expecting to be proposed to at a party, Mary told the groom-to-be how sister had laughed about some old boor was going to propose to her, and that was the end of that marriage prospect. The servants were having their own dramas. Some guy confessed that he did time as a thief, but wasn't believed. It turns out that he confessed because his wife did it. Whatever. I couldn't tell if one of the maids was in love with him and the news about a living wife was a blow or not. The mother of another servant died and there was a fight between him and some jerk who needled him about it. Some guy was caught stealing a wallet. And of course there was the trusted lady's maid who murdered her mistress's baby because she thought she was being fired. :svengo:



    Well, yeah, but they do all that with their English accents and while wearing fabulous Edwardian dresses! That must count for something.

  3. Personally, I feel sorry for Sarah, who started this thread. :( She is a long-time member here, and it seems like she is being ridiculed. I hope her feelings aren't hurt.


    OK, so most of us (myself included,) aren't buying into the HSLDA Wants To Take Over The World propaganda, but I think we also have to admit that some of their emails could sound pretty scary to someone who didn't realize that the HSLDA has a huge political agenda, and that their organizational goals no longer seem to have the slightest thing to do with helping gain and maintain the rights of homeschoolers in the USA... which originally seemed to be their whole purpose for existing. They have become quite the experts at fearmongering and scare tactics. :glare:


    I am entirely in favor of continuing this thread in the spirit of cupcakes and kilts. :hurray: And I'm loving Patrick Stewart in a kilt, BTW. :001_wub: But I do hope we'll go easy on Sarah. Her heart was in the right place, even if she didn't have complete information when she started this thread.


    :grouphug: to Sarah.



    It's not her we are ridiculing. Some are genuinely concerned about her. Some of us are completely p!ssed that HSLDA can cause already stressed out hs moms to panic of this. That's what ticks me off. The fear-mongering. It's icky.

  4. Op, if you are really, truly scared, I will offer up my services. It's the UN!!! They're not exactly know for their strength. This 5'2" Cajun girl who knows karate and can shoot a gun will protect you. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling.


    And I'm not dismissing legitimate arguments against this treaty, as long as those arguments are logically formed. The fear-mongering of HSLDA irritates this Christian gal.

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