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Posts posted by GWOB



    Ugh, I do not blame you there. That's too early for me!



    I am not pleasant in the morning. Neither is dh. Two grumpy people in the morning just isn't good for our marriage. Now, when dh works nights he leaves around 5:15pm. I usually throw something together for him. If I'm feeling sappy, I'll even pack something sweet. Sometimes he makes me breakfast when he comes home from his night shifts. We each do special things for one another to show our appreciation.

  2. Nope. When my dh works days, he's up at 4:30am and out the door by 5:15. If I woke up that early, well let's just say he would not like me very much ;). When he had a real coffee pot, I would fix it the night before and program it to brew before he woke up. I do fix him leftovers to take for lunch, but he forgets to bring them half the time. Like justamouse said, I think the sock knitting is a more important part of my wifely duties.

  3. Call me a snob, but I hate laminate. Hate it. I have vinyl in my kitchen, but I detest the fake wood look. Perhaps I am spoiled by living in a 100-year-old house with original hardwood (recently renovated) floors, but I despise walking on fake wood. If you have no texture issues, laminate is great. If anyone has texture issues, laminate just may be a nightmare. I truly wished I loved it, as it is durable and cheap. I just cannot stand it. My mil has laminate wood floors in her kitchen and walking across them is the equivalent of walking across nails, but I have issues ;).

  4. I'm going to try to formulate my thoughts on this subject in a semi-coherent fashion. I consider myself a progressive, yet I am drawn to traditional, liturgical Christian churches. I suppose that while I am progressive politically and socially, I am rather orthodox religiously. I currently attend an LCMS church. While I love the liturgy and orthodoxy of this church, the political ideology throws me. I always considered the Episcopalian/Anglican church as a fall back, with the RCC and EO churches as close seconds. This latest schism in the Episcopalian/Anglican church concerns me. Where is a progressive, liturgy-loving Christian to go now?

  5. I changed my name. There are so many variations of Wendi/Wendy on here I was getting confused. Every time "Wendi" posts, I think it's me posting :p. My poor little mind was all mixed up. I did keep my avatar and siggy. I figured it would be easy to identify my posts. "Oh look! There's a maniacal raving from THAT girl. Again."



    Which moscato? I deigned to visit a Safeway only to be presented with a choice of pink and spumante. I picked up the latter to try. It was half the price of what we usually buy... and if it's good, we'll be able to keep our moscato loving friends in bubbly without breaking the budget, a consummation devoutly to be wished. :D


    The white moscato. I refuse to drink pink wine ;) :p

  7. One of my bff's had her bridesmaids walk down the aisle to the tune of Shaft. I cannot for the life of me remember what my solitary bridesmaid walked to. If I would have been sane enough during my shot gun wedding, I probably would have selected Billy Idol's White Wedding. But I'm contrary like that.



    Was coming to post this one. I have a hard time liking wine, but I had one whole glass of this one a couple of weeks ago. I can usually only manage 2-3 sips.



    My inner wine snob avoided Bare Foot wines for the longest time. One day I broke down and purchased this wine. Slightly bubbly, kinda sweet, and just downright lovely. I really like this wine, though one must me in the mood for a white wine to enjoy it.



    Thanks! You know, as I'm sitting here all teary, it's really hitting me. There's nothing, absolutely nothing like being a mommy. But, wow, thinking of my grandchild just really gets to me. I already know how much my dd will love this little one, but she doesn't understand yet. You can't know what you haven't had. Goodness, I just found out and I'm head over heels already. Thinking of what an incredible thing it will be to watch her fall in love with this wee one is just making me so weepy I don't know what to do with myself. It's not going to be smooth sailing, of this I am well aware, but the journey will be most worthwhile.



    It will definitely be worthwhile. I found myself unexpectedly pregnant at the age of 19. You could not pry one second of that experience out of my cold, dead hands. That made me the woman I am today. Your dd will figure it out. She has a supportive momma behind her. That means everything in the world. And now you must commit to post pics of your beautiful grand baby! We will indulge you.

  10. I'm going to introduce a different angle. How tall is your dd? I'm only 5'2". I always measured way over wrt fundal height. I just carry my babies way, way out in front. If your dd is taller, the midwives may just be messing up their measurements. I always advocated for dating pregnancies based on lmp. I can set an atomic clock by my TOM. I knew exactly when I got pregnant. Tell your dd to speak up and speak loudly. I know how hard this is in Louisiana. I'm from Louisiana and would never voluntarily have a baby there. The childbirth culture is way behind the times. Help your dd be an advocate for her baby. It will be necessary in Louisiana.

  11. All babies should be celebrated. Hugs, momma. Congrats on becoming a grandma!!! There is no required grandma uniform. You can act/dress as young as you feel. Your grand baby will enjoy having a young grandma. Your dd will figure it out. So will you. It will be ok. Babies are cute and they smell heavenly.

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