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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. You had to prove you were a US citizen when you registered to vote, right? Why would you need to do it again?


    North Carolina has never required ID to vote, or at least not during my lifetime. I'm not against requiring it, but whatever is required must (IMO) be free and very easy to acquire. Otherwise it's a poll tax.


    :iagree: I had to show ID and proof of residency to register. That's good enough for me. I've never had to show my ID here.

  2. LSU should be proud of the game they played tonight. I know I am proud to be a Tiger!!


    I will say though...... I love Les Miles and I'm glad he played an aggressive game (until that final drive anyway), but I really didn't understand some of his calls.


    :) Beachy


    The man has serious b@lls. I was not a fan of his quarterback decisions last year, but I can't help by love his insanity. And yes, that was the very best game LSU played all year. Though it kills me to say it, Bama really is that good. LSU played their hearts out. If that LSU team had showed up to every game this season, I would be so darn happy. Though I hate the stupid elephants, I am still a proud Tiger fan. Of course, I will now shift a bit of my football love to K-State;). Gotta cheer for the homeschool kid!

  3. The while Jesus thing is a marathon, not a sprint. Some people finish the marathon early, while people like you and I take forever. That's ok.


    I come from a wacky Jesus background. I was christened Catholic. My whole extended family is nominally Catholic. My parents were angry with the Catholic Church and started listening to Jimmy Swaggart:lol:. They ended up in a very legalistic Southern Baptist church:confused:. Growing up in a seriously legalistic church did a lot of damage to my relationship with Christ. My church felt every other denomination (and even some other SBC churches) were stupid and downright wrong. It took a very long time for me to shake those beliefs. Instill struggle. It doesn't help that my parents still think I am going to hell because I'm Catholic (I'm actually Lutheran, but apparently they forgot about that whole Protestant Reformation thing;)).


    Sometimes it takes a really long time to find your home in Christianity. Again, that's ok. I know I really enjoyed every Methodist church I ever visited. The best advice I can give you is to just be patient. You will eventually find your preferred flavor of Jesus. It may be a long road, but I promise you it will be worth it.



  4. I've posted before about how much I love Snyder. Dh and I were at K-State when Snyder built the program the first time around. We were this [] close to being kicked out of Division I football. He built the program up with walk-ons and JuCo transfers. One of his players disrespected one of his teachers when I was there. The next day the player was in a suit and tie apologizing to the teacher. Maybe that is typical among football coaches, but Dh worked in the dorm where most of the athletes stayed and he said the football players were night and day from the rest.


    We're just a few hours north of you. If LSU and K-State play for the title, we ought to get together.


    Dh "went" to K-State for almost a semester. He majored in Kegology;). A few of my homeschool mom friends are K-State alums. If LSU and K-State play for a championship, we are totally getting together! While I would cheer for LSU, I would love for K-State to win.

  5. I'm a Mississippi State fan, so my last two weeks have been :glare::cursing::banghead:

    But my hubby is a HUGE Bama fan and is having a major meltdown in the living room right now. I've escaped to the computer room.;)


    Last week I was the biggest Mississippi State fan ever;). To say I am not a stupid elephant fan would be a colossal understatement:tongue_smilie:.

  6. I can never have the relationship and conversations with my parents that I need to have.


    However, not all is lost.


    I get a second chance at a parent-child relationship. I get the chance to be there for my kids in the relationship and conversations that THEY need.


    I'm going to do the best I can. And I am humbly blessed with a partner who knows what he is doing in this area.


    You are not alone with that one. :grouphug:

  7. Well, I don't know if it helps LTD, but it makes me sad that this is a belief in the Christian world. (Although, of course, I do respect your freedom to believe as you will in this regard!)


    Did you happen to watch the video linked above? It's pretty good, I think, regarding this idea that God turns his back on us because of our sin (then again, the ancient church has never taught the idea of original sin). I like how it showed that the Father and the Son are never pitted against each other (as in a juridical theology), and that Christ never ever turned his back on those shown to be sinners in the Scriptures. He always, always sought them out in love.


    See, for me personally, Lutheran theology does not teach that God turns his back on you. Decision theology had me constantly second-guessing my every move. Lutheran theology freed me. God seeks me out. He comes to me despite my sin. He does it all.

  8. :iagree: Happy marriages DO exist. No marriage is happy ALL the time, but I am gloriously blessed with a strong marriage to a wonderful man. I didn't deserve it, still don't deserve it, but somehow, I am blessed to be one of the rare lucky ones. I do know it is rare. I do know. (And, I am saddened frequently to observe the many less happy unions all around me.)


    :iagree:There is a lot of sad reality in the pps but just reading the thread title (more than once) nothing sprang to my mind.


    ETA - Regarding happy marriages, we have one too. An awesomely, awesome marriage better than I deserve. Dh and I say we have it and there are a few other couples we say have it too, not that we can define it.:)


    I'm feeling very off topic tonight:tongue_smilie:.


    Regarding "it". My best definition of "it" is both people in a marriage realizing that the other person is completely insane for dealing with your crud, yet totally appreciating their stupidity for dealing with you. Dh and I both acknowledge the other one is completely mental for dealing with the crud, yet we thoroughly appreciate the effort the other one puts into the marriage. It isn't "perfect", but it sure is fulfilling. It also doesn't hurt that dh is a total hottie;).

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