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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. I love Samuel too, but our last name begins with S.


    Asher is super cute also, but it is THE trendy name in boston among Jews/Christians. My sons swim class of 10 had 3 ashers!


    Keep the suggestions coming! Thanks so much!!!


    I have a Samuel and our last name begins with S:tongue_smilie:. I gave him a nice, long middle name (Christopher).


    I like Levi, Micah, and Judah.

  2. Your rules sound reasonable to me. I am neither a helicopter parent nor a completely free-range parent. I parent the kids I have;). I am trying to give my 12yo more responsibility. She really wants to babysit her siblings, so I try to leave her alone with them for 30min-an hour. My 12yo and 9yo are in bed by 9:30, but they have the option to read for a while, unless we have to be up early the next morning. We live way, way out in the country. I allow them to roam around outside unsupervised, except for harvest, planting, and hunting time, when we have lots of strangers and/or flying bullets around.


    My kids are responsible for breakfast and lunch. I usually provide dinner. They may have as many fruits and vegetables as they want, but they have to ask for anything else.


    If we lived in town (a town of maybe 3,500 people that is fairly isolated), I would allow my oldest to walk/bike to the library or a friend's house within a few blocks.


    My 12yo received a computer for her birthday. She needed it for her online class and her math program. I do require her to be visible while on the Internet, but she can use it whenever she wants. She is pretty responsible with it.


    She likes a boy, but since she has a disgusting (though lovable) brother, she thinks most boys are gross. I'm cool with that;). She will have guidelines in place when she decides to date. Nothing super restrictive.


    I like to pretend we are reasonable parents, but I could be way off base:tongue_smilie:.

  3. Yep. I have a 12yo girl:glare:. She's pretty cool and normal most of the time, but I just don't know if I can survive the "looks", emotional outbursts, and moods. And she is my easy girl! I'm fairly certain the 5yo will require a large vat of Prozac (for me). I'm not too worried about the boy. He is just so even-tempered. But the girls? God help me, but I just don't deal with emotions very well.

  4. I've never homeschooled with a newborn (I started homeschooling when my youngest was 1 1/2) so I cannot help you there.


    How do you feel more relaxed about homeschooling?


    1) Stop reading the K-8 boards! Now, these boards have been a gold mine of information for me. Really. But I had to stop reading them for a while. I fell into the comparison trap. I constantly felt as though I had to keep up with what everyone else was doing. I forgot about the people I was teaching and made it all about me:glare:.


    2) Teach the kid(s) you have, not the kid(s) you want. After I took a board break, I had to really spend time with each kid and decide what was best for that kid. I personally would have loved to have been taught the WTM way, but my kids needed a slightly different approach. I had to teach myself to be ok with that. I had to meet them where they were and go from there. I had to throw out the idea that all homeschooled kids were ready for college by 14. Yes, I have a couple of "advanced" learners, but they lack in maturity. Unless something major happens in the next 4 years, my oldest will not be able to handle college-level work, despite being "bright".


    3) I had to go a little unschool-y. We do the basics (math, writing, grammar) every day, but I just cannot force my little people to do everything everyday. They would balk, whine, moan, and complain. I had to get creative. I signed up the older 2 for First Lego League and we are doing an Exploravision project with another homeschool family (they are researching the future potential of teleporting radiation/radioactive material to specific cancer cells). I signed up my oldest for an online Latin class, which she loves. We are focusing on current events (the only good thing about the election). They read, read, read tons of books. We travel. I count it all.


    4) Know your limitations. Be honest about them. In your case, you are having a baby. Squishy though they are, babies require work. A lot of work. That's ok. You just won't have the time to plan an elaborate curriculum for your 3rd grader. Realize that no one is grading you, and if someone is grading you, they need a life/hobby. It's ok to focus on the basics (reading, writing, and math) with a 3rd grader. Audiobooks are your best friends. Netflix documentaries rock. Cool autobiographies from the library spark interests. Let your 3rd grader come up with random science experiments. Talk about what happened in those experiments. No one is grading you! You are your own worst critic (said from a place of experience).


    I hope some of this helped you. I still, after 4 years, feel unqualified to give homeschooling advice. I'm just sharing what worked for me.

  5. I am 45 and pretty heavily gray. My natural color was a dark brown, so maintenance was getting hard - I very quickly had a "line of demarcation" after having it colored.


    I want to avoid that "line of demarcation".:lol:


    It is aging though. THere is no question about it. If you go gray, you will seem older to everyone. I mostly just embrace it. I fuss more over my makeup and clothes, and I struggle to maintain my weight because I am just not ready to have an over all "Matronly look." The gray hair is enough! People are nicer to you, though, when you are gray. I have felt a remarkable difference. I tell people I want to look as old as I feel so that people will expect less of me:)


    I look forward to aging. Everyone thinks it's cute when a little old lady curses. If I curse? No one thinks it's cute:tongue_smilie:.


    My advice is that unless you have really dark hair and simply can't maintain it, or unless you simply long to be gray and are 60% there, just get highlights to blend it every few months. In your 30s, it's nice to just keep your hair youthful. You have the rest of your life to be gray if you want.


    My hair is naturally medium to dary brown. It does get a little reddish in the sun, but it's generally a lovely mousy brown.


    Also, I am thinking about entering the job market again, and at my age, the gray is a liability. I think that is the case. I am not going to change it. The year of growing the gray out was absolutely the worst. I looked horrible for a year, and now that it's all grown out, I am done.


    My youngest is 5. I have a long way to go before I enter the job market. If I make it through the raising of these kids, I just don't think I will give a flip what people think of me:lol:.


    I just cannot decide what to do about my "highlights". I consider my multitude of stretch marks to be tiger stripes. I earned every last one of those buggers. I want to feel the same way about my gray hair.


    I kinda wish I was a man. Men look so distinguished with gray hair. Women just look/feel old.

  6. I pretend they are "highlights".:glare:


    :lol: My dh swears he has platinum highlights, not gray hair. He can pull it off since 1) he is a man and 2) he had white blonde hair as a kid.

    I know women with gorgeous gray hair. I love it on them.


    That said, I highlight so any gray is bended. I think it looks great on friends, but I really don't have the skin tone to pass it off.


    So what is a good skin tone with gray hair? I am lighter skinned, but have olive tones. My dad is often mistaken for Mexican, Arab, or mixed.

    I sport them with pride. I too have shiny silver whities instead of dull grays. They are dispersed all around my hair and there's a white streak up front, still mostly hidden by darker hair, but peeking out from time to time. :001_smile: I've been sporting whities for at least 15 years, but most people don't notice them unless I mention them. (I'm 46 now.)


    I never have colored my hair, and I don't plan on starting now!


    My mom is going on 70, got her first whities at 17, and still has more darks than whities; you don't get the impression that she's a white-haired old lady. She too does not color her hair.


    See, my grays seem shiny and silver. I can handle silver. Dull gray bothers me.

  7. I've had a bit of gray since I was 27. Luckily, those first grays came in at the back of my head underneath the rest of my hair. The grays are now migrating to the top of my head:glare:. I can't pass them off as platinum highlights as I have never been blonde.


    I've been dyeing my hair since I was 15. It has been every shade of red, purple, orange, black, and brown. I'm tired of dyeing my hair.


    I'm only 32. I still get carded to buy tobacco and alcohol. I'm not sure if I'm ready to go gray, but I just do not look forward to the maintenance required to fight the little snots.


    I have a friend who has beautiful salt-and-pepper hair. She's under 40 and totally rocks the gray. Maybe I could pull off the gray look too. My grays are almost silver, which I could live with.


    So, what do you guys do with the gray devils? Give me some ideas.

  8. The women's vote always goes Democratic, and the men's vote always goes Republican (possibly excepting landslides). That's why people joke about wanting only men (or women) to vote. No one has any serious intention of repealing women's suffrage.


    That is quite a sweeping generalization. Most of my female FB friends are flaming conservative, while my male FB friends are tree-hugging hippie liberals. In my own house, dh voted democrat and I voted republican. That is no longer the case;). And this is completely off topic.


    The point is that Trump is kinda an idiot and Ann Coulter consistently says outlandish and offensive things. Even my flaming conservative women friends are thoroughly ticked at Ann Coulter right now. Not political, just human.

  9. Well... I didn't post to turn this into a witch hunt (all puns intended). I appreciate all the support. I truly do. But, that other forum isn't the point. That person over there said they were here, as did others in the first couple of pages of the thread (which is all I was willing to read). I'm not going to post on their forum. That would be pointless. So, I was thinking that there are probably plenty of people here, where I did post my request, who probably had similar thoughts. I just want them to know that who they are and what they think doesn't, in any way, change who I am and what I think.


    Now, if you will excuse me for the evening ... I have 2 goats waiting in the summoning room and I've yet to polish the good ritual knives. Demons get so cranky when you're late, you know.






    Oh, and speaking of goats...if memory serves, there was an interesting thread a couple of years back in which many of us signed up for our introductory kits and were promised our first goat. I have yet to receive mine. :toetap05::toetap05::toetap05:





    Yes! Where are the goats you promised to so many people?!?!


    And can I give you a list of people I'd like you to cast your spells against? It's a really long list, so you may need your evil coven members to help you out.

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