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Everything posted by MommyX8

  1. I am using Barton with my son (11yo, who definitely shows signs of dyslexia) and his sister (6yo) who are both in vision therapy. I have a son who is 9. He doesn't show the same issues but does tends to have problems with longer words. Since I am already using it, should I just go back and run him through it so that everyone has had the same training?
  2. So for those who have used the app, thumbs up or thumbs down? I am totally for spending $30 if it is going to get me where I want to be. If it helps get the job done faster, sign me up. I can use it on multiple children, right?
  3. So I have 2 kids in VT. We had our quarterly exam and while my older son did really well, my 6 year old daughter (12 weeks therapy) had fallen down on part of the test. So the doctor tells me to put on the glasses so he can explain to me why she answered as she did. Well, he didn't have to explain it as I saw EXACTLY what she saw. So guess who else has exotropia and is working through insurance to get it covered? I had strabismus surgery when I was 6. I had no idea that the issues that remained where not from the surgery but from the issue itself. One of my adult children has eye surgery as well. She also has no depth perception and gets lots of headaches. So if they cover me, we will get her going as well. Geez, 4 family members in vision therapy at the same time has GOT to be a record.
  4. My daughter is 6 and she started VT a few months ago. I put reading on hold. If she isn't seeing correctly, and reversing all of her letters, then what good would it do. I am going to start her on Barton shortly now. I hope that she isn't dyslexic but her brother does have issues with reading and he is going to do Barton, so she will, too.
  5. I'm in VA, too. We might have the same VT. lol
  6. We bought it from our VT. It was $50 which included 150 sessions. My son doesn't like it but I think that we have other issues with reading. I really like it as it only shows one word at a time. Of course, when you are reading on a 1st grade level, it is very difficult to read and comprehend since our skills are much faster so it is harder to slow it down. I will buy another license for his younger sister when she starts reading. I would recommend it. The vision therapy is expensive so if buying a $50 program will benefit my son, it was OK with me.
  7. Thank you! I think that life will be easier if I split them up. My son can read somewhat. But I want this to be the LAST program that he does. Will you be selling Level 2?
  8. I have Phonics Road. I had planned to start it with my 6 year old but she started VT a few months ago so I decided to wait. Her 11 year old brother started VT in November. He just hasn't made the strides in reading as the doctor had hoped. He is reading on a 2nd grade level. He has improved in his phonics, but the longer the word, the higher the probability that he can't do it. He just can't break words into syllables. Some rules are beginning to stick, some not so much. I know that there is something not right. His 9 year old brother who did the exact same phonics program reads on a 5th grade level. So, do I just go in the Barton direction with the 2 of them together? I pretty much stuck my head in the sand when it came to dyslexia. Maybe mild at worse case scenario, but something to contend with nonetheless.
  9. Apparently homeschooling for 20 years and having 2 children in vision therapy with an 11 year old reading on a 2nd grade level isn't high enough criteria to join this group.. Any other avenues?
  10. I think that I am looking as well. My 11 year son has been in VT since November but his doctor is now beginning to believe there is more to his problems.
  11. I have 2 children in VT and insurance paid for both. We have United Healthcare. We had already met our deductible when I submitted the claim for my 2nd child in therapy and I didn't have to pay a dime out of pocket. So push your insurance company.
  12. I have Dianne Craft's entire series. I originally picked it up when I started having issue with my 11 year old son. He needed VT and it was just way too expensive for us. In the end, my insurance company covered almost the entire bill. Flash forward to my 5 year old daughter. Dysgraphia abounds with her. I thought that it was more of a left handed issue, but I started to notice that her left eye would wander. I just ran her through the VT and he picked it a very rare disorder and zero depth perception. So I will begin my insurance battle again to get her therapy covered. But I will do Dianne's methods as well. I do think that it will help us with the dysgraphia. I went to a Dianne Craft weekend seminar. It totally opened my eyes to the way that my son thinks as opposed to my other children. My son is right-brained as is my husband (and we really had no idea.) So it helped me to understand his weaknesses and learning styles.
  13. I would love to help. I lost 90 pounds in 2012, and hope to finish up the rest this year. I had to nail diet and exercise (and the lovely hormone issue as I just turned 49.) I still have 5 kids homeschooling. My youngest just turned 5, so I guess that I only have 13 years until I retire. I am more than happy to help. I also have a very active group of ladies on the TeamBeachbody boards in a forum for the support of those trying to lose 100 pounds. If you are new to Beachbody, you can get a free account through www.mommyx8.com (link to join.) I shoo the males away from that thread as I was never quite interested in what a skinny fit guy had to tell me. (Sad, I know. LOL) And I typically connect through Facebook. So if you post that you just ate a dozen donuts, you will most definitely hear from me. Kim MommyX8
  14. The verdict is in. It is possible to get your insurance company to pay for vision therapy. We have United Healthcare. They have been awesome although I did have to babysit my claims, which really isn't a surprise. I brought my son to a local VT (COVD.) That appointment was $325, which I thought that I was going to eat since he was an out-of-network provider. But, it gave me the medical necessity report that I needed to get the insurance company to precertify that my son does indeed need the services. Next, I scoured through the COVD list and cross-referenced with my health insurance company to find an in-network provider. I found one about 1.5 hours away. I double-checked that the therapy code was the same. So that is when I applied for a gap exception. With UHC, if your closest in-network provider is more than 30 miles from your home, they will pay the difference between the out of network price and the contracted in-network price. In my case, my local guy charged $145 per session, whereas the in-network contracted price was $34.68. So then I submitted my first month's worth of claims. Well, the insurance company went ahead and processed the entire 48 visits of vision therapy. My initial price for VT was $7780. My bottom line out of pocket is $228. So it can be done. It just might take some work. Blessings, Kim
  15. I am 5'5". I'd like to lose another 20ish pounds. I'll get there. :) Thank you everyone. Just wanted to put it out there to invest in yourself. We have mastered putting others first and doing our best to ensure our childrens' success. It is possible. This board is full of SuperMoms. :)
  16. Ladies-- I used to be around here a lot. And I want to put it out there that I used to think that I couldn't lose weight because a.) I have 8 children, and b.) I've been homeschooling since 1993. I started 2012 at 230 pounds. I came out of 2012 weighing 140. So it turns out that I was wrong. I did not have to be overweight because of my lot in life. You can read my story here: http://www.teambeachbody.com/connect/message-boards/-/message_boards/message/240320737 I was on Beachbody's front page for 1/1/2013. Was it embarrassing?? Um, yeah. But if my year can motivate you to make a change, bring it on. If I can do it, anyone can do it. In Him, Kim MommyX8
  17. I liked it until my kids started saying words and sounds in an accent. :001_smile:
  18. Is this possible or simply an uphill battle? I'm thinking audio CDs, coloring pages, mapwork, dictation. Will it work? If not, what will?
  19. My son never got through it. He completed a good amount of it but then we changed computers and there was real no easy way to import his work. I just learned that he needs vision therapy. But, as far as any testing goes, he is not dyslexic so he might not be the best test subject for this. I thought that $299 was high, but I may change my mind in a year.
  20. Well, I purchased Academy of Reading through BJUP but that division was bought out a couple of years ago. But looking at the screenshots at the EPS site, that is it. I paid $299 for it, which I thought was expensive then. I wouldn't value it at $200 a month.
  21. I bought the HearBuilder software on eBay today. $50ppd :001_smile:
  22. Very old thread but HOLY COW!! That was my fraternity and now I need vision therapy for my son. Time to do some research.
  23. I love this!!! The VT said that he suspected auditory processing disorder. Then last night my son was just not getting what I was saying. So I asked him if I needed to work on his ears as well as his eyes. Well, duh!!! That is what the guy told me. Maybe I've got my own processing disorder.
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