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Everything posted by Chika

  1. Is this the one written by the couple that lives in Vancouver, BC? I read that a few months back. LOVED it -- just loved reading about someone taking on such a challenge and making it work.
  2. Christy, did you ever read the "official" sequel to GWTW? (Somehow this one author was chosen by whomever it is that owns the copyright to GWTW or *something*). It was published about 15 years ago and I believe it was called Scarlett. I know I read it back then, but have NO idea what happened in the book. I can't remember! Just wondered if you were aware of its existence, so you could "see" what finally happened to Scarlett if you were interested in doing so. I do remember thinking, "Yeah, not sure that's what Margaret Mitchell would have done with the story ... "
  3. I'm not a cheese expert, but I do know that we LOVE brie in our family! And *all* we do is bake it until it's soft/oozy then spread it on good bread or crackers with roasted garlic, apple slices, grapes, etc. YUM.
  4. Compounding the frustration was watching this with my dh and realizing afterward that he knew there was no miracle forthcoming. He wasn't taken by surprise at all -- so he was sort of chuckling at me in my frustration.
  5. *Some* of us did not know this when we hit "Play". :glare: :lol:
  6. The Perfect Storm It fits your qualifications: Everyone dies. I honestly believed, even when the water was up to their necks in the bowels of that boat, that they were going to get out of it. I was simply stunned when they did not, and I had the "perfect storm" of a fit after the movie ended.
  7. I admit I do this too. Every time. Green Card -- Gerard Depardieu is such a lout in this badly-acted movie, but the ending IS a good one. Or at least I thought so the first time I watched it! Not so impressed the second time. A Wedding For Bella -- This one wasn't stunningly surprising, but a feel-good ending all the same. And then Bella, more recently. Tears, tears, tears. This is an excellent movie all around, with an endearing, fantastic ending.
  8. Okay, I'm going to edit my post to put "SPOILER ALERT" because I *want* to hear about the endings! That's kind of the deal with my post -- I realize a lot of spoilers will be included. If people don't want to read them, my warning will shoo them away ... So, do tell!
  9. ***Spoilers entirely possible (and wanted!) in this thread! If you don't want to read about the endings of the movies described herein, don't read any further. You've been warned!!*** ;) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Okay, I watched a movie last night that I thought had a GREAT ending; I loved it. I wouldn't say it's the best one "ever" but it was quite enjoyable. I'm posting to ask what movie YOU think has had a great ending ... and I'm thinking the last 1-2 minutes, you know? Not just enjoyable in the way things turned out, but a sudden "finish" that really made you happy. The movie I watched last night was 50 First Dates with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler. The movie overall was good, although I loathed the crudeness in the beginning and then scattered throughout. But I really liked the story, and the dedication Sandler's character had for making Barrymore's character happy. The ending was wonderful with the look of joy on her face as she meets her daughter for the "first" time yet again -- the scenery was stunning too. I also like the ending in Sense and Sensibility -- when Elinor bursts out in tearful joy when she realizes that Edward isn't married and then he speaks of his love for her. Ahhhhhh. Oh, and in Persuasion when Captain Wentworth writes Ann the note and leaves it on the desk, touching it as he stands and looking at her as he prepares to leave. She gets his drift, lol, and goes to read the note in which he declares his devotion to her. Sigh. Okay, describe the last minute or two of YOUR favorite movie ending. (NOT your favorite movie, capiche? 50 First Dates isn't my favorite movie, but the *ending* was touching.)
  10. Ummmm .... Isaac can't be shortened? LOL. What about Ike? I love the name Ike. You're right, though, Isaac is also a great name.
  11. I just hit "Post Reply" so don't know where in this thread this post will land, lol, but I wanted to comment on two things: 1) No, write ins aren't automatic, neither are 3rd party candidates. Candidates have to follow procedures in each state to be on the ballot and not all pursue it, nor are all allowed (some states just don't have the option in the first place). 2) The "lesser of two evils" argument. It amazes me that this argument maintains such strong pull after what happened just four years ago. Four years ago people -- especially on the conservative side -- were using this argument as a reason to vote for GWB. Many conservatives were not thrilled with the job GWB had done in his first four years, but voted for him anyway because "the alternative was unthinkable". And look where we are! It got WORSE, much worse. GWB has brought our country further into socialism and unlawful war and DEBT than was ever imagined could be even possible (sometimes it feels that way, anyway). THIS is the "lesser of two evils?" Really? I'm not convinced. And I'm not convinced that either of these candidates would be ANY different than what has happened with GWB. Why? Why would I think that? People thought this was true of GWB and look at us! Grrrrr... Can you tell I don't care for this "lesser of two evils" argument? :) So, for *me* -- I'm not going to waste my vote on someone I don't believe in. I'm going to vote 3rd party or do a write in (it will COUNT here in our state). I know that my candidate will not win, but that's just the way it goes. I'm not scared of an Obama or a McCain presidency (my faith takes me outside that). And I'll get to put the "Don't Blame Me! I voted for ____ " bumper sticker, lol.
  12. We were at a portrait studio once and the gal taking the photos said she recently photographed a little girl with a name pronounced "Absidy" ... the spelling? Abcde.
  13. Yes, you're right with the info. given -- what I forgot to mention was that we have two stores in town not represented on that site, so for *me* it's easier to just get all the ads on my lap and go through them quickly once a week.
  14. Hmmmm, I don't know. I think of the fact that there have been very light/white-skinned children born in bi-racial marriages. Would a white skinned, white haired child be considered African American if one of their parents was black? (I use the term "black" because the black people I have known use "black" in describing themselves). Did you see any of the pics a few years back of one black parent, one white, and then a set of their twins? One was white and one black.
  15. Well, I checked it out -- and it doesn't look like it wouldn't save me money. I looked through half of the pages that came up for my area (I put 50 items on a page) and there wasn't ONE thing that I would buy. Not just because we don't use 95% of what came up, but because the prices aren't all that great. I have found (at least here where I live) that just because something is on sale doesn't mean it's a good price. For example, I saw Nabisco Saltines on "sale" for $3.29/box! The *most* I'll pay for boxes of this brand of Saltines is $1.50-$2.00 because I know from experience they'll go on sale in this range every few weeks. I also saw the 10 oz canned chicken on "sale" for $3.29 ... I just paid $1.99/can last week at a local store. I figure I'll NOT buy "sale" items like this and have more money freed up for stocking up on good, wholesome basics. I'm not trying to be negative and maybe I'm missing how you save gobs of money using this site! Please let me know if I am (it wouldn't be the first time I didn't get something!). But the way I see and understand it, I save more money by knowing what a good price is for something, watching for those to come around, and stocking up when they do.
  16. How about Zach Hunter's Be the Change? He's a teen working to end modern-day slavery around the world. If you saw Amazing Grace last year, he was the one doing a promo at the end of the movie.
  17. Did you make sure to uninstall the older version? Not sure if this would make a difference or not, but maybe?
  18. Has anyone said a grain mill yet?? That's one of my must-haves! We love using fresh ground flour in our recipes. And I don't just grind wheat, but rice, millet, quinoa, beans, popcorn and more ... And I'm "there" on the knife thing-- maybe I need to try really, really "good" knives, but my fave right now is the $2.50 one I got from Ikea.
  19. I often use things from this site to make craft projects -- they have some fabulous Christmas items.
  20. I found a mute button! And the pesky little bugger *was* checked. WILD. Thanks for your suggestion -- it worked!
  21. Ummmm. Hmmmm. No comprendo. Which mute box would that be? On the laptop? Or at the video site? :)
  22. Little Chika peep, she lost her beep and she doesn't know where to find it. We got high speed/cable internet a couple of weeks ago and at first watched youtube and other videos just fine -- but now the sound is gone on any and all videos. I've turned the little thingie up both at the website and on my laptop. Nada. Any insight from the Hive? I want to see the news clip about Doran's run for the presidency!
  23. Peek a Boo: 1) Is a rEVOLutionary (might vote for Ron Paul given the opportunity), 2) Uses some WTM but not a ton (might even consider herself an unschooler to a degree) I think Peek has at least one room in her house with red walls.
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