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Everything posted by springmama

  1. It looks like a great fit for us, but I only ordered the teacher guide. I am guessing I won't need all of the books and supplies at first so I'm going to buy a little at a time. Can anyone tell me which of these books/kits I'll need for the first month or so? I can go ahead and get them from the library or used book store. http://www.noeoscience.com/chemI.html
  2. Thanks! Both of them look good too, but still not the one I had in mind. The one I'm looking for has an option to join and instantly upload or download. All of the content is user created and it's specifically for homeschooling moms. In any case, this thread looks like it will turn out to be a great resource for download, so keep them coming!
  3. Has anyone tried this? It's 9.99. Is it a replacement for the student text?
  4. Yes, please. That would be great! Do you think I could use it as a supplement to OPGTR or should it be used instead? At this point with OPGTR we are just reading through the words and paragraphs in each lesson to make sure he can do it. It's been awhile since we've had a lesson that required me to teach him something he wasn't able to figure out on his own, but I'm sure that time will be coming soon.
  5. If I remember correctly, TWTM suggest having the child write if he/she is able. Otherwise they narrate to you and you write it while having the child watch. This models proper writing and also keeps a record of their narration without asking them to do something beyond their level. As they get older, you might transition to having them write it themselves.
  6. I agree. Baby covers the breast when he's nursing, but what's there to cover my flabby stomach? I like nursing tanks under regular shirts so I don't have to think about that.
  7. That is not the one I was thinking of, but it looks amazing! Thanks!
  8. I'm trying to build our home library without going overboard and I'm curious to know how everyone else does it. How do you determine which books to buy vs borrow from the library? How do you determine which books to download for Kindle (on ipad) vs. buy hardcopies?
  9. My 6 year old just started first grade and is still learning to read. Something has finally clicked in his brain and the reading lessons are no longer a struggle. Last year it was impossible. Some would meet him and say he has ADD, but I think he just has a unique personality, lol. Anyway, I read that spelling should not be started until a child is at least halfway through OPGTR. He's not there yet, but will be soon. We are finally at a point where a lesson a day is just right for him and since he's discovered that he can earn points at bookadventure.com, he's eager to read book after book every day (with me reading the harder words). Today I read that AAS can be used as a reading program, so do you think i could use it now even though TWTM recommends NOT doing a spelling program just yet? I mean, AAS is so different, it might be okay, right?
  10. Help me remember the url for this awesome website. It's a no frill homeschool site. No forums or articles or anything, just a large selection of free instant downloads. From what I can remember, it's mostly worksheets and notebooking pages, all made by homeschooling mothers for their own kids.
  11. The Challenger. I was home from school because I was sick and I watched it on TV.
  12. My 6 year old knows all the US states thanks to a game called Stack The States. Here are a few of my absolute must have apps- Rocket Math Stack the states Stack the countries Presidents vs. Aliens Librivox free audio books Kindle Google Books
  13. I have been looking at DITHOR a lot lately, but before I buy it I'd like to compare with similar programs. Are there any?
  14. We are about to work through chapters 3 and 12, which cover Jamestown and the Great Fire of London. We have no shortage of books on Pocahontas, but everything else seems hard to come by. I'm looking for 2nd grade level books, websites, ipad apps....anything that would be interesting.
  15. Can someone point me to an online or printable reading evaluation?
  16. I am a Katherine but mostly use Kathy. If a baby's mother introduced her baby to me as Katherine, then I would call her Katherine.
  17. We avoid crowded parks for the most part, unless it is crowded because all of our friends are there. ETA- we also don't mind driving further to go to a more desirable location, such as a park with more shade, more homeschool friends, or nicer facilities.
  18. I'm not sure all addicts are created equal. From what I've read, and I'm no expert, but it seems like if a person has a combination of circumstances that come together in a perfect storm, there is little that can be done for them. I do believe everyone can recover with lots of hard work, but sometimes it is almost, but not completely, impossible.
  19. Well, coming from the perspective of a mother with a very seriously mentally ill and troubled teenager....until you've seen someone as messed up as Amy Winehouse obviously was, you really can't say one way or the other. People die from trying to get clean, they die doing drugs, and sometimes they are so tormented inside the only way to feel a moment's peace is to do drugs or commit suicide. Thankfully my daughter is not an addict but it is one of my biggest fears. She will do almost anything to escape the pain she feels on a daily basis and I know that in a certain circumstance, she could very easily become an addict. It's my prayer every day that she never tries to numb herself with drugs because she doesn't' stand a chance if that happens. I am in tears over how her mother, or whoever loves her, must be feeling right now.
  20. I don't see how it could hurt to have a little box of cards just for her, but I would not do any lessons with her.
  21. My 3rd grader seems to want to rush through her reading assignments. I think it's because maybe she's trying to sound older or more advanced, but I'm not sure about that. In any case, when she rushes, she tends to say the words all wrong. For example, just today she did the following- "smoothie" instead of "smooth" "sailor" instead of "sails" "of" instead of "on" It can get to the point where she is making so many mistakes there is no way she can possible understand what she is reading. Is there any way to help her with this other than sit with her and try to gently point out the mistakes? It frustrates and embarrasses her when I say something, but as of right now I can't figure out how to correct this.
  22. A close friend lost a child and I have heard her say similar things.
  23. I agree with the others. You should go. It meant a lot to me when people we barely knew or hadn't seen in years came to my dad's funeral. When my friend's 2 year old daughter passed away last year, my friend commented several times about how touched she was that people she hadn't seen in awhile or barely knew came to the funeral.
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