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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. ME!!!! We slept in, read books, watched Christmas movies, made cookies...didn't spend a dime...didn't even leave the house! It was a GREAT day!
  2. I will join in on the "I am disgusted" bandwagon. My dh works in management at WalMart and there were grown women FIST-FIGHTING over sale items IN FRONT OF THEIR KIDS. Absolutely disgusting. I wouldn't shop on "Black Friday" if it were the ONLY shopping day of the year.
  3. :iagree: My ds actually LIKED writing this...go figure. :tongue_smilie:
  4. We put it up two days ago and I put up my christmas village last night. Now I am really in the mood for Christmas!!!!
  5. Can I brag just a little? :o My 10yo ds hates writing. Really hates it. We did Writing Strands and attempted CW-Aesop. Both were major flops. This year I started the IEW program with him (I watched the dvds...a friend let me borrow them) and I ordered the Ancient-History based writing lessons. Here is his latest writing: The Plant of Life Gilgamesh, king of Urek was on his last quest frantically hunting the plant of life. He had been searching for months through massive mountains and dry deserts and had finally discovered that the plant resided in the deep of the icy sea. The Euphrates River would swiftly carry him there. Carefully, he strapped heavy rocks to his ankles so he would sink. Taken by the rush of the current, he descended to the bottom. He spotted the blinding glow of the plant. He realized he only had one chance to grab it. As he drew near, he reached and pulled. He had it! It was covered in prickly thorns and he wailed in pain but he didn’t let go. Once he had it, he loosed his ankles and swam to the surface. On his way home he stopped by a tranquil pond to collect water, and he gently placed the precious plant on a rock. Suddenly a sneaky serpent emerged out from under the rock, and devoured it. Gilgamesh watched helplessly as the serpent swallowed his treasure. Then, to his amazement, it sprouted new scales. Gilgamesh wailed in despair for there was nothing he could do. It was gone! The plant of life was lost forever. As he stood there weeping a soft voice quietly called to him. It belonged to his friend Enkidu back from the afterlife. He appeared in the form of a mighty eagle. Quickly, he carried Gilgamesh on his back and smoothly soared over the majestic rivers of Sumer. It was amazing! Gilgamesh beheld the bustling city he had constructed with great temples, many houses, and pretty gardens. Then Enkidu shared with Gilgamesh the secret to immortality: You will live forever in the hearts of your people for the great deeds you have heroically done for them. This was done over about a week's time, not in one sitting and I know it won't win any Pulitzer's :D but for a kid who threw a fit every time we had to write to produce this is a minor miracle in our family. Huge thumbs up for IEW!!!!!
  6. Something to read Something to wear Something to play with Something to share That's how we pick out gifts for the kids. :D
  7. I taught writing in high schools and co-ops for years and I have an "intro to essay-writing" doc I can send you if you'd like. Very straight-forward. Just pm me and I'll send it.
  8. Math- MUS Reading- 100 EZ Lessons, Bob books Handwriting- Startwrite Bible stories with coloring pages
  9. I did not do the writing part of 100EZ either. I use startwrite and I only do it when ds4 is in the mood. I don't force it. A fun thing we are doing right now for writing is a letter to santa.
  10. Yes, your child will be a social misfit if they do not know them. :D Seriously though, knowing the prepositions is very helpful when learning other parts of speech, diagramming sentences and what-not. It is also very helpful to know for learning a foreign language.
  11. My husband works in retail management at a big box store and people started camping out at 7pm today for a 5am opening tomorrow. Ridiculous. So it also depends on WHERE your dh will be going at 5:30am...the big box stores have people lined up way in advance.
  12. OMG, hon, I know how you feel. Both of my boys went through what I call their "Poopy Picasso" stage. They would "decorate" their crib, the walls, whatever, with their "artwork" if I didn't get it out of their diaper fast enough (usually after a nap). It was AWFUL. shudder..... They do grow out of it. Not much of a consolation but it is all I've got. :tongue_smilie:
  13. My mom's one big regret was that she wished she knew about homeschooling because she would have homeschooled all 3 of us in a heartbeat.
  14. What? You mean a big ol' box stuffed with books on how to save your marriage to be opened in front of everyone is a BAD idea? Sheesh...sometimes I am such a dork.
  15. I just had a thought... a million years ago I read that 5 Love Languages book. I am guessing that my brother's primary love language is "acts of service". I wonder what my SIL's is? I wonder if my brother knows? (doubtful) I wonder if she even knows? Mine are quality time and gifts. My dh is physical touch. So we make a point to "speak each other's language". DUH. I can't believe I just thought of this. Have any of you read that book? Let's pretend SIL's love language is "words of affirmation" and she knows his is "acts of service" so they make it a point to speak each other's love language and see what happens???? Should I get them the book for Christmas? Would that be rude?
  16. They did not live together before marriage so he didn't have any idea in advance (but I told him he should have guessed because her mother's house is very messy).
  17. I would like to thank all of you for your replies. The book suggestions have been noted and I will be giving them to him. I really did not intend for this to become so much about how awful my brother is or how he "bashes" his wife to me on the phone. I know I can tell you a million times that he is asking these questions in all sincerity and you are still going to think that just because he is unhappy with the enormous amount of weight gain he is a shallow jerk. I asked because I needed some perspective that I admit I don't really have to give him. I admit that I don't get what her problem is with the housework. She has one child, she is NOT homeschooling, and works part-time. I just don't get why it is so hard for her to keep her house clean. I admit that I don't get what you mean when you say some women are "incapable" of it. What does that mean? How hard is it to pick up a broom? That's why I asked because I don't get it and I was hoping you would help me get it. Some have suggested she is depressed. I am not sure as she seems like a pretty happy person to me but I am going to suggest that to my brother. I am sorry some of you are offended that my brother confides in me but I don't see anything wrong with it. He isn't telling me anything I can't see with my own eyes (the weight, the messy house). We don't talk about their sex life for goodness sake. I will share your advice with him...that was the point of all this after all. But I have a hard time agreeing with those who think that there are no limits in a marriage, no obligations. Marriage is a partnership. Each person contributes to it. Yes it is about love but at some point, the dishes have to get done. ;) Thanks again to those who offered ideas and books. I feel a little better armed for my next conversation with him.
  18. Just wondering...when you have a problem in your marriage and you want to work it out with your husband but you are not sure how to approach it, or if maybe you are overreacting, or maybe you've tried to talk and it didn't go so well so you are hoping for a new perspective, a different approach...who do you talk to? A best friend? Your mom? Your pastor? No one? I am his best friend and believe me, talking to me about his relationship is the best thing that has happened to his relationship (at least for him). There have been many times that I have been the voice of reason and told him he was wrong before it went too far and he did or said something stupid. And there have been times when I was angry at my dh for something but after talking to my brother about it he made me see that I was the one who was wrong. We are not "gossiping" about her, getting a good chuckle behind her back. He is truly upset and wants help. How is it any different than going to a counselor? And does she know we talk? Absolutely. And for the record, I work full time and so does my dh and we homeschool and I am taking 2 graduate classes and my home is clean and I do not let myself go...it can be done if you work as a team.
  19. oooooohhhhh...that idea that this might be some passive-agressive reaction on her part to the way he is acting....that is VERY interesting. She does not really ever speak her mind on things. Believe me, my brother has his faults like anybody else and contrary to what you might think, I do NOT let him off the hook. I am his sister but I am first in line to tell him he is acting like a jerk. They obviously have some communication issues. He complains, she cries. That about sums it up. I guess my reason for the OP is to get an idea of what is normal, acceptable change in marriage (people do gain weight, people do go bald) and what is our responsibility in a marriage? My brother is very big on responsibility...he is a very responsible person. He sees her letting herself go as a sign that she doesn't care enough about him any more to want to look good for him. She "knows" how hard he works and what long hours and being able to come home to a clean house and warm dinner makes him feel loved. I've thought about having a heart-to-heart with her since counseling is unlikely but he has not asked me to and I don't know if I'd be overstepping my bounds. I do not want them to get divorced. I love her very much.
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