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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. If she is making a low salary (or no salary), she can ask for a deferment on her student loans under the "hardship" clause.
  2. I was thinking of actually blogging about my experiences there (but I will have to dust off my poor, unused blog first!).
  3. I have a TON of curriculum to sell and I am wondering when is the best time to post it for sale. When do most of you make your purchases for next year?
  4. My littlest guy FINISHED 100 EZ lessons today!!!!! YAHOO!!!!!! Sorry, I am just so excited I have to share. I know it doesn't work for everyone but it has made both my boys such good readers and I am so happy!!!!! You may now go back to your regularly scheduled programming.....
  5. My little guy doesn't really get it but my older ds is VERY excited!
  6. So my dh and I spent about an hour and a half on the phone with the director of the school last night. And he dropped another bombshell on us: They want my dh to teach computer classes!!! Although my husband does not have a teaching degree, he has extensive background in computers and they have been looking for someone to teach basic computer skills. He is really excited about the idea! We have exactly 12 more days to make this decision (I promised them an answer by March 30). But I have to say the scale is tipping pretty strongly in their favor! :D
  7. Uh, yeah. That was very "Jim-Morrison-on-an-LSD-trip" weird. Adam is far too in love with himself. I think the oil rigger guy will go home. I loved Matt Giraud!
  8. You take a drink every time... Paula says "true to yourself" Kara says "artist" Randy says "pitchy" Simon says "indulgent" OK, so I wouldn't really play that drinking game but if I did I'd be hammered by now. Can these judges not think of ANYTHING original to say? Seriously. And, Paula, sweetie, lay off the valium before the show. Please? :rant:
  9. Oh I feel for ya...I still have vivid memories of when I had mine out. I second the frozen veggie advice but some good pain killers are what got me through.
  10. I LOVE IT! I think it was a great idea! That kind of behavior is not tolerated in my home. And yes, most of the time, you CAN keep from doing it until you get to another room. Dh and I have been together for 13 years and we have never passed gas in front of each other. I have two boys and neither of them are allowed to do that at the table. It is ill-mannered.
  11. I can not BELIEVE that man has a following. He cannot sing. He cannot rap. He cannot dance. He cannot dress. What can he do (besides show up late to concerts)? Ugh. He was TERRIBLE.
  12. Praying for emotional strength for you as you deal with this...:grouphug:
  13. and/or WORLD WITHOUT END...I need another book suggestion (or two). I got both those books for my FIL last year for his b-day. He LOVED them. Now his b-day is here again and I want to get him some more books and he really wants to read more that are similar to those two. Any ideas?????
  14. We are trying to travel as light as possible. They give us a shipping allowance but I am not sure yet how much it will cover. So I'd rather use it on really important things and get as many electronics/appliances there as I can. This is all such great info!!!!!!!!
  15. Well I obviously don't think it is a crazy idea at all! You could get jobs teaching English overseas in any number of countries!
  16. Ummmm....wow....you know A LOT about electronics. This is great info that I will pass on to my dh who will probably understand more of what you are talking about. I had no idea it was that complicated! :D Thanks for the book suggestions!!!
  17. OH wow...so a USA dvd player will not worked when hooked up to a TV bought in Malaysia???? We may need to bring a TV then. Man, I was hoping to avoid that.
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