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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. This week it is Relic by Tom Egeland and throughout the month it will be The Holiness of God by RC Sproul.
  2. Wow, that's quite an assumption to make. Trust me when I say I know exactly what the word means.
  3. How does your ds feel about the spiritual climate there? Is he growing in his faith in his time there? Are there like minded believers that he can do bible studies with, etc.? Good spiritual mentors?
  4. Happy new year everyone!!!!!!! Thank you for your wisdom and advice and smack downs and kilts. I pray that each and every one of you is blessed in ways both large and small this year. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  5. I started when we made the decision to move here. My blog is about our adventures here and contains a lot of pics for friends and family to look at. Malaysia is such a foreign place to them that all these pics give them a better idea of what our life is like here. Should you blog? Sure if you want to. I admit that I don't read a lot of blogs... Only those with a specific purpose that appeals to me. Like I would never read a blog that simply chronicles what lessons you do with your kids each day but I do frequent a few theological blogs because that topic appeals to me. Pick a theme/topic/purpose for your blog and you are more likely to get more views. You said you like to write... What do you want to write ABOUT? That is your starting point.
  6. Mallorie, Have you looked at Easy Grammar Plus? It is an excellent, straight forward, no nonsense grammar book.
  7. :iagree: There are a million different VALID ways to parent. I am not a free range parent but many here are. I do not unschool but many here do. We have loads of technology in our house (you should see my 2yo operate an iPad... Amazing!) but many people don't. I work outside the home but most moms here's don't. We are all making choices that feel right for us. They parent and run their finances differently than you have chosen to and unless it affects you DIRECTLY then it really isn't your business. Be happy with your choices and move on.
  8. Ugh. I know. I wish SWB would hurry up and write the next one. :D Any ideas for resources to bridge the gap from 1100 to early America (I have some resources already picked out for American history)?
  9. Busted. :tongue_smilie: Ok, here are the particulars .... Smart but unmotivated teen boy Likes history and science Likes computers Not a fan of math We did one of those career aptitude tests for fun with him and it showed his top areas as teacher, lawyer, and police officer. He likes the idea of being a high school history/science teacher... I am a principal so he has it in his blood I suppose. Of course he could change his mind at any second. What we know for sure is that he will go to a conservative Christian college (not sure which one obviously) and that he will need lots of aid/scholarships, etc. as we love our life here but don't earn squat. I am tossing around the AP vs. DE thing in my head. Any advice on that? CC is not an option because of where we are. For 9th grade I am tentatively considering the following: Math-videotext algebra Science- apologia biology History- SWB Medieval history (we are doing her ancients book this year) English- he is begging to do LLFLOTR... Thoughts? And continuing with vocabulary from classical roots Bible- survey of the OT Electives would be Traditional Logic II, Spanish (I need a good online program for this... Ideas?) That's what I am looking at so far. Yes. I have two master's degrees and 17 years in education as a teacher and principal. It means NOTHING. I am still terrified to do this. Now that I have spilled my guts.... Advice? Mockery?
  10. I totally agree. I have a Cole Haan black patent leather Aerin tote and I love it! It looks exactly like this but in patent leather: http://bagcraze.blogspot.com/2008/02/cole-haan-aerin-shoulder-work-tote.html
  11. Glad to know I am not in this alone. I will be visiting the HS boards more soon so if you see some kind of garbled post that looks like a 3yo typed it.. That's me. :tongue_smilie:
  12. I saw a thread there about ACT scores being in and college acceptance letters and the room started to spin.
  13. Count me in as long as I can wear those swim floaties on my arms.:tongue_smilie:
  14. Look at the college section of the high school board. My ds will be in 9th grade next year and now that we are homeschooling him full time again I feel like I don't know where to begin with not only curriculum but choosing colleges, scholarships, financial aid, and all that stuff. AP, DE, CC, NMF??? Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! Throat swelling Heart palpitating Can't breathe Can I just hang out on the general board and pretend like it isn't happening? It's always sunny and 75 degrees in denial! :tongue_smilie:
  15. Ds#1 was homeschooled exclusively through 5th grade. I fully intended to homeschool all my children all the way through. Then I got the job as a principal at Christian international school in Malaysia. DS#1 started 6th grade there and ds#2 started kindy. Ds#1 never really took to "group schooling" and after two years we pulled him back out and he is homeschooling again (yes, even though I am the principal). Ds #2 has never been homeschooled, has been in my school for 3 years now and is thriving. We will most likely start dd at the school when she is old enough and see how she does. They both are getting what they need. One size does NOT fit all.
  16. This whole thread is making me woozy. My dd just turned two! I can't believe girls start so early...I was nearly 14. I can't imagine starting at 10. I probably would have freaked out. :grouphug: to you and your dd.
  17. Yep. The Hermes is fun and has great snob factor but practically speaking, the latch to close it would bug me so I vote Vuitton. I'm a big Cole Haan fan myself. :D
  18. Well, the trash trucks come a few days a week here BUT it is never the same days from week to week... Totally random... so we can't really plan for it. So we empty when they are full, put them on the curb, and hope for the best. And by "we" I mean my dh or ds. I don't do trash.
  19. Will they go away completely? no. But will they be greatly reduced? yes. For instance, at our school, every student in grades 9-12 has an iPad. We are no longer buying ANY physical textbooks or novels for their classes. All books will be in kindle form, online books, or apps. No more heavy backpacks. The big textbook companies are now creating full curricula in an app form. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt now has one for Algebra I and II and Geometry and that is just the beginning (it is called HMH Fuse if any of you are interested). All novels read in their English classes will be through their kindle app. We are now "stocking up" on ebooks in our main library as well and they get "checked out" just like real books but without all the wear and tear, nobody loses them and they are never overdue. :D I personally still have quite a few books as they are favorites and I dont care to pay for them again in kindle form but all the books I have bought in the last two years have been in kindle form. I love it! It truly is a whole new world and it fits in my purse!
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