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Everything posted by cougarmom4

  1. Eeww...I don't know. Rinse and reuse. Nope...I can't even do that. I don't even want to see the darn thing...at. all. :blink:
  2. We put wrapped presents under the tree as they are ready in the week before Christmas and then put out one or two gifts from Santa on Christmas Eve after the kids are in bed. This year I've borrowed an idea I found on here...all of the presents are addressed to Santa's different reindeer so nobody knows which ones are theirs. It has been very fun with the kids...so thank you to whomever suggested that. We are loving it! (Dh is afraid I'll lose the list though...).
  3. As far as late pickups go, the preschool my dd went to years ago had a very strict policy...each family had to pay $15 at the beginning of the year and every time you were late you were deducted $.75 per minute. I was only late once! Ouch! (I think there was a little grace period--like ten minutes or so were allowed for pick up, but after that she'd just hand you a sticky note that said how much you would be deducted...no words, just the sticky note...). I think if you are doing preschool you wouldn't have as many issues with late pickups/early dropoffs as daycare, but I could be wrong. I haven't run a preschool, but have loose plans in mind to try this in the coming years...or should anything happen to dh, it's kind of my fall back plan. One thing I thought of was to have M/W class and T/T class and that way I could repeat things--it would cut down on the planning. I think it sounds like fun, but it also worries me a little to commit to such a thing and have to carry it out for the whole year. I can see myself enjoying it at first and then starting to dread it as the weeks go by. I bet it is so exhausting! Another idea is to have some kind of Mom's Day Out type of thing. I would *love* to know someone near me who would just babysit in their home from 9-12 one morning a week...or even a Friday night type of thing for Date Night. I'd have a clear policy on dropoff/pickup times and definitely enforce an extra fee. You could even take reservations & have a changing group of kids. Throw a theme onto it and it would look more inviting and make filling the time easier. My friend does this during the summer for a preschool summer camp type of thing and fills up pretty quickly. (Pirates...Summer Olympics...Water...Princesses...etc) Hmm, that makes me think you could even do some kind of preschool class/camp that wouldn't have to be three hours of preschool two/three days a week...you could make it more of a specialized type of thing...Arts & Crafts (just an hour every Wednesday, for example, for six weeks) or Shapes & Colors (again, just an hour or so per week...and do all kinds of crafts, play games, stories, etc learning that specificially). I'd bet lots of Moms would like this type of enrichment thing--especially if they didn't want to sign their kids up for 'preschool' but wanted them to have some experiences like this. Just brainstorming as I sit here... Good luck!
  4. My dd10 is begging me to make something that matches for her and dd2. Maybe your girls will like it!
  5. Unfortunately I'm with you, too. We have a mouse in the basement. It totally freaks me out...and makes me feel dirty! We live near a hay field and have them occasionally when the weather changes--but have usually been able to catch them quickly with those circle traps that snap shut when they enter. (don't know the name, do you know what I'm talking about? You don't have to see the mouse--the little door just closes and traps him in. Personally I don't care too much after that...so I'm sure it's not humane, but I just want it out of my house). I just watch carefully for evidence in the pantry & cupboards and have dh put out a trap if I see anything. And then I refuse to enter the kitchen until he catches it. The little guy in the basement hasn't been caught yet and it's freaking me out. Totally hoping & praying he is single. We also have inlaws coming next week. I know I need to get down there and clean up any evidence...but. I. just. can't. do. it. Have I mentioned that I seriously freak? Major phobia of this little creature. The electronic device sounds like something I need to look into. Good luck...and may your Christmas be lacking a stirring creature.
  6. It is frustrating, isn't it? I have felt the same way many times. It makes me realize how important my role is in our family...but I sure wish someone else would step up and do something to hold the pieces together occasionally! Maybe you can turn on some Christmas music and hand out job lists...then go in your room to wrap presents! Hang in there!
  7. Thanks for sharing. It brought tears to my eyes. It made me wish I had overheard the conversation in the store and could have bought some kiwis to leave on your front porch. :001_smile: I read a quote just this morning that this reminds me of: "In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of even greater importance. Let us open our eyes and see the heavy hearts, notice the loneliness and despair; let us feel the silent prayers of others around us, and let us be an instrument in the hands of the Lord to answer those prayers." (Dieter F. Uchtdorf) Just a little reminder that often the Lord uses US to answer other people's prayers! All we have to do is listen & watch...and then act on the promptings of the spirit.
  8. Ah...things feel a little better around here now. Next, I'm going to put chicken in the crockpot for dinner and wrap a few presents!
  9. Thanks, I needed a little motivation this morning! I'm going to turn on some Christmas music, get the dishes done, laundry going, and clean the family room...all in 30 minutes. Ready, set, go!
  10. I just went and bought myself what I wanted today. Does that sound terrible or what? But it's been one of those crazy years with everyone sick and dh not being able to find the time to take the kids shopping. So I had fun! Nothing terribly exciting, but good enough for me! bread pans--$5 glasses (drinking kind)--$10 black socks--$3 pajamas--$15 scrapbook stickers--$3 black binders for scrapbooking--$5 And then I told dh he has to get me at least one surprise. What I really want is a basket/crate on wheels to use when I go to the library (and I told him so...so I guess it wouldn't really be a surprise). Hope you've come up with some things to put on your list! Just think of all that you'd love to pick up while you're at Target and imagine throwing it into your cart. Wow...anything you want! CD, DVD that you'd like, any books you want, new calendar, label-maker, watch, gloves, scarf, slippers, picture frames, bathroom towels, candle....
  11. My dd10 is getting the game Bop It and a pogo stick. A few other ideas: a jewelry making kit/materials for beading computer game karaoke machine rollerblades a SceneIt game about something they like apron, cookbook, baking utensils, ingredients, etc digital camera scrapbooking supplies make-your-own soap/lip-gloss/etc supplies webkins
  12. The deals do really come & go! This is my first year buying most of our gifts through Amazon...and it has been great. But I did learn quickly that if I liked the price of something I saw, I better buy it right away...because if you wait an hour or so, the price will change. Of course, a few times the price went DOWn after I purchased. That made me a little crazy. I wasn't aware of the site you posted, I'll have to check it out. Thanks.
  13. You could check out www.happynews.com and see if that is what you might be looking for. I enjoy reading articles/info about people doing good things--it helps to change the perspective of the world around us from doom & gloom to looking for the good. My dh and I typically use the internet to keep track of the news. We do try to shield the kids from watching news on TV--it often seems that most of the reports are on disturbing things that happen. Currently we have a mom missing in a nearby city, a few weeks ago a young father was trapped in a cave & died, a high school teacher has been molesting students, hmm...I would just prefer my kids don't know all the details on stories like this. It's different with ds12 than ds7...the older one is more aware of these things happening...but we don't sit down as a family and watch the news. We do discuss current events at the dinner table so it's not like the kids don't know anything about what is going on in the world.
  14. Half Magic by Edward Eager is a delightful story to listen to. We've also enjoyed the Little House on the Prairie books and Anne of Green Gables. Another idea is the Jim Weiss CD's that have shorter stories. Oh, once we got a great one with short Knight stories--I'll have to look and see if I can figure out which one that was.
  15. You will love them even more when you come back to them! One of the best parts about going away for a little break is when you come home! And another plus is how much more your dh will appreciate all that you normally do! It's okay to be sad & to miss your little ones...but I bet once you're on your way, you'll be loving it!
  16. 3-4 chicken breasts 2 cans cream of chicken soup about 1/2 cup milk 1/2 pkg cream cheese 1 pkg dried Italian dressing mix frozen broccoli Oh, my...this is so yummy! Throw it all in, cook on high a few hours, shred the chicken and serve over rice or bowtie noodles.
  17. I usually buy an educational game for the classroom...around/under $10. Blink, Set, Professor Noggin, etc. I've also done recess equipment or books. I also give a little personal something--like a bag of chocolates or mug w/hot cocoa or candle. I give the teacher's aid the personal item, too. I also have my kids write a note of appreciation for all of their teacher's hard work.
  18. Maybe there is a way you can reach out to help her be less overwhelmed. If she is new to the area, away from friends & family, overwhelmed with needs of ds, frustrated, tired, etc...maybe she just needs an occasional break. Could you offer to watch ds while she & dh go on a date? Could you take her a dinner one night, just to relieve a little pressure? Perhaps she just needs a friend. I'd have a hard time listening to her, too...but maybe if she had one person she could let it all out with, it would help her. My mom is a pretty negative person--and she doesn't have very many friends--and often she vents to me & complains about everything that goes wrong. It's hard to listen to...and I am so tempted to jump in with a more positive twist on things to help her see things from a different perspective...or tell her how wrong she is to feel that way. I finally realized that she just needed to get things out of her system by telling someone who would still love her...and then she could let things go. Perhaps 'Jan' is in need of this type of friend...perhaps it could be you.
  19. Zoo Tycoon--my dd10 loves it! Crazy Contraptions is what we're getting this year
  20. Outdoor Challenge or is it Outdoor Adventure?!? Dance Dance Revolution Disney I love that these two are very physical games...which is one reason we bought the Wii...but they are also fun for us to play together.
  21. I guess our tree theme would be homemade memories. While growing up, we would always make a new ornament for the tree--and my Mom made sure she had five--one for her & Dad to keep, one for each of us 4 girls to take with us. So when I started with my own tree, I had a box of ornaments all ready for me. Since I've been married, I've continued that tradition and usually do a new ornament (but I make 6-12...not that I'm going to have that many kids, but I don't want an empty tree when the kids take all the ornaments!). Also, years ago while dh was in law school, a group of ladies in my area started an ornament exchange. If there were a dozen of us, we'd each make 12 homemade ornaments, come together at a party, and go home with 12 different ornaments (you know, one of each person's). It has made decorating our tree into one of my favorite things...as we put these ornaments up I talk to the kids about the memories attached. I always shed a few tears...thinking down memory lane. And my kids always laugh at me a bit...I guess it's tradition. I think the themed trees look pretty in the stores, but I guess I prefer the homemade, craftsy, cutesy type of ornaments...more of a homespun type of Christmas decor at my house.
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