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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. I haven't exercised in a long time. I need to go do something. Anything. But it's cold and rainy today. And there's 2 football games on. And my fleece blanket and coffee are wonderful....
  2. you ruin all our fun!!😜 I could probably figure out how to drive stick if someone was bleeding to death and I had to take them to the hospital, but otherwise.... Forget it! that was my thought. Last time she went missing she came back a little beat up, but this time she's just hungry!
  3. I've had one before. There are home treatments you can do involving dental floss and bandage material and soaking, I did it (mine wasn't horrible, but it was painful and red) and it worked. I prefer to try other things before going to the doctor.
  4. Good Morning! COFFEE!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸
  5. Good night! I'm going to bed, too! Once my Old Navy Jammie's come out of the dryer. It's raining. And my cat came home. She's been missing for a couple of days. But she seems fine. She ate and is snuggled up in her bed in the garage! Sweet dreams, ITT!😴😴
  6. ((Events Planner)) I'll be praying for her! I read aloud during lunch because lunch is always insanity!
  7. The boys went to the neighbor's for a sleepover. The rest of us went out to dinner. Ha!
  8. Thank you for all your responses. I think I will get that book, Critter. I see one commonality in all your posts and that is of being more intentional about things. And being more firm about things. I am the sort of person who's a pleaser. I want everyone to be happy and I want peace. But I want peace and order in the things I look at (my house is by no means clean, even when it is "clean") and clutter gets me stressed. KWIM? But, i don't play. I rarely do things just for pleasure. Even when I read I make sure I read books that are good for me. Most of the time I enjoy them, and I revel in a good Harry Bosch, but still.... I guess I don't feel like I have any good outlets.
  9. I am starting to do the grocery thing alone. I have always allowed the kids to go with me because I shop at The Walmart (😩), but it is stressful having them there, even though they all go to the toy section while I'm shopping. So, I'm going to start not letting them go with me all the time. Gives me a little me time.
  10. I'm sorry! You have gotten some good advice, so I won't add to it, but I do understand the frustration. I've had a lot of friends complain about inconvenient weddings, just because the bride has found the "perfect place". When I got married I tried to consider my guests when I planned the time and venue.
  11. We just finished eating breakfast. It's 10:15. So, when people tell you to "take care of yourself", "give yourself a break", etc.... what does that mean? Or like with school. You're stressed, exhausted, etc. and you take breaks or do the "minimum"... how does that work? How do you catch up? I am stressed and tired with stuff with my dad and oldest DS and all that and I can't figure out how to "take care of myself." Let housework go? That stresses me even more. A messy house stresses me out. Back off on school? Maybe if I had kindergarteners, but not a 7th grader and a 5th grader. And it's not like we do a bunch of extras, really. I can barely get the "minimum" done. We don't do art of music or basket weaving. I've been having my two oldest each take a day during the week and make lunch, so that's been helping. But they always argue and fight about what to make (I'm making quesadillas, no I wanted to do that on my day, no, I get to....) so that doesn't end up helping all that much. I guess I'm thinking about it because I am stressed (I've been sleeping really late on weekends, which I don't usually do) and I'm just trying to figure out how to do this "self care" thing without it backfiring on me.
  12. Jeannie, praying for dd! Ikslo, stay out of the sea and off treacherous roads!
  13. Good morning!!! COFFEE!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸
  14. My kid learned to game TT. We switched from TT to CLE mid-year this year. I like the idea of it, but for my kids... and one who really really struggles with fractions, it wasn't getting the job done.
  15. I swept. Vini! Vidi! ..... I swept! Finum accumulo!
  16. If I didn't have to go do history, I could just keep posting and fill up the entire page with my endless blather..... errrr....words of wisdom!
  17. And while we're on the subject, I just blew my low carb diet. Grilled cheese sandwiches and sour cream and onion Lays. I'm sorry! I'm a horrible person. But I've just been a little down and needed some food therapy. Which is not good.
  18. Watching a cat scamper across a lawn that is a swamp...😂😂
  19. That sounds like a better plan. I will attend Bible Studies and book clubs and exercise. And my house will be clean.
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