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Everything posted by MercyA

  1. You can buy dog "bath wipes" at a pet store or online. Some claim to be deodorizing. We used Allerpet solution on our cat. You pour some on a paper towel or rag and then use it to wipe off the animal. It was specifically for removing allergens, but maybe there is something similar just for general cleaning? Do you have a shower stall she could walk into? If you install one of those detachable shower sprayers with a hose for $15 or so, it makes bathing at home quite easy. Just put a towel at the bottom of the shower so she doesn't slip. Honestly, I think if you really want her to smell better, you'll probably have to give her a good bath. It will help with the shedding, too. Good luck!
  2. I think money spent on general anaesthesia would be money well spent. :grouphug:
  3. I am so very sorry. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  4. I've had a Revere Ware teakettle forever. It functions perfectly, but I find its whistle to be somewhat jarring. I wonder if there is such a thing as a teakettle with a melodic whistle? ETA: Google tells me there is indeed such a thing, for $99 and up!
  5. THAT'S IT!!! :hurray: Thank you so much! In the hardcover version, she is wearing an apron. I'm definitely going to pick up a copy on Amazon. Thank you, too, for recommending World Cat. I'd never heard of it, but it looks very useful! The Hive is a wonderful place. If anyone can find an obscure, out-of-print, young adult novel, it's you all. :001_smile:
  6. It was a teenage girl. The cover had an illustration (not a photo) of her wearing an apron, I think; she may have been a little flour-covered and there may have been bakery racks in the background. I *think* it was set in the present day (at the time). Sadly, that's all I remember!
  7. Thank you, Mergath! :) Unfortunately, no; it wasn't any of those.
  8. When I was in junior high or high school (late 80's, early 90's), I read a young adult novel about a teenager working in a bakery. I remember really liking it, but that's ALL I remember about it! Do any of you recall this book? I'd love to read it again.
  9. I like being able to wash comforters, quilts, and bedspreads in my front-loading HE washing machine. Also, because there is no center agitator, I feel like it is gentler on delicate items. However, as a PP noted, you can't soak things in a front loader. I do miss that. I do use Tide washing machine cleaner once in a while, and I never had to do that with a standard machine. Still, it's no big deal. I'd definitely buy a front loader again. I had a matching dryer to go with my front loader, and it wasn't worth it. It broke down sooner than it should have and didn't work any better than a cheap dryer. I replaced it with a standard, non-matching dryer and am perfectly happy with that arrangement.
  10. We've avoided dyes, preservatives, artificial flavors, and artificial sweeteners for years now, and that still left a fair amount of snack food options for us. However, we've recently also cut out "natural flavors," since some members of my family tend to react badly to them as well. I've read they are often chemically identical to "artificial flavors," the only difference being the original source of the flavoring. Since eliminating natural flavors, our options have become much more limited. Here are some of our favorites. Many are comfort foods rather than health foods, but that's okay sometimes. :) I think these are all vegan and free of HFCS, too. Late July Mini Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers Envirokidz Crispy Rice bars (peanut butter flavor) Stretch Island Fruit Co. Fruit Strips (grape flavor) Enjoy Life Sunbutter Crunch bars Some varieties of Back to Nature cookies and crackers (I buy these at Walmart) Some varieties of Annie's Bunny Grahams Larabars (very natural and nutritious, but kind of an acquired taste!) I recommend browsing the snack food section of vine.com. They have tons of options. At 50% off, I'd definitely order one month of Naturebox! Enjoy! :)
  11. I concur with previous posters; it seems a bit pricey for what you get. But, if you have a coupon code, it might be fun to try. It could be a good gift idea for yourself, too. :001_smile: We're always on the lookout for natural snacks. I buy ones to try at health food stores, and then, if we like them, I buy them in bulk from Amazon, Vitacost.com, or vine.com. It's much cheaper that way.
  12. Aldi's has some very nice all-natural chocolate bars and peanut butter cups. You could buy "SunDrops" candies; they are similar to M&M's, without dyes or other artificial ingredients. I believe they are cheapest at Vitacost.com; they are also available on Amazon and in natural food stores. Surf Sweets jellybeans and Trader Joe's jellybeans are both dye-free and available on Amazon, as are dye-free Yummy Earth Organic Lollipops.
  13. No words... :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  14. I'm older than you, and I *love* my t-shirts from Think Geek. So far I have: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e9f3/?srp=1 and http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/a235/?srp=2 and I've been eyeing more! (Yes, I'm a Firefly fan.) I rock them with my head covering and long skirts. ;) Go for it! And, yeah, I concur with everyone else--you are YOUNG, girl!
  15. I don't know anything about this company (Liberty House), but I think they sell the Bible you want: http://www.chineseholybible.com/chineseholybible/children_bible/read_with_me_bible.htm
  16. MercyA


    Only for orders $100 and over: Code 376265
  17. Are there any openings near the wall? Maybe a pocket door, or a small hole in the baseboards? You could lay a trap there. These humane traps work perfectly for us: http://www.amazon.co...p/dp/B000YFA7HW If you use them, you *must* check them at least every 12 hours so the mice don't become too stressed or hungry. The mice will not and do not come back if you release them several miles away from your house. Obviously, if you release them right outside your house, they're going to come back in! You'll want to release them somewhere where they have some natural cover. I like to leave some food with them, too (oatmeal, birdseed, etc.) Whatever you do, *please* don't use glue traps. They are unbelievably cruel. Some mice chew off their own limbs in an attempt to escape the glue; if they cannot, they suffer there until they dehydrate to death (or until you kill them). Poison is also cruel. Not only do the mice die slowly from internal bleeding, they risk poisoning anything that eats them or their carcasses, including pet dogs and cats, raccoons, owls, and other wildlife. If you feel you must kill them, a snap trap is the most humane option. Good luck!
  18. With two hours, I might do something like this, centered around a theme (winter, dinosaurs, shapes, whatever!) 15 minutes of "circle time"--stories and discussion 30 minutes of free play (Play Doh, puzzles, bean bag toss game, etc.) 15 minute lesson on your topic for the day (you could use a chalkboard, a felt board, concrete examples of whatever you're studying, etc.) 30 minute craft 15 minutes of action songs and/or finger plays You could use the remaining 15 minutes for a snack and bathroom break, or simple worksheets, or some other little activity. Do a google search for "Kindergarten themes" for lots of ideas! Good luck! :)
  19. Bigelow Green Tea with Mango; cheap and good iced! I can't find it locally and had to order it online (from Amazon, I think).
  20. Your husband sounds almost as awesome as my husband. ;) Dinner: Mexican Movie: I have no idea what's out, but I'd feel comfortable letting him pick. We have similarly geeky tastes. Wine: Any cheap sauvignon blanc Ice cream: Chocolate-chip mint Polish: I'd skip the nail polish and go for extra massage time! I know you need this; enjoy!!! :)
  21. If I allowed my dog on the furniture, I'd definitely buy some sort of cover like these.
  22. Since you asked for advice...please consider watching the documentary "A Fall from Freedom" before visiting Sea World.
  23. I had pink and then bright red spotting at about the same time as you, and it lasted about a week. I also had light cramping almost my whole first trimester. That baby is now happily eating lunch in the kitchen. :) There is a wide range of normal, so try not to worry too much. :grouphug: My doctor told me it wasn't necessary to change my activity level, but my mother told me to lie down and put my feet up, so I did for at least a few days. ;) I'm not sure if it helped, but it made me feel better. I'll be praying for you and the baby; please keep us updated! And, congratulations!!!
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