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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. Does anyone know of a resource like the Christian Liberty Nature Readers that is secular?


    Alternately, how pervasive are references to Christianity in them?






    Lepanto Press publishes a set of nature readers that are similar to Christian Liberty's. The publisher is Catholic but the books themselves are secular. There aren't any religious references at all except for a little blurb on the back cover. The books are Seaside & Wayside Book One, Animal Life Science Book Two, and Seaside & Wayside Book Three.


    Lepanto Readers The books are the first, and the last two in the list.

  2. I sympathize with you entirely. I am also a person who stresses easily and finds it hard to let go of things. Financial things in particular drive me crazy. Here's my little offering that maybe will help you (the others have given great advice already): the Serenity Prayer. "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."


    For me, just laying my problems out like this can be helpful. Is it something I can change? If not, then don't stress anymore. I've done everything I can, it's not up to me. If I can change it, then great. What is there I haven't done yet that I can do?


    I'm sorry about your situation. It sucks. I hope you can find a peaceful resolution :grouphug:

  3. We live in a college town and this past weekend was when most of their leases are up so the apartment complexes set aside spaces in the parking lot for the students to place items they don't want anymore.


    We got two bookshelves, a table, a desk chair, and a computer mouse and keyboard (all in excellent shape I might add) for FREE!



    Free is the best!!


    Just curious where you live? We are in Sacramento. PM me if you don't want to post here.

  4. Here's my great bargain for yesterday. I went thrift store shopping for fall/winter clothes for the kids. I got:


    6 pairs girls pants

    1 dress

    2 ponchos

    1 girls shirt

    11 boys shirts

    3 pairs boys pants

    1 hooded sweatshirt


    All for $30. Pretty good, yes? They were all in excellent condition too. Brands were Gap, Old Navy, Lands End, Adidas, Gymboree, Lee, Arizona...


    I also got a like-new copy of an Elsa Beskow book, normally $17.95, for 99 cents. And a set of bongo drums for $7.99 :lol:


    Found any great bargains lately you want to share?

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