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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. I have a part-time job and I am buying the groceries, pet supplies, household supplies, clothes, curriculum, etc. My dh seems to think I should have all this money left over and I told him I don't think I even make what most families of 6 would spend on groceries in a month.


    I know some of you are extremely frugal but what do you think a realistic monthly amount would be? BTW, I won't tell him you told me.:D



    I spend between $600-700 a month for the six of us, including eating out.

  2. I ordered all of our curriculum for the year this week. One of the things I wanted was a small, simple globe. Nothing fancy, electronic, or huge. Just an old-fashioned tabletop globe. I found one from a seller on Amazon that was only $2.47. I was so excited. There was no description, but the picture looked nice enough. So, I ordered it. I received the globe in the mail today in a 5x7" flat bubble mailer. It was a very realistic looking, 3 inch tall scrapbooking sticker! I felt so stupid! I had to laugh. What am I going to do with that?



    :lol: Oh, well, at least you didn't spend a lot!

  3. Dh lost his job.


    For those of you who have been in this situation, what do you do to pay the bills?


    Unemployment is nearly 1/3 of what his paychecks were. It's pending approval and will take 3 weeks.


    We have debt were paying off, and just learned about having an emergency fund, but didn't get to begin one. :(


    Do I call our mortgage company and credit card companies?


    Thanks for any advice you have to offer.



    I'm sorry :( I'd call the credit card companies right away and ask about postponing or minimizing payments. Cut out everything except the absolute essentials - mortgage, utilities, gas, food, insurance.


    See if dh can find a job with a temp agency. If you're not working, see if you can pick up a part-time job - childcare, paper route, or fast food are all good options.


    Look into food stamps, WIC, food lockers...also call your utilities and see if they offer special rates for low-income residents.


    If you have anything you can sell - electronics, curriculum, furniture - list it on craigslist.


    Big hugs to you, we've BTDT :grouphug:

  4. Dh and I *almost* spent the big bucks this past weekend on a Tempurpedic mattress but something kept us from it. Now we're looking at other Memory Foam mattresses... Anyone own a memory foam mattress of any kind? Comfor-Pedic, Tempurpedic, or otherwise? What do you think of it? Why did you buy it as opposed to a different brand?


    I was reading reviews and one guy had a great review on the three leading memory foam brands. He said that the Tempurpedic brand tends to "cook" the sleeper. I'm thinkin' we'll be buying his second choice if we do at all but I want to hear from the hive!:D


    We have a Sterling Silver Lining mattress. It has a latex core and then a memory foam layer over that. It is soooo comfortable and supportive. I used to have terrible back aches, but not any more. I totally miss it when I am travelling somewhere. Another nice thing is that you can rearrange the layers to make it more plush or firm.

  5. It's just like the Friend's episode because I called to ask the membership lady how much longer I am committed to the gym and she acted like she had NO idea and I'd need to talk to the head guy...so now "head guy" is calling me back. Aaaahhhh! It's so expensive and I'm never going right now. Pray that I will, indeed, quit the gym and not end up signing up for 12 yoga classes instead. ;)



    I've gotten really good at this in the last year or two. I just keep repeating, "It's not in my budget" over and over until they get the message. I know it's icky, but what can they really do to you? :grouphug:

  6. I'm just beginning to consider the idea. My hair is kind of long, and very thick. If I cut off the necessary 10" I'd end up with shoulder-length or a bit shorter than shoulder length.


    I understand that they don't want highlighted hair. It's been probably about two years since I've had my hair highlighted. It's pretty much impossible to tell now that it was ever done, and the quality of my hair is pretty good. Would they still be able to use it?


    I'm thinking that if I were to donate, now will be my only chance, since I'm starting to get just a few grays right around my face.


    Any advice on this?

    Maybe I'm just too old already (?).


    My dd8 is getting ready to do this. We're going to donate to Pantene's program. They only require 8" length, I believe, and no more than 5% gray (rules me out!!).

  7. I have to say that I am little offended by this. I have a gorgeous tattoo that symbolizes my daughters. It is very beautiful, and I am not low class or tacky. My husband thinks it is very sexy and beautiful!


    To the OP: The MOST IMPORTANT thing is shop around. I planned for a couple of years. I found a great artist and looked through his many portfolios. I had several consultations to make sure I got exactly what I wanted. The artist should be really patient and work with you until you get just what you want. Not to mention, the studio should be perfectly clean!


    As far as pain...it hurts, but not near as bad as I thought it would. Certainly not as bad as giving birth, or even close. At the worst moment, it felt like someone had pinched me where I had a sunburn. It hurts more over a bony area.


    Here is a link to a pic of mine. http://chickymomma.blogspot.com/2007/12/my-tattoo.html



    HTH! And you must post pictures when you get it!!


    Wow! Your tattoo is amazing! I love it!

  8. If you're going very soon, WorldHotels has a special promotion in several European countries, where you pay the euro rate in dollars at their hotels. So if the room is 150 euros, you only pay $150.




    I loved France and the Netherlands - lots to see and do there. Places I haven't been but would love to visit - Italy, Germany, Ireland, and Bolivia.

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