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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. We give to quite a few charities - our local food bank and our local crisis nursery. We sponsor a little girl through World Vision. I also like Heifer International, Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Near East Welfare Assoc.,

    March of Dimes, Operation Christmas Child, Angel Tree prison ministry.


    Two I don't like, because I believe they misrepresent themselves are Locks of Love and The GAIA Movement. I think there are better alternatives to those two particular "charities".

  2. ... because I'm afraid there will be some out there who just won't understand and will tell me to just get over it. But I am asking for your understanding and your prayers. Here's the thing: ER is my firstborn, and he went away to college just 3 weeks ago. And I am REALLY having a hard time with this! I expected to have to make a major adjustment, and I tried to prepare myself, but I am really struggling. I'm almost ashamed to admit this, but I feel almost the same way I felt right after my dad died! Please pray for me. And if you have any words of encouragement, please post them. NO "horror stories" please!


    Huge hugs to you, and I will pray. I choke up just *thinking* about my oldest going off to college, and that's still at least 5 years away. How far away is he and will you get to see him anytime soon?

  3. I'm not someone normally in favor of abridging books. But this is one that is almost two separate stories. One line is the Hans Brinker story. The other line is the history of the Netherlands. I found that the book was very dry at points and I think that many kids would be floundering trying to follow the historical asides.


    It is ok to decouple this from your history schedule. Keep reading it if you all want to. Or let it drop. Or skim and read just the parts about Hans and the race and his family.





    I adore Hans Brinker, but it can be a bit slow going in places. I'm not sure it works that well as a read-aloud (kind of similar to Understood Betsy - it's a great story but doesn't work very well as a read-aloud due to the difficult vocab and literary references). I'd either abridge, or set it aside and let them read it later by themselves. Just my 2 cents.

  4. Yep, I don't think it's the number of kids. People generally either seem to be organized or not. Now I do understand being late when you have a baby - I know it was always inevitable that they would have a poopy diaper or spit up all over themselves just as we were heading out the door.


    I think of some of the families I know that are chronic latecomers, and usually they are not the ones with a lot of children. My MIL is the absolute worst when it comes to things like this - and her sister is just as bad. And neither has any littles to worry about.

  5. Good thread! :D


    Things I like that dh doesn't:


    Sweet potatoes & yams

    Broccoli, peas, green beans, lima beans, squash

    Turkey, chicken, beef, ham, fish (he'll eat but doesn't really like)




    Things dh likes that I don't:


    Raw tomatoes


    Salsa (I'll eat on occasion)




    Yogurt (I only like Greek yogurt)

    Crunchy Cheetos

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