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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. It is coming time for my siblings, my mom and I to decide what to do with my Dad. :( I'm so afraid that we will make the wrong decision. If you pray, please pray for my family and my dad's health from this point on. Any advice is appreciated. My heart is heavy. Is this the beginning of the end? I think that in my heart, I know it possibly could be; however, I do keep my mind open to everything changing once the infectious junk is purged from his body.


    Thanks for bearing with me.


    No advice, but praying for you, (((Julie))).


    I'm most concerned with any way to get them *out* of that house and anywhere that they could receive halfway decent care... :( But with their savings (what little there was) gone (stolen), I'm not sure how that can be managed...



    Abbey, I don't know whether this will help or not since I don't know what state this couple lives in - but there is an organization called PACE that provides medical care (and even nursing home care) to senior citizens who are Medicaid- and Medicare-eligible, free of charge. My grandmother was enrolled in this program before she passed away, and it covered all her medical care including a nursing home.


    Here is a link to the PACE website, and if you click the link near the top of the page it will give you the list of providers and you can see if there is one in their state. The website also has a lot of links to other elderly services so you may find more helpful information there. Bless you for trying to look out for these people - it sounds like they are in a terrible situation.


  3. We have an opportunity to join a homeschool 4-H cloverbuds group that will meet about twice a month for the next 4 months. The problem is that it is a 45 minute drive one way...so I'd be driving 1 1/2 hours for a 1 1/2 hour meeting. With the gas prices the way they are going, I just don't know if the value of being a part of the group would outweigh the cost and driving time. What do you think?


    I have 4 kids in 4-H, 2 in the regular program, and 2 in Cloverbuds. We drive 1 1/2 hours each way, once or twice a month, but they are full days where everyone does classes/projects/meetings. My girls really enjoy Cloverbuds, and they have done PE games, cooking, handcrafts, homemade toys, theme crafts, small animals and dance. There are also a lot of opportunities for service projects and speaking practice.


    That said, I'm not sure I would do it for just the younger ones - that's kind of a long drive for that short of a meeting. Our club does have quite a few families that just have Cloverbud members, but most of them don't have to drive too far. Can you just attend once and see how you like it?

  4. My father insists he needs a cell phone. He's not out alone much anymore (I'll post another time about the car keys battle, sigh). But I want him to feel like he can have the things he wants. God knows he worked hard for them.


    I want to get him a pay per minute phone, I think. I really believe there's an excellent chance he will lose it. And I need one that is very easy to use - I would love one designed for people with disabilities - maybe something that I could program a few numbers into and he would just have to press one or two buttons to call. Even better, one that I could somehow get a name of the person onto the key. Put it this way, a lot of time he thinks the phone is the remote control and visa versa.


    Does anyone have a recommendation? I know it's a long shot.



    Have you seen the Jitterbug phone? It's not a pay by minute, but the plans are fairly cheap. They have one with just 3 buttons (operator, 9-1-1, and one programmable). It might do the job.



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