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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. I don't blame you for being upset about the sale - I would be too. I agree with the others. Don't buy it now, wait until you've moved. Definitely check Craigslist. My SIL got a gorgeous leather sectional very reasonably. You might also want to see if there are any furniture consignment stores in your area. We got a pair of nice, like-new sofas from a consignment store - they had come out of a model home, and they were way cheaper than buying new.


    If you do buy new, definitely try to negotiate a lower price. Ask for a discount since you're buying both the sofa and loveseat, and paying cash. It almost always works.

  2. I'm quite distressed right now, so please bear with me.


    Dh and I have always said we would homeschool. Even when I was pg with #1 it was implied that this is what we would do. And yes, I say "we" because dh agreed to and continues to want to be involved. He actively takes part in selecting curriculum and gives me his opinion whenever I ask. He will sit through hours of discussion on curriculum without complaining and even give me his take on things. He has driven for hours to take me to a homeschooling store and looked through books with me. In fact, he has bookmarked sites on the internet that he thinks I may find useful for school. He has taken on teaching art to our dc and has even done science with them.- using curriculum that I've chosen. He really is fabulous.


    Here's the clincher. I'm recently learning, (or perhaps I'm just admitting to myself??) that rather than being supportive of *homeschooling* dh is supportive of *me*. Not a bad thing, but it has caught me off guard. Here I am, stressed out beyond belief. Moving houses, dealing with an extremely mischievous 2yo, a baby that never stops crying and refuses to sleep more than 1/2hr at a time at night and trying to put together my curriculum for next year. I'm so frustrated that I've thrown up my hands in utter frustration and amongst the tears, stated that we should just put dd in school next year. I don't *want* this, I'm just. so. stressed. out. So, what does my dh do? He supports me. He tells me it's not necessarily a bad idea, we're stressed, this move is very hard on so many levels etc. That school isn't the worse thing for her.


    Ok. He loves me. Clearly, I see that. Yes, it melts my heart. But, where's my homeschooling advocate when I need him? Where's the shoulder to cry on who will pat my back and tell me that it'll be okay. That I *can* do this and that homeschooling really is the best thing for *our* family. He feels this way when I do, but he's so easily swayed, kwim? He really is ALL for homeschooling and brags about me and what I do to his friends. Why can't he just say "NO. Woman, you must homeschool." :lol::lol::lol:


    Oh. Someone please bring me some perspective.



    Your dh is just being practical - nothing wrong with that :) And it's great that he supports you. My dh is exactly the same. He thinks it's great that I homeschool the kids, he's happy with what they're learning, and he'll defend homeschooling to anybody that attacks it - BUT he'd have no problem sending the kids to public school if I couldn't homeschool. I asked him one time what would happen if I died - would he still try to see that kids are homeschooled. He was like - no way, I'd send them to public school so quick - the last thing I need to do is homeschool if I just lost my spouse. That kind of shook me up a bit too.


    Anyway, if you're happy enough with the way things are - and I know it's hard with a toddler and a baby - I'd just keep moving forward, do what you can, know that it will get easier with time, and come here or to your IRL homeschool buddies for support. :grouphug:

  3. I didn't see that this has been addressed too recently so...


    If you do fast, I'm curious as to the type of fast -- full fast versus partial, duration of fast, regularly or occasionally, etc. I'd also love to hear your whether you felt it was beneficial and how. Thanks!


    Are you asking from a religious point of view or a health point of view?

  4. Warning, may be TMI for some people!


    Well, I'm not sure if you want to hear this suggestion, but you can use cloth wipes (also known as family wipes). I actually switched to cloth wipes not too long ago, and they're a great improvement over TP. I only use them for #1, not #2, although you could use them for both. Even just using them for #1 cuts way back on the amount of TP you have to buy.


    I made them myself out of 4" squares of flannel and fleece sewn together. After using I just wash them with the other laundry in hot water with detergent and Oxy-Clean, and an extra rinse with vinegar. It doesn't really create any extra loads since I just throw them in with my other clothes.


    Cloth wipes are much softer than TP and also you can get them wet with a little water first if you like, and they don't disintegrate like TP does.


    I've been using cloth pads for years for my periods, and love them - also I figure people use cloth diapers for babies, so why not cloth wipes for the bathroom?


    You can google more info - do a search for "family wipes" if you want to find out more.

  5. Excellent thread!


    I am jealous of other people's large houses. I'm also jealous of people who can afford extras for their kids, like camp and dance lessons. However, I know that our financial situation is due to a lot of stupid decisions on my part in the past, so I don't have any reason to complain or look for pity.


    I'm jealous of people who still have living parents and grandparents. I'm jealous of families whose in-laws actually enjoy spending time with their grandchildren and doing things with them.


    I'm a little jealous of moms who have jobs. I loved having my part-time job, but it interfered with our lives too much, so dh made me give it up.


    What I'm grateful for: My dh's job. He has an excellent, secure job with a good salary and very good benefits, and I'm beyond thankful for it. Of course, I'm grateful for dh, too, and the fact that even though I weigh as much as a moose, he's still attracted to me.


    My faith and my awesome little church. I'm also grateful that my conversion to a different religion didn't cause problems between me and dh.


    My friends. I don't have a lot of friends but the ones I have are the best.


    My children. I have 4 terrific kids, all healthy, cute, and more or less intelligent :)


    My haves totally outweigh my have-nots, but it's great to see this all down in black and white, and see what other people wish for and are thankful for.

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