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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. My dh is leading a Lego project this year in 4-H. What he does for each meeting is have a theme, and have each member bring a Lego sculpture from home representing that theme. So far he has done Olympics, safety, and a scene from your favorite book. Each kid gets a chance to show off his stuff and talk about it. You could also have the kids break up into teams and have a "challenge" - like the tallest tower, or longest bridge. If I think of anything else I'll post more later.

  2. I like Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds also. Usually I do the 3-mile walk, and I also enjoy her Walk the Walk 1 & 2 mile walks. Her videos are nice because they don't require a lot of fancy equipment, just some optional hand weights, they are low impact, and there is no complicated choreography. I have plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, and am a klutz, but I can do her videos and they don't aggravate my conditions.


    If you go to collagevideo.com they have lots of workout videos and most of them have preview clips so you can check them out before you buy/borrow.

  3. Clay Aiken was gay!!! I knew right from the start, but basically...who cares??!!

    FWIW he's on the cover of People magazine with his newborn son claiming he doesn't want to keep any secrets from him.

    I'm so sick and tired of all these celebrities "coming out", aren't you??



    Well, there have been rumors floating around for a long time...I guess he was not too discreet in some of his relationships. I agree, with the "who cares?" sentiment.


    And, Cadam, he fathered a child through artificial insemination with a friend of his, so she was a surrogate mother.

  4. Thanks for the recommendations, Patty (can I call you PJ for short ;)). I'm familiar with a couple of them, but I always love to check out new stuff. I'm slowly gathering books here and there, and I read the occasional blog. I really love Frederica's books.


    I realized after I posted to Michele that I should have qualified my statement about hanging out and asking questions - since this isn't really meant to be the forum for that. I was rushing out the door to a meeting and posted hastily. Anyway, Michele, you are free to PM me any time. I'm a newbie in Orthodoxy but I'm always willing to lend an ear and give moral support!


    Yvette Martha

  5. Hi Michele! Thanks for your reply. I am really wanting to get the OSB, maybe I'll get it for Christmas :)


    You are in very good company! I am formerly Catholic, just converted this last Easter to Orthodoxy, and my dh and kids are (still) Catholic. I kind of have one foot in each church. You are more than welcome to stick around and read/ask questions. How do you feel about EO? Are you interested or is it mainly your dh at this point? My dh is very willing to attend Divine Liturgy with me, but he enjoys Mass more - mainly because he likes to sing, and play piano and guitar :)


    I have to start preparing my oldest for Confirmation in the RCC and am not really looking forward to it. I guess I need to muster up some enthusiasm! More later...


    Yvette Martha

  6. Hi Orthodox gals!


    Have any of you used the Children's Bible Reader with your children? I was thinking about getting this for my dd. Anything you especially like or dislike about it?


    Also, if you have the new Orthodox Study Bible, how do you like it? Do you have the softcover, hardcover, or leather? And how is the type size? My eyes don't do well with really small type :P



    Yvette Martha

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