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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. We dropped our cable, so no TV at all here anymore. I'm canceling the newspaper and letting a couple of my magazine subscriptions lapse. DH gave up his cell phone for now.


    We don't eat as much meat and fish, maybe only 2 or 3 times a week. No eating out. Less snack foods. Going to get our garden started up again soon hopefully.


    Almost all our clothing is purchased from the thrift store and some of our Christmas gifts too.


    Trying to drive as little as possible, and combining trips whenever I go out.


    I rarely buy books anymore, I use the library.


    DH will most likely be taking a 5% pay cut starting in January, which stinks :thumbdown:

  2. Hi and welcome to our new members, Chika and Jennay! Nice to have you here.


    PJ, I'm not sure about your question. I know my priest sends his children to an Orthodox camp (I think at a monastery) each summer. I would love for my kids to go to something like that but since they are not Orthodox, it's probably not going to happen. They go to a Catholic VBS every year, which they enjoy. I wish there were more Orthodox homeschooling and catechetical (sp?) materials available, but since I have to teach the Catholic point of view, I'm not sure how much good it would do me :P I'd still love to get my hands on some stuff :)


    As far as TRISMS goes, I seriously considered using it next year, but decided against it. I just don't see my ds wanting to do that much research. He's not that self-motivated. It seems like the people who use it, like it. I think this particular curriculum would really depend on the child's personality, whether it would work or not.


    The Antiochian Village looks lovely; unfortunately too far for us. If anyone goes to the conference, I'd enjoy hearing about it.


    Jennay - I'd like to check out a western rite sometime. I love the Eastern rite myself. It just feels so traditional and reverential to me. DH is heavily involved at our Catholic parish, in fact he is employed as a musician, and is pretty happy there, so I don't foresee him converting anytime soon, but you never know. He does come to Divine Liturgy with me almost every Sunday, and that makes me happy :)


    Anybody have any tips or advice for fasting? I'm still new to it and it feels a bit overwhelming to me. Does your whole family fast? And does your priest normally give an exception for Thanksgiving? Just curious :)

  3. WinterPromise American Story 1 & 2 and Animal Worlds (tweaked)

    Voyages in English (old versions)

    Alpha Phonics

    Little Stories for Little Folks

    Explode the Code

    CLP Nature Readers

    R&S Patterns of Nature


    Happy Handwriting/Cheerful Cursive

    Practical Arithmetic

    Mastering Mathematics

    Sonlight readers

  4. This week I bought:


    2 packages of bean soup mix




    turkey polska kielbasa

    (this is all to make a big pot of soup)


    2 small packages bay shrimp

    romaine lettuce

    shredded parmesan

    (to make shrimp caesar salad - I will add croutons and dressing I already have)


    2 packages cheese tortellini

    1 package butternut squash ravioli

    1 container herb alfredo sauce

    1 container light pesto sauce

    (for pasta/sauce night)


    5 lb bag russet potatoes

    sour cream

    green onions

    shredded cheddar cheese

    (for baked potato night)


    2 packages of whole grain spaghetti

    1 can spaghetti sauce

    1 small package organic ground beef

    (for spaghetti night)


    I also bought several pounds of apples, some bananas, string cheese & some almonds for snacking.


    Also one package of frozen mixed veggies and some frozen breaded clams.


    This ran me $70.


    In addition, I bought yogurt, bread, milk, butter, bagels, cookies, popcorn, canned turkey chili, spaghettios, oatmeal, and some frozen dinners for my dh to take to work. Altogether I usually spend about $150 or so a week.

  5. I used to work for Target (a long, long time ago) as the Garden Center manager. There were definitely problems with the management end of things. They didn't pay enough, and they seem to have a hard time finding qualified workers. There was a lack of communication and coordination between the various store managers and the district managers. I think things have improved there though. I don't notice some of the problems that I used to see.


    Anyway, I shop there all the time. I enjoy it for the most part, since the store is generally clean, well-lit, and well-stocked, and I can usually find help if I need it. They're pretty good about opening up extra registers too, if the lines are long.


    I refuse to shop at Mall-Wart, and K-Mart has the world's worst customer service - I haven't been there in years. There's no way I'd give up Target! :D

  6. I used to be a paper carrier too. It's kind of surprising how few people actually tip. I really appreciated the ones who did. I had one lady who used to make me homemade cookies from time to time - I loved that! Otherwise cash gifts are the best. The Thanksgiving box is nice, but since you don't really know whether she might be celebrating away from home, it might not be that useful (I never fix Thanksgiving dinner at home - we always travel to a relative's, which is why I mention it). Anyway, it's sweet of you to want to give something to her and I'm sure she'll appreciate it.

  7. I was in The Price is Right audience a couple of years ago (back when it was still Bob Barker as the host). They told us to clap a lot and yell out price suggestions as loudly as possible. It was really really loud in there :D We had a lot of fun and I'd love to go again sometime. The studio is much smaller than it looks on TV - it only holds about 250 people max. And the props are pretty cheap looking when you see them up close. It was interesting to see things from the other side of the camera.

  8. I think it's fine. I'm sure plenty of teens are academically ready to begin college at 16; maturity-wise they may have problems. I took community college classes starting at 15, and enrolled in a 4-year university at 16. I do think I would have been better off at a community college for the first couple of years because I just didn't take college all that seriously and my grades suffered somewhat. For kids who are ready, and serious about study, I think it's great.

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