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Posts posted by Sparkle


    Dh loves my hair, hated to see me cut it, & couldn't stand to see it tossed, so he offered to take care of the details. I protested that it would just lay around, etc., & he assured me that I'd never know it was there.


    The seminary called this afternoon. Some apt worker *found* it. Apparently, it terrified the poor man to find over a foot of long, thick, blonde hair neatly tied up in a ponytail. Can't you just *imagine*???? Oh. my. goodness. (I'm so embarrassed, too.)






    Glad you're enjoying your new place!

  2. I'd ask them to consider going to two financial advisors of their own choosing and perhaps one that you got reccommendations for, then make their choice after they've had professional input.


    You can't really make them do anything....sigh!





    I'd see if they would listen to advice from a neutral party. If not, there's not much you can do :grouphug:

  3. I think it's a great idea. Community gardens here where I live are very popular, and usually have a waiting list for a plot.


    I would recommend getting the soil tested to make sure there's no contamination, heavy metals, etc. I don't know if there are zoning laws that might apply. And check into liability insurance.


    I googled "starting a community garden" and there are many good articles with helpful advice.


    Good luck! Gardens are very nourishing for the soul as well as the body, so I hope you can come up with workable plan!

  4. I am praying for everyone in this thread.


    We are feeling the pinch, too, but it isn't as bad as it could be. DH, as a state worker, was scheduled to be furloughed 2 days a month, equaling a 10% pay cut, but he just got a partial reprieve...now it looks like it will only be 1 day a month. I never thought I'd be rejoicing at a 5% pay cut, but considering the alternative :tongue_smilie:


    Amy, I feel for your situation. My dh is a part-time music minister as well, and, boy, is there a lot of politics and behind-the-scenes drama that goes on! It does take away from the joy of serving sometimes. I'll pray for you.

  5. We moved to Arizona from Oregon two years ago. It amazes me that is that here water is all over the roads and standing in yard but we didn't even get an inch of rain! The ground is just so hard I guess that the water has a hard time soaking in.


    Our wild flowers came up in December and have been blooming for several weeks now. Seems like the cactus won't bloom until March or so. It's so beautiful when they do.




    Beautiful picture, Christy.

  6. I would say pretty bad, although there are a few bright spots. Many people I know have had their work hours reduced or been laid off. All the state workers (of whom my dh is one) have been furloughed 2 days a month, equaling a 10% pay cut, for the next 18 months. Many stores have gone out of business. Grocery prices have gone up and gas prices are creeping up too.


    The couple of bright spots I see - there were several houses in our neighborhood for sale due to foreclosure, but they all seem to have sold recently. I'm happy about that.


    I do see some new construction in the area.


    I'm thinking things are going to get worse (maybe a lot worse) before they get better.

  7. Being able to sleep in. I am NOT a morning person. My dh says only half-jokingly that this is the #1 reason we homeschool :tongue_smilie:


    Being able to go on a field trip or visit a friend at the drop of a hat.


    4-H. We meet on a school day.


    Volunteer work. Again, we do this during the school week.


    My kids having time to play and just be kids.


    We would probably eat a lot more fast food if I were working.


    The ability to schedule doctor's appointments, hair appointments, etc. easily.


    My (relative) level of peacefulness. I hate dealing with bureaucracy, red tape, institutions, etc. and I stress very easily, so I can see how I would be completely off my rocker if I had to send my kids to school.

  8. I 'm trying to find a job. I have a B.S. double major in History and Business with lots of extra hrs in math and education. It looks like I could probably get a job as a Technical writer or Paralegal. Is anyone here in one of those professions or have been in one of those professions? What was it like. I need a full time job while dh goes to college and stays at home with the children.


    I don't know whether this would be in your line of interest, but this company hires people to do legal deposition summaries at home:



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