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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. My DD will be going to college in two years so I will keep IKEA products in mind for her dorm room.


    We were at IKEA today and my 12 year old ds mentioned that he couldn't wait to have his own place so he could furnish it with IKEA stuff :D


    The stores are a lot of fun to browse through. We have a few odds and ends from IKEA. You should go there sometime and check it out.

  2. Cheapskate here. I guess I am very cheap when it comes to a lot of stuff, but other stuff not. I tend to spend kind of a lot on groceries to get good quality, and I usually have to spend more than I would like to get clothes and shoes that fit me decently. I am definitely a bargain-hunter, price-comparer, discount-user though.

  3. ...loving, giving, courageous, smart, hard-working, kind, beautiful, strong, creative, funny, forgiving, patient, resourceful...


    At least that's how I find MomsintheGarden to be! I find the other posters here to be much the same! You gals are a real blessing to your DH and DC... and to those of us who read your posts!


    Here's to all the great Moms out there!! :thumbup:




  4. Recent reads bolded:


    1. Nine Days a Queen

    2. Mrs. Pollifax, Innocent Tourist

    3. Driving Over Lemons

    4. Father Arseny: A Cloud of Witnesses

    5. Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future

    6. Grandma's Wartime Kitchen: World War II and the way we cooked

    7. Vanity Fair

    8. Spiritual Counsels of Father John of Kronstadt

    9. Les Miserables

    10. Macy's, Gimbels and Me by Bernice Fitz-Gibbon

    11. The Middle Ages by Morris Bishop

    12. The Scarlet Letter

    13. Our Hearts' True Home, Virginia Nieuwsma, ed.

    14. Introducing the Orthodox Church by Anthony M. Coniaris

    15. Model Behavior by Jay McInerny

    16. Readings in Christianity, compiled by Robert E. Van Voorst

    17. Married to a Catholic Priest by Mary Vincent Dally

    18. Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive by Robert B. Cialdini

    19. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert

    20. Gold Rush: A Literary Exploration by various authors

    21. Navajo Silver: A Brief History of Navajo Silversmithing by Arthur Woodward

    22. Baghdad-by-the-Bay by Herb Caen

    23. Encore Provence by Peter Mayle

    24. Finding My Way by Borghild Dahl

    25. At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon

    26. The Suez Canal by Gail Stewart

    27. Unseen Warfare - classical spiritual work

    28. A Concise History of Bolivia by Herbert Klein (put this one on hold for the time being)

    29. In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms by Dr. Laura Schlessinger

    30. Ordeal by Innocence by Agatha Christie

    31. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

    32. New Mexico: A History of Four Centuries by Warren Beck

    33. Emma by Jane Austen

    34. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

    35. Mrs. Pollifax and the Golden Triangle by Dorothy Gilman

    36. Honeymoon with My Brother by Franz Wisner

    37. Homeschooler's College Admissions Handbook by Cafi Cohen

    38. Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart

    39. Airs Above the Ground by Mary Stewart

    40. The Stormy Petrel by Mary Stewart

    41. Chang and Eng by Darin Strauss

    42. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

    43. The Unexpected Guest by Agatha Christie

    44. Lost Horizon by James Hilton

    45. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

    46. Five Thousand Years of Glass, ed. Hugh Tait

    47. Poems of Home and Travel by Bayard Taylor

    48. Highway 99, A Literary Journey through California's Central Valley, various authors (still reading, this is turning out to be not as interesting as I thought it would be).

    49. Memoirs of a Midget by Walter de la Mare (this one is quite interesting, I'm really enjoying it so far)

    50. Inn of the Sixth Happiness by Alan Burgess (just started this one, liking it a lot)

  5. Non-spanker (I guess I should say reformed spanker) with 13, 12, 9, and 6 year olds.


    I did spank my two oldest when they were little, and I deeply regret that. I think it has affected my relationship with my oldest son detrimentally to this day, although I doubt if he remembers being spanked.


    Now I use other forms of discipline when necessary, and I very rarely have to punish. My kids are very well behaved and a pleasure to be around for the most part.


    It took me a while to get to this point. I had poor role models for parenting, and spanking probably was my first resort when I first had kids. I hated myself when I spanked though. Fortunately for me I made friends with some non-spanking moms and I also discovered the Gentle Christian Mothers board, and they helped me change, and I feel, become a much better parent.


    I do have to say, that if I chose to spank, I would absolutely use it with younger children, say 2-5 years, and not any older.

  6. My idea of a perfect or near-perfect lady: Ma Ingalls. She was extremely capable and active, but always in control of herself, gentle and sweet but firm, warm and caring, but not sentimental.


    As far as your relative, I can sympathize with her feelings a bit. It's hard to be around a big group of kids, even well-behaved ones, if you're not used to it. I have some nervous issues, possibly related to fibromyalgia, that make me super-sensitive to any loud or sudden noises or bumps. I have a very difficult time with this, but I do the best I can with it.


    Anyway, it takes all kinds to make a world. It sounds like your relative has a lot of good points, she just has a different upbringing/lifestyle/nervous system. :grouphug:

  7. I haven't posted in about 5 weeks :svengo: Shame on me. Here's my list, most recent reads bolded:



    1. Nine Days a Queen

    2. Mrs. Pollifax, Innocent Tourist

    3. Driving Over Lemons

    4. Father Arseny: A Cloud of Witnesses

    5. Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future

    6. Grandma's Wartime Kitchen: World War II and the way we cooked

    7. Vanity Fair

    8. Spiritual Counsels of Father John of Kronstadt

    9. Les Miserables

    10. Macy's, Gimbels and Me by Bernice Fitz-Gibbon

    11. The Middle Ages by Morris Bishop

    12. The Scarlet Letter

    13. Our Hearts' True Home, Virginia Nieuwsma, ed.

    14. Introducing the Orthodox Church by Anthony M. Coniaris

    15. Model Behavior by Jay McInerny

    16. Readings in Christianity, compiled by Robert E. Van Voorst

    17. Married to a Catholic Priest by Mary Vincent Dally

    18. Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive by Robert B. Cialdini

    19. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert

    20. Gold Rush: A Literary Exploration by various authors

    21. Navajo Silver: A Brief History of Navajo Silversmithing by Arthur Woodward

    22. Baghdad-by-the-Bay by Herb Caen

    23. Encore Provence by Peter Mayle

    24. Finding My Way by Borghild Dahl

    25. At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon

    26. The Suez Canal by Gail Stewart

    27. Unseen Warfare - classical spiritual work

    28. A Concise History of Bolivia by Herbert Klein (put this one on hold for the time being)

    29. In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms by Dr. Laura Schlessinger

    30. Ordeal by Innocence by Agatha Christie

    31. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

    32. New Mexico: A History of Four Centuries by Warren Beck

    33. Emma by Jane Austen

    34. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

    35. Mrs. Pollifax and the Golden Triangle by Dorothy Gilman

    36. Honeymoon with My Brother by Franz Wisner

    37. Homeschooler's College Admissions Handbook by Cafi Cohen

    38. Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart

    39. Airs Above the Ground by Mary Stewart

    40. The Stormy Petrel by Mary Stewart

    41. Chang and Eng by Darin Strauss

    42. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

    43. The Unexpected Guest by Agatha Christie

    44. Lost Horizon by James Hilton

    45. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

    46. Five Thousand Years of Glass, ed. Hugh Tait

    47. Poems of Home and Travel by Bayard Taylor

    48. Highway 99, A Literary Journey through California's Central Valley, various authors

  8. What - nobody's mentioned Circa yet? :D


    Hmmm...I am so 19th century when it comes to techie stuff. Maybe some day I will catch up. I do have a personal copier which is very nice. I like my bread cutting board with the crumb tray - very handy. And my Panasonic toaster oven gets a lot of use. Our water cooler w/the refillable water jugs is good - the kids drink a lot of water that way and it's always nice and cold.

  9. I feel like an idjit so help me out please. DH and I were friends with another couple for a long time - we lived near each other, went to the same church, our kids were similar ages, etc. etc. I always had an uneasy friendship with the woman because she was so competitive - not overtly, but just one of those people whose life is so perfect & whose kids are so brilliant and have no failings whatsoever. Anyway, they moved away about 9 years ago and we have mainly just been Christmas-card-keep-in-touch-type-friends since then, which was fine with me.


    Now they are coming into town next week for a mutual friend's wedding and we are having dinner with them. I'm already feeling so tense just thinking about it. I know it's my own insecurity, but she seriously makes me want to start being all snooty and obnoxious. Ugh. I need to be nice. Tell me it will be OK.

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